
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

everyone feels the same thing even if it's not at same time Happiness,sadness,anger all feelings I hope our post relates to you ❤Make a wish

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Remember to pray for your partner before you sleep.

If you're single please pray For The country

Have a good night fam

For all the times you were ignored
For all the broken promises
For all the time you feel less of yourself
For all the time you feel something is wrong with your personality
For all the time you were taken for granted and played on
For all the time you feel empty
For all the time your chest feel so heavy and there is no one to turn to
For all the time your hard work sank into the water

I want to say you matter , you are loved your flaws are part of what makes you human and it doesn't define you
God created you in the best form,
for those that left your hand hanging in the air they are only making you stronger
This isn't the end
for you failure is the beginning of success maybe you just need one more trial to meet the target

And i want to say i love you and you are unique in your own form
.   ❤️🤗

May we never go back to the dark places we fought so hard to get out of. 🫶🏻
Have a good day

We all have a past. We all made choices that maybe weren’t the best ones. None of us are completely innocent, —but i want you to know that we all deserve to have a fresh start and be that better person than we were yesterday. 🦋✨

Usually, people who have the biggest hearts and purest intentions are the ones who experienced the worst treatment from others. —They know and understand the feeling of being rejected, betrayed, alone, left behind, all the painful treatment from other people. —Big hugs to you. 🫂🫶🏻✨

Tupac Once Said "Just Because U Lost Me As A Friend Doesn't Mean U Gained Me As An Enemy. I'm Bigger Than That, I Still Wanna See U Eat
Just Not At My Table"✨

Yes strong people need to be reminded they're loved.
The ones that laugh all the time can be the ones crying themselves to sleep.
The ones that always throw good comments to make people around them feel good, They sometimes need to hear them about themselves too.
The people who show up in the hardest moment's need to have people around them in those moment's too

You never know what a positive person may pass through to appear like that .
So be kind .😇🙏🌺

Listen to me: you do not always need to give it your 100%. You really do not. Because let's be honest, you're human and you're simply not always going to be able to. There are days when you can only give it your 80%. Or your 50%, or heck, even your 10%. And that is okay.

It’s okay to not be at your best everyday. Have a nice day my dears ❤

"You want to die ?
Then throw your self into the sea and  you will  see your self fighting to survive
U don't wanna kill your self.

..u wanna kill something inside you
" 🖤

The older I get, the more I understand how important and beautiful it is to be loved for being exactly who we are.

Many of us learned that love is conditional. If we're performing or people pleasing, then we will be loved more deeply and fiercely.

My hope for us all is that we experience authentic love for being who we are in the world

Join our discussion group https://t.me/mixed1111 and don't forget to invite your friends and family to the chanell https://t.me/ourfeelingsthoughts thank you 😊

i hate when guy friends catch feelings outta nowhere, boy you is my sister 🫶👀

One deep talk and apology can fix a lot, but  all of us ain't mature enough for that.🍂


Spongebob:  What if I break your trust someday?

Patrick:  Trusting you is my decision, proving me wrong is your choice.

Favorite line

We are meant to love people and use things , but today

we use people and love things

it’s funny how the ones with less always have more
to offer.

Them : what do you do for a living?

Me: My best , I do my best.

I’ve always liked quiet people: You never know if they’re dancing in a daydream or if they’re carrying the weight of the world.🌺🌺

What comes easy won’t last long, and what lasts long won’t come easy🥀

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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