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Kanal geosi va tili: Indoneziya, Indonezcha

luahan hati manusia yang tersakiti gituw 🤣
since 5 sept 2020
anything pm @qtieepiee

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Kanal geosi va tili
Indoneziya, Indonezcha
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nak jawapan biologi yang mudah untuk ingat ? join la sini


innocent and nice people get hurt easily because they trust the wrong people . be careful of you company .


i am not upset that you lied to me . i am upset that from now on i can't believe you anymore .


well , they don't realise it takes effort and talent and all they do is talk shit about it .


i know you can heal you pain . just don't ever try to end your life . the pain remains . unless you try to heal it , instead of end it .


just put a smile and they'll think you're alright .


they're all just curious , but never care .


im tired of sitting here and waiting . people said just be patient but its always gonna stay the same .


im tired of looking at the mirror and not liking what i see .


im scared for loving too hard :)


you were sunset and i was a sunrise we were both chasing a different sky .


for those yang rasa penat sangat hidup , susah sangat nak survive dah , rasa macam diri ni beban keluarga listen here . sayang , semua orang pernah rasa benda tu . now it’s your turn . take a rest , rehat kejap . you were through too much . you kuat kan ?


no matter how much you've done they'll leave because they never wanted to stay .


it's painful when i realised i actually love him but i decided to end things because of my attitude that might hurt him in future .


naiklah tanpa menjatuhkan .


no more old me .


jangan kau kutuk perempuan sekarang selekeh time dekat sekolah . nanti lima or tujuh tahun lagi , bila dia dah pandai dress up , you'll never get her bruhh .


zaman sekarang up gambar pegang tangan cium peluk mahu tak sudah je and caption "hope till jannah" maaf ye , silap eja tu jahanam ke ?


jangan kata kawan kau tu bodoh sebab kawan bodoh tu la yang akan bersama kau and gembirakan kau .


pandang orang yang buat dosa macam dia ahli neraka , yang kau rasa diri kau sempurna tu confirm ahli syurga ?


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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