Civic nationalism is, unintentionally and ironically, MORE discriminatory and genuinely unfair than any racial nationalism. Why? Because its definitions of belonging to a group are totally abstract, impossible to quantify and solely based on the random opinions of a random person.
'You belong as long as you adhere to British values.'
How on Earth can anyone be honestly expected to conform to a standard that nobody can accurately define, and which changes depending on who you ask, and is entirely based on opinions rather than hard evidence? Obviously, they can't.
In a society in which belonging was defined by 'values', you would see people spend their entire lives being told that they belonged, only to be told randomly one day that they didn't, because they went against 'values' that nobody can actually specify.
'You don't belong anymore because someone randomly decided that they didn't like something that you did'
At least with a racial definition, EVERYONE knows exactly where they stand to begin with, can plan their lives accordingly, and isn't living in constant fear that their situation might arbitrarily change at a moments notice based on something random that they did.
'You belong as long as you adhere to British values.'
How on Earth can anyone be honestly expected to conform to a standard that nobody can accurately define, and which changes depending on who you ask, and is entirely based on opinions rather than hard evidence? Obviously, they can't.
In a society in which belonging was defined by 'values', you would see people spend their entire lives being told that they belonged, only to be told randomly one day that they didn't, because they went against 'values' that nobody can actually specify.
'You don't belong anymore because someone randomly decided that they didn't like something that you did'
At least with a racial definition, EVERYONE knows exactly where they stand to begin with, can plan their lives accordingly, and isn't living in constant fear that their situation might arbitrarily change at a moments notice based on something random that they did.