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The Northern Empire dan repost
This whole “American isolationism” trend blowing up by so called “American patriots”.

Nothing is more anti American than just sitting on your front porch and doing nothing while politically being an isolationist. America was founded and created through manifest destiny, exploring , adventuring, civilizing the savage and taming the untouched lands on horseback, winning world wars, bringing order, innovation, and peace to the world then going to the moon to look down at our global empire.

None of this would have happened if the founders and settlers just sat on their front porch in the middle of the woods and did nothing but cook steak and drink beer on their 1 acre plot of land.

But these are the people to claim “America first” and they are some how to ones that want to converse American values, by reducing American power and influence in the world. No other country in the world is so delusional that they see patriotism in reducing their nations power.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Path of Totality dan repost
Great quality!
The inaugural edition of the NSCC magazine was an utmost, and complete success!

Pacific Northwest Imperative dan repost
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MEDIA2RISE dan repost
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Warren Balogh NJP on the Media2Rise Documentary

Activism, Athletics, Identity dan repost
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take Active pill be what they fear

NSCC Magazine dan repost

To all National Socialists!

We are beyond excited to announce that the first edition of our National Socialist magazine is now available in print! Currently now available in big stores but will very soon be available at Dissident Minds Books, which is the best way to support the work we do and to support our activists.

An order with Dissident Minds is an order with National Socialism!

Every order made is an order for Thomas Sewell's Freedom. All proceeds are to be donated to Thomas Sewell legal funds and to help expand the National Socialist Network (NSN).

Stay tuned for more NSCC Magazine announcements to come!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
It ain't pretty...

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HAMMERTUBE dan repost
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THE OLD WAYS dan repost
Atlantis was founded by a god Poseidon who married a mortal woman Clieto, and had children with her. Is it possible that Poseidon, the king of Atlantis was one of the fallen angels who Enoch spoke of? I believe it could be the case. If so, this means Atlantis was just one such kingdom, and there were many others like it founded by other gods/fallen angels who mixed with the daughters of men. After the first generation of god kings passed, the kingdoms were ruled by their sons the demigods who were a result of a union between the father gods/fallen angels, and mortal human women. So does it mean then that with a passage of generations, the less of divine blood remained in the ruling dynasties’s bloodlines, and more and more these ruling dynasties were diluted with human blood? I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, but I’m dying to know the truth about the ancient past, and the origins of things

White Roots dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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White Roots dan repost
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Vault of Secrets - Unpopular History dan repost
Who could have Predicted it?

Interestingly, the long term outcome of the chaos was known less to the intelligent and more to the spiritual. Pravda author Sudakov mentions, "neither Hitler who invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 nor Stalin who ended it with the legendary toast knew about a prophecy made by blessed monk Aristocliy in Moscow in 1918":
“As time goes by, the Germans will invade Russia to save it. They will not stay here and get back home.
And when the invasion is over, Russia’s might will get even s
tronger,” the monk said.

Sudakov, D. (2006). Hitler’s invasion of USSR revived Russian Orthodox Church. [online] PravdaReport. Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2021].

The Theocrat dan repost

The Mannerbund dan repost
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"Dream of a Beautiful Future"
Credit: Hunter P. Johnson

HAMMER (banned) dan repost
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Fuck Pit Vipers.

Rep the set.

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