1. Ophthalmic findings in vitamin B12 decfiency are centrocecal scotoma. 2. LeG lateral gaze saccade is controlled by right frontal cortex.
3. Kappa angle is the angle between visual and pupillary axis at Nodal Pt. 4. Temporal lobe tumor causes superior temporal quadrantopia.
5. Facial nerve is involved in exposure keratitis (Bell’s Palsy).
6. Pin-cushion distrortion seen with the use of aphakic glasses is due to spherical aberration.
7. Convex lens used in indirect ophthalmoscopy.
8. According to WHO criteria, blindness is defined as visual acuity below 3/60.
9. According to NPCB criteria, blindness is defined as visual acuity below 6/60.
10. According to WHO criteria, low vision is defined as visual acuity below 6/18.
11. The major mechanism of aqueous humor formation is active secretion. 12. Van herrick’s method is estimation of anterior chamber depth.
13. Water drinking test is a provocative test for Primary open angle glaucoma.
14. In Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome there is progressive diffuse iris atrophy.
15. Intractable glaucoma characteristically occurs due diffuse iris melanoma.
16. Chloroma commonly presents as bilateral proptosis.
17. PHPV is associated with Patau syndrome.
18. Most common malignant cause of bilateral proptosis in children is acute Myeloid leukemia.
3. Kappa angle is the angle between visual and pupillary axis at Nodal Pt. 4. Temporal lobe tumor causes superior temporal quadrantopia.
5. Facial nerve is involved in exposure keratitis (Bell’s Palsy).
6. Pin-cushion distrortion seen with the use of aphakic glasses is due to spherical aberration.
7. Convex lens used in indirect ophthalmoscopy.
8. According to WHO criteria, blindness is defined as visual acuity below 3/60.
9. According to NPCB criteria, blindness is defined as visual acuity below 6/60.
10. According to WHO criteria, low vision is defined as visual acuity below 6/18.
11. The major mechanism of aqueous humor formation is active secretion. 12. Van herrick’s method is estimation of anterior chamber depth.
13. Water drinking test is a provocative test for Primary open angle glaucoma.
14. In Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome there is progressive diffuse iris atrophy.
15. Intractable glaucoma characteristically occurs due diffuse iris melanoma.
16. Chloroma commonly presents as bilateral proptosis.
17. PHPV is associated with Patau syndrome.
18. Most common malignant cause of bilateral proptosis in children is acute Myeloid leukemia.