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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Power will be scarce tomorrow all over Ukraine, between 08:00 and 24:00.
Original and machine translation by google.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Very strong and undiplomatic words, also directed against the organiser of the conference, Switzerland.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Oh my God, they actually did it. They shouted the fascist slogan of Ukrainian Nazis, 'Slava Ukrainy, Geroyam Slava", from the top of a Swiss mountain!
From RIA Novosti:
«Some heads of delegations at the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland, following the Canadian Prime Minister, shouted Bandera slogans while taking photographs together.

In January 2024, the Russian Ministry of Justice added the Bandera slogan, which politicians shout in the video, to the list of Nazi slogans.»

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From Telegram:
How to recruit 92 countries for the summit? Invite Europe and small countries on the islands.

List of countries for the "peace summit":

🔵 - high level of delegation.
🟣 - representative represented by the minister.
🟡 - formal representative, messenger.
🔴 - there will be no delegation.

#UAPeaceSummit #Bürgenstock


The President spoke at the Foreign Ministry collegium. What, in my opinion, should be paid special attention to, taking into account what the head of state said or what he carefully hinted at in his speech:

First. Russia has repeatedly offered Washington, Europe and NATO to resolve the Ukrainian crisis in its infancy, avoiding a large-scale tragedy. The answer was only cynical manipulation and outright deception. The first time on this topic happened in 2014. It was then that the promise to stop the atrocities and provocations of neo-Nazi forces in Kiev, which the US President personally made, ended in a coup d’état. The result was a referendum on the return of Crimea to Russia.
Full text:

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The #IDF is testing new equipment to be used against #Hezbollah on the border with #lebanon

newsofehrmedia geopolitics 🇬🇧 dan repost
🗺 Map of approximate routes of air targets during the first attack today by cruise missiles and shahid according to Ukrainian sources.

‼️🏴‍☠️🇷🇺One of the most massive enemy attacks was repelled by the Russian army: 70 drones hit the Rostov region at once
Air defense forces intercepted and destroyed
➖6 UAVs over Voronezhskaya,
➖6 UAVs over Kursk,
➖2 UAVs over Volgogradskaya,
➖2 UAVs over Belgorodskaya,
➖70 UAVs over the Rostov region (In the Morozovsky region there are problems with electricity after the attack, the governor reported),
➖one UAV over Crimea.


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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
It was only a question of time, wasn't it and the next logical step.
Ukrainians are increasingly using their own FPV drones as interceptors for Russian reconnaissance drones flying into the depths of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ defenses. This is a "ZALA 421-16E" drone that was shot down in the Ochakov district of the Nikolaev region.

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From Ukrainian Telegram:
Last night, the occupiers launched a missile-air strike against Ukraine, using air and ground-based missiles, as well as attack UAVs.

A total of 30 means of air attack:
- 4 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles from Tu-95 MS strategic aircraft (launch area - Saratov Region - Russian Federation);
- 1 "Iskander-M" ballistic missile (from the territory of Crimea);
- 1 Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" aeroballistic missile (from the airspace of the Tambov Region - Russian Federation);
- 24 attack UAVs of the "Shahed-131/136" type (launch area - Yeisk, Primorsko-Akhtarsk - Russian Federation).

As a result of anti-aircraft combat, 29 air targets were shot down:
- 1 Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" aeroballistic missile;
- 4 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles;
- 24 attack UAVs of the "Shahed-131/136" type.

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The number of countries that confirmed their participation in the peace summit in #Switzerland fell from 93 to 78. This was reported to RFE/RL by several EU diplomats on condition of anonymity.
President Zelenskyy had announced the participation of 106 countries today.

💬She is likely referring to Bryansk, where Russia lost 4 planes in one event. That would just confirms that NATO weapons were used before to hit targets in Russia - basically by German soldiers having Ukrainians pushing the buttons for legal reasons.
Russians claimed with this event too, it was friendly fire. As to the A-50: One was lost over Russia Krasnodar territory, the other over the Sea of Azov.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Ukrainian Tg-Channel "In Factum":
«Sometimes, without extra cameras, various thematic forums are held elsewhere, not for the general public, where representatives of the military sphere (both government and army structures) gather and simply discuss various topical issues, where Ukraine is often mentioned.

And it is at such meetings that you can often hear various delicate details that no one has written about before. Neither the press nor official sources.

One of these was the Fires Symposium (, which was held in the USA last month. At it, among other things, they discussed the Patriot batteries transferred to Ukraine and provided several interesting details.

💬 In January 2023, we received the task of providing air defense capabilities for Ukrainians. The training took place at Fort Sill, and in April we conducted a verification exercise in Poland. At the end of April, the PATRIOT was deployed to defend Kyiv, and at 02:30 am [04 May] it was first engaged, - Assistant Chief of Staff, US 10th Army, Colonel Rosanna Clemente (her quotes also follow)

💬 Some of the Patriots are used to protect stationary objects... others move around and do really historic things... One of them is the SAMbush [ed. I don't know what it means, but it's probably a narrow-profile Americanism in a military communique]... Stretched to the very edge, the Patriot shot down the A-50 system for the first time in January

☝️ By the way, this is the first official confirmation. The Russians then said that it was friendly fire

💬 In order for the PATRIOT to be able to hit ballistic missiles, there must be other systems around it to hit other targets - for example, the Norwegian NASAMS. NASAMS is like a knight protecting his king PATRIOT

💬 German instructors woke up the Ukrainian operators of one of the Patriot batteries in the middle of the night and forced them to line up in formation and then conduct a dogfight. A month later, the Ukrainians conducted their first SAMBUSH, shooting down several SU-27s along their border

💬 The tactical control officer who shot down the first Russian "Dagger" was 23 years old at the time»

🇪🇬🇮🇱Egypt is upset

In recent weeks we have noticed a surge in Ukrainian strikes in the north Caucasus region, with strikes on objects that are not directly or even not at all relevant to the situation on the Ukrainian front and don't improve the situation of the Ukrainian military.
They'd make sense, however, if something was to happen in the south Caucasus and you wanted to weaken Russia beforehand.

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Sergei Menyailo, Head of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania:
In Mozdok, air defense forces shot down three unmanned aerial vehicles

According to preliminary information, the UAVs arrived from the Ukrainian side. Their goal was a military airfield.

There are no casualties or destruction.

I'll tell you the details later.

It may not even be too difficult technically to restore the dam once the security situation is resolved, as by all appearances the base of the dam is probably intact.
The attached Sentinel images (Sentinel-2 L2A dataset) show the situation on June 4, 2024.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Russia is intending to repair the damn at Khakovka, but it will take at least two years for the reservoir to fill again. The dam is an economic necessity for the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo told RIA Novosti at the SPIEF.

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Maria Zakharova:
The French Foreign Ministry began to threaten Russian diplomats in Paris with “sanctions” because the press secretary of our embassy, ​​on the air of the French television channel BFM TV, responded to a request of a French journalist to comment on the situation with the sending of French military specialists to Ukraine as part of Sergei Lavrov's comment on this subject during yesterday's press conference following the negotiations in the Republic of Congo.

The TV channel quoted the minister as saying: “As for the issue of French instructors, I have reason to believe (there are many concrete facts on this subject) that they are already working in Ukraine. Whether they are members of the French Armed Forces or simple mercenaries, they represent a completely legitimate target for the Russian armed forces.”

❓ Then came the question from the French journalist: “They represent a completely legitimate target. » How to interpret these words? Is this a new provocation?

👉 Response from the embassy representative: “If you send your soldiers, your specialists, your instructors to Ukrainian soil so that they can train Ukrainian fighters to better target the Russians and kill them, they naturally become a legitimate target - war as in war."

What didn't please official Paris?

Let's try to guess:

A. There is still a tradition of asking questions.
B. There is still a tradition of giving answers to questions.
C. The possible death of the French in Ukraine, which the French authorities had previously vigorously denied.

It seems to me that the Elysée and the Quai d'Orsay did not appreciate the three options. After all, freedom of speech is only protected by the West when it is necessary to criticize “undesirable regimes” and, despite the facts, they refuse to admit their losses in Ukraine.

Then I will also add option D: if our diplomats are affected, they will receive retaliatory measures.

I have published the text of Biden's 'A Proclamation on Securing the Border' of June 4, 2024 on my website, in case you want to read what legal part actually says.
I am testing a new format for these kinds of documents and their translation, instead of blog, it is a wiki format.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.