Novenary Terrene.

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[ONEIROMACY-COSMOS] Withdrawal thwack inevitably appetite-rhapsodize entiredusk; wraith endlessly alert. “We pledge wraith’s anguish dispersal by constellations notarize.”
Affiliated towards: @ZerroBaseOne, @Novenarry, @Terrrene, and @NoveterreBot

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Everything will be better if you sign up to be a Gumshoe Mate with us!

HolBase’s Gumshoe Mate. dan repost
『  ..🔍.. 』


We have packed the answer here, Snoopers. As we have enabled you to seek friends on Holmes Base’s daily routine, you can now also enhance the events held by your group through Gumshoe Mate! It is a new feature proudly presented by Holmes Base. Gumshoe Mate is the perfect affair for a community, dormitory, or even family assemblage to have an advantageous partnership with Holmes Base. Through this, the registered groups are allowed to promote events including open members, sharing twibbons, posters, and many more!


1. Make sure to have subscribed to both @HolmesBase and @GumshoeMate.
2. Und
erstand well the meaning of Gumshoe Mate itself.
3. Have read the requirements and benefits carefully without neglecting important points that have been settled.
2. Register your team by sending this format only to @HolBase; Greetings to Detectives, Viscount, Lady, and also Investigators. My team, ... [YOUR GROUP NAME], are interested in becoming part of Gumshoe Mate by Holmes Base. Therefore, as a representative, my presence here is to ask all of you for the application for me to fill out. I would be pleased if Holmes Base could accept this proposal. Thank you!

The usernames of my team that have subscribed to @HolmesBase and @GumshoeMate:
4. We will guide you to another step, such as filling out more formats, making the agreement between us, and... Voila! Congratulations, you will become our official partner, namely Gumshoe Mate, and earn the best outcome in the future.

👤 kalau aku udah kirim jawaban tapi belum dibalas itu udah dikeep kan yaa.. t_t

👤 zhanghao yang daftar udah berapa ya? takut insecure

👤 Slot ricky udah penuh lom?

kalau masih ada pertanyaan bisa ditanyakan ya

Yang tentunya bukan masalah pribadi ya.

kalo memang punya sesuatu yang harus di bicarakan boleh langsung chat bot kami atau akun official kami!

Please don’t spread slander that damages Novenary Terrene’s good name, ok? Apalagi caranya kayak begitu :]

Feel free to share this to your friends ya buat sender, since we—Noveterre, we don't recall doing anything wrong yang menyangkut paguy kami. Orang yang kamu maksud memang mungkin anak sini, cuman tolong jangan disangkut pautin sama Noveterre apalagi sampe isi board.

mmm.. also we never reveal our member yet, right? jatuhnya fitnah nder😢

Jangan bawa keributan kesini, kalo emang punya masalah sama satu orang then clear things off with them, not us.

Haduh, tolong ya. Nggak usah bawa-bawa masalah pribadi ke sini, us—Noveterre has nothing to do with things that are related to the member’s private lives. And we've mentioned that we only accept questions seputar open member dan Noveterre, bukan member-membernya. Tolong don’t be such a childish person and asks unnecessary questions. Thank you.

👤 Tujuannya gak ngebolehin orang double dorm apa?

👤 kalau join paguy nya paguy muse tertentu aja masih boleh gabung kan ya?

👤 kalau udah punya paguy boleh tetep daftar gak?

Ayo tanya-tanya lagi, guys

👤 Open hidmem nggak?

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