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re-quoting writings / poems /poetry.
sometimes im write my own writing.
and love doing some edit. :D

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you will always survive

Does anyone ever wanna just sit on the roof of your house with someone, watch the night sky, and talk about how crazy life is? @paradigms

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➡️ @promote_it 25-Jan-2018

She wants to wait but she’s running out of patience. She knows that waiting is sometimes a waste of a time. She knows that she could be waiting for something that might not even happen. She has learned that it’s better to walk away than wait. It’s better to let go than hold on to what ifs and maybes and almosts but she also knows that some people need more time because she also needs time. Too fast and things fall apart. Too slow and things just lose their spark. She still can’t find the balance.

She wants to be understanding but sometimes she doesn’t understand. Why people act so busy if they care. Why people who claim to like her never reach out. Why people don’t make an effort if they are interested. She doesn’t understand silence. She doesn’t understand why simple things are hard to do but she also wants to be compassionate. She doesn’t know what people are going through so she wants to be kind but she doesn’t want to be a fool.

She wants to be positive but she doesn’t know how not to take things personally. She’s not good at pretending. She doesn’t know how to act like she’s not bothered when she is. She can’t act like she’s not sensitive when every little thing gets to her. She doesn’t know how to get her hopes up high without thinking of the worst-case scenarios. She doesn’t know how to go with the flow because she overthinks everything.

She wants to stick around but she finds it easier to walk away. She finds it easier to be alone. She finds it easier to be selfishly guarded instead of getting hurt again. She doesn’t know how to be brave anymore.

Maybe she wants someone to teach her how or maybe she just wants to feel safe or maybe she just needs to mend all the broken pieces before she opens up to love again. But for now, she got used to running. She got used to leaving. She got used to loving from a distance and wondering if it will ever turn into anything real.

—Rania Naim


to anyone who has ever asked me or will ever ask me why i chose him:

i chose him because not because he’s muscular,
but because he’s strong, strong willed, strong at heart, strong in his effort and love for me.

i chose him because he makes me laugh,
even when I don’t think I can, even when I don’t want to, even when I feel like I don’t know how to, even when I have lost my motivation to.

I chose him because he always brings me back to Earth when I seem to have drifted elsewhere. I chose him because he is humble in his accomplishments.

I chose him because he loves to share his love for music, the cowboy way, animals, family, friends, and me. i chose him because he’s not at all what I dreamt of. he's so much more than that.

he's not perfect, none of us are,
but he’s perfect for me because he reminds me every day how much I mean to him, how beautiful he thinks I am, how much he loves me.

i chose him because we can be out true selves around each other and that is exactly who we love.
i chose him because most of the time we goofy with each other, life is entirely too short to be serious all the time, but we know when it’s time to be serious.

i love him because in his arms is where I find peace, because his smile is absolutely unforgettable, his laughter is most beautiful thing I’ve heard, his eyes are filled with the most genuine kindness, his kisses literally erase all my anxiety and worry.

i chose him because I wouldn’t want to experience life changing things without him or with anyone else.

I chose him, because, I did.”

— ✉️ aliciaachristina

well. these are just words.
have you ever looked at a geek and said 'ohh I'm gonna so fall in love with him' 😂😌 @paradigms

// When We Meet Again //

I imagine meeting you again in a different time, where the wounds are all healed and the scars are too. I imagine meeting you in the most unexpected of places, in the least expected time because that is how it must go.

I’ll be standing in front of you like I’m seeing you for the first time, and you’ll stare at me like a newly met stranger – no past, no present, both unknown to each other.

I’ll smile at you in recognition and you’ll give me a nod – an indication that somehow, you still remember the girl you used to hold in your arms.

Suddenly all the memories will seem to come back in blurred details. How I laughed while you danced silly in front of me. How you kissed my eyes and nose and lips and forehead and suddenly, all in the world wass better. How I came to your door that night and how I cried in your arms one last time.

// One last time //

Maybe God fated us to meet again, one last time. May it be for the closure that never was, or for a proper goodbye, but never for a second chance.

But still, I’ll thank God for bringing you right there and then.

I imagine keeping a comfortable distance in between us because anything going beyond the line will go past of what should be.

“Hey,” you will say to me. I will remember your voice – the one that sang me songs and lulled me to sleep every night. It was your very spell, your very charm, that once had me weak on my knees and sent butterflies in my stomach and stars dancing through my head.

“Nice to meet you,” I’ll say, wanting to whisper ‘again,’ and offering my hand to you. Not the best greeting I could offer after not hearing from each other for so long, but that will have to do.

Your hand will meet mine and you’ll give it a light squeeze and perhaps I will remember every detail of your hand, that hand I loved so much before. The hand that I once prayed to God to never leave mine – until it did.

Awkwardness is what my friends would call it if they saw us, but for us, it will be familiarity of something once shared. The feeling of finding something that used to be yours, forever belonging to one another.

Someday, somehow, it’s going to make sense why I will stand right there in front of you and not beside you. Why the ring on my left finger was given by someone else who is not you. Why there is only you and me, and no longer an us.

Someday, I imagine seeing you again, happy in another girl’s arms, while I run back to one who loves me the way you didn’t. And someday it’s going make sense. Someday we will both get the love we never had from each other, the love that we both deserve.
Someday, I’ll meet you again, in a different time when all is forgiven and forgotten. When the love lost is found again in someone else’s arms. Someday I’ll meet you in the most unexpected of places in the least expected time because that is how it must go.

And that will answer why we let each other go.


when I say I give up on you;

it means that I have been to a lot before I reach that point.
It means that I gave you countless chances and forgiveness, but still it was useless.

when I say I give up on you;
it means that I had numerous sleepless nights, thinking about my decision.
I had to recount on the memories…good or bad, happy or sad.
I don’t want to start all over again that is why I hold on for quite some time.

In silence, I’m hoping that you’ll change your ways. I’m swallowing my pride every time just to make the first move to get back to you…to reconcile and make amends.


but at the end of the day,
I just realised that the reason why it didn’t work it’s because I was the only one fighting for our relationship.
I was the only one who made efforts.
It will never be easy for sure starting from scratch, but I’ll be strong and I’ll be fine.

— written by admin

freaking true

To The Boy That Gave Me Everything;

you’re probably wondering why i wrote this to you, and honestly, a lot of people reading this are probably wondering the same.
i’ve been thinking a lot about you lately, and I didn’t realize how thankful I was for everything that you did for me until distance got in the way.
so, thank you for giving me everything.

thank you for introducing me to your friends;
i had gone most of high school walking past faces of people who I’d never thought I’d meet, but thanks to you, i’ve met people that have become some of my best friends.
thank you.

thank you for introducing me to your mother;
she really is quite an amazing woman, and I am so grateful that I had the privilege to meet her.
our late-night conversations around your dinner table are ones that I will hold close to my heart forever. I know you don’t find this funny, but I still laugh about the fact that she had to make us pasta that one time. she’s got an incredible soul, and I am so grateful that I got to know her.
thank you.

thank you for putting up with my mood changes;
whether they happened when we were watching a movie or when I was going through my daily routine, I was able to experience a thousand moods a day, or so it seemed.
at first, I bet you didn’t know what to do and you probably got a little freaked out when they occurred. But over time, you were so patient with me and you knew exactly how to calm me down. not many people have done that for me in the past.
thank you.

thank you for always making me laugh;
from the very beginning, you’ve always been incredibly good at making me laugh at things that I probably never would have laughed about before I met you.
do you remember how hard we laughed at sausages on our second day of knowing each other? I doubt I would have done that if I didn’t meet you. You helped me bring a new light in my life.

thank you for everything you did for me,
i’m extremely grateful for you and everything you brought into my life.

thank you love:)


she was a risk taker before you came into her life
she was a brave and intelligent woman
she was trained to be independent
she was used to being happy alone
she was contented with what she had

but then you came...

you taught her how to not take risk alone coz you said you’ll be there for her
you taught her how to be afraid when you’re not around
you taught her how to be dependent to you
you taught her how to be happy with you so she learned to be sad without you
you taught her how to be contented when she’s with you

but then you changed...

you were mad at her for being so vulnerable
you were mad at her because she was always afraid
you were mad at her because she was too dependent
you were mad at her because she was always sad when you’re not together
you were mad at her because she was not contented anymore without you


you made her feel that she’s too vulnerable and sensitive
you made her feel that she’s too needy to handle
you made her feel that you cannot be there for her always like before
you made her feel that she had to take her path alone

so she did...

she’s back with who she was before
she’s ready to take risk alone
she’s ready to face her fears alone
she’s ready to be independent again
she’s ready to be happy again alone

and now...

she’s being contented without you
she’s ready to give you up and let you go

“She remembered who she was and the game changed”


when a girl says she loves you more, she doesn't mean she loves you more than you love her.
it's deeper than that.
It's so much deeper than that.
There's more to it.

What she means is she loves you more than the bad days ahead of you both.
What she means is she loves you more than any fight you two will ever have.
What she means is she loves you more than the distance that separates you from her.
What she means is she loves you more than any mistake you'll ever make with her.
What she means is she loves you more than all of the challenges you two will face together.
What she means is she loves you more than the nights where she'll feel like giving up.
What she means is she loves you more than the times you'll end up hurting her.
What she means is she loves you more than the moments that'll show her just how incompatible you two can be.
What she means is she loves you more than she'll ever hate you.

So when a girl says "I love you more", there's just so much more behind that than you realize because what she means is above all and despite everything, she loves you the most.


rain of roses


to the one I'm currently dating,

I'm really hoping that you are the one meant for me. I'm really hoping that it will be me and you at the end of this journey. I'm more than blessed to have you in this lifetime. I don't know what I did to deserve you. You just came at the right timing. Everything just suddenly fall in its perfect places. You have seen my darkest and my worst and you still choose to stay.


Our relationship will never be perfect just like the rest. We had immature fights. We get disappointed with each other. We sometimes get tired. But we did not give up easily. We amend things because we know that we deeply love each other.


Thank you for painting amazing colors in my life. You take away my worries and insecurities. I feel secure when I'm with you. You just give me so much reasons to be happy. I'm just grateful with you.

thank you and I'll be here truly loving you.
I'll love you until we grow old together.

— truthslaps

How to make a man happy:

1. Making love to him (or he will look for him elsewhere)
2. Feeding him
3. Sleeping with him
4. Make it feel important
5. Leave Him in peace
6. Do not check his phone
7. Do not want to change it

What's so hard to do?

How to make a happy woman:

It's not too difficult, but... to make a woman happy, a man must just be:

1. A friend
2. A companion
3. A lover
4. A Father
5. A brother
6. A Master
7. A Chef
8. an electrician
9. a plumber
10. A mechanic
11. A masseur
12. A great photographer
13. A stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynecologist
16. A good psychologist
17. Pest Control
18. A doctor
19. Who can read the stars
20. A very good listener
21. An Organizer
22. A good father
23. Very clean, perfumed and ordered
24. Sympathetic
25. Athletic
26. Sensitive
28. Sincere
29. Intelligent
30. Funny
31. Creator
32. Generous
33. Fort
34. Understanding
35. Tolerance
36. Cautious
37. Ambitious
38. Passionate
39. Brave
40. Determined
41. Respectful
42. Reliable
43. Caring
44. Who surprises (love cards, travel, small gifts, medium and large)
45. Galant
46. Spontaneous
47. Cool
48. Who makes a lot of hugs and separated by sex
49. Listen to the woman with attention and without interrupting
50. Make them find and send messages of love
51. of course you make her laugh.

Not to mention:

52. Know how to manage mood swings and emotional tsunami: Pre-Post-post cycle
53. Be ready to eat with taste and with class everything the woman prepares, vantant the goodness of dishes (even if it is popcorn! )
54. Tell him bravo and smile regularly
55. Go shopping with her and pay!
56. Be pretty or very rich
57. Not to stress its defects
58. Not to watch other girls / women

And at the same time, it is also necessary:

59. Give hir a lot of attention
60. Give her a lot of time, especially time for herself
61. Give her a lot of space, never care where she goes and who she is.

But more than anything, it's very important:

62. Never forget:
* Birthdays
* His holiday
* Valentine's day
* specialized medical visits
* little attention every day
* provisions given by it.


~ a girl behind this channel

[ why you should let him go ]

”that person is not the one for you.
he stayed for a reason but left with a purpose.
that person is not for you.
that’s what you need to tell yourself.
but you have to accept it and move forward because there’s a right man for you and it’s not him, who broke your heart.
don’t let him ruin your belief in love. the right time will come that you will realize that he’s not just the one for you.

he’s happy now, without you. probably you never cross his mind. and it’s time for you to be happy too. Do not be unfair on yourself, do not let him take away your happiness. he’s doing just fine now and you should too. you don’t need him. you can breathe and live without him. It’s hard but you have to accept that he’s happier without you. If he can, then you can also do it. He’s not your world now and he’s now living his life with his own world with someone.

It’s time to finally close the chapter of the book of your story with him. Whatever happened between the two of you is just a part of the past. It will be forgotten and replace with new memories. It’s your time for yourself. Stop looking for love from someone else, fall in love with yourself instead. Never forget yourself this time. You’ve give all your love for someone and you forgot your own self. It’s time for you to take care of yourself before anyone else. You need time to heal your heart and your soul. It’s about time to go deep and learn to give the kind of love that you yearn for from others to yourself. You should stop holding on and start loving and taking care of yourself this time.

~written by girlbehindthischannel @paradigms

to the girl who can't move on,

no more late night text? no more I love you's and I miss you's? no more holding hands in the street? No more weekend dates?

I know you're gonna miss all of that because you've lost you're best bud, partner in crime and a friend. someone who was willing to spend the rest of his life with you.

what happened? did he get tired of you? or is it simply because he doesn't love you anymore? nothing can break a relationship other than the fact that he doesn't love you anymore.

do you think he left you just because he's tired?
do you think he left you just because he doesn't trust you anymore? no.

he will not because if he truly loves you he will just regenerize when he's tired, he will just trust you more when the trust is gone and when he doesn't love you anymore he will not try to make it work. He broke up with you because he doesn't love you anymore, no more bullshits. It is simply because he doesn't love you anymore.

does it still hurt?
I know it is but I also know that you're strong. It is okay to get hurt but it is not okay not to wake up. Wake up from your dream, he will not come back anymore. Don't lose your worth, your mom didn't carry you on her womb just so someone could hurt you. You matter. You're not just some worthless little girl lost in the streets. You are that girl who deserves a red carpet because you're not just somebody. You are your father's princess and your mother's life. Your life was beautiful before he came and you can make it more beautiful after he left. It is on you. Waiting will be the most dull part of your life. Do you want it to be more dull? Or you want it to be very anticipating? Yes you can wait but no you can't just wait and do nothing. Do something worth remembering so you can forget that you're waiting. I'm not saying that you should still wait for him to come back instead distract yourself so that you will not look dumb.

girl, there are so many things ahead of you.
the world doesn't revolve around him and he's not your world. He hurt you, so stop pretending that it is okay because it is obviously not. He left you but that doen't mean your life must stop because it is only the start of something that you would love to see. Life is beautiful so maybe this is your chance to enjoy life with yourself. Go on adventures. Get lost. In the end, find yourself, be happy and contented.


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