NS United

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The truth that's been hidden away from you your whole life may have always been in front of you. 7.7 Star IMDB Truth Documentaries here!

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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White Conservatives, until you understand that Jews and Israel are the Marxist cabal who is destroying your country, your culture and your race, you are an active participant (useful idiot) in supporting the Jewish Communist NWO.

“The thrown of God is incomplete until we destroy Amalek.” “We should eradicate them from the face of the earth.”

Amalek to Jews is Christianity, the White Race and Western Civilization.

It’s time to leave the matrix and know exactly who the fifth column is. Turn off the news and sit down to watch, Europa: The Last Battle.

@basedtruth is here to help you through the deprogramming process. Join us

If you still believe the lies about WW2, Hitler and The Holocaust, you are an active supporter of the Jewish Communist NWO.

There’s no excuses at this point. Wake up and realize you have been deceived.

“Europa: The Last Battle”, is an excellent starting point.

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