┃ 🎓🎓🎓
Lorkan Wizardry
School of Magic P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S
❝ Q U E R E N C I A ❞ A journey of life that change
our mind, heart, self,
and way of life.
Hello every student of Lorkan
Wizardry School of Magic!
Today is the last page of our
beautiful story at this school.
To celebrate Impetu I's
Graduation, Vicarium will
make a Graduation Event
for all student of Lorkan.
✿ Theme : Royal Palace
✿ Dresscode :
🤴= Black Formal Suit
👸= Gold or Silver Dress
✿ Date : May 30th, 2020
✿ Time : 14.00 — 16.00 WIB
✿ Place : Hall of Lorkan
Wizardy School
If you are having trouble with
the twibbon, go contact :
@vicariumteam_bot Your presence is
our pleasure✨