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Sexbrottslingen Ji Gustafsson, 33, vägrade behandling – och risken för återfall bedömdes som hög.

Ändå frigavs han villkorligt.

Nu sitter han inne igen, dömd för våldtäkter mot barn

Sex offender Ji Gustafsson, 33, refused treatment - and the risk of relapse was assessed as high.

Nevertheless, he was released on parole.

Now he is in prison again, convicted of rape against children.

Under denna tid har den numera 33-åriga mannen groomat flickor över hela Sverige.

2015 dömdes han till fem års fängelse för flera olika sexualbrott.

During this time, the now 33-year-old man has groomed girls all over Sweden.

In 2015, he was sentenced to five years in prison for several different sexual crimes.

Bland annat för barnpornografibrott och över hundra fall av utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering. Totalt utsattes 53 tjejer, enligt ”Kalla fakta”, som i två program har kartlagt Ji Gustafssons brott och anmälningar mot honom – och vilka konsekvenser de har fått.

Among other things, for child pornography offenses and over a hundred cases of exploitation of children for sexual posing. A total of 53 girls were victimized, according to "Cold facts", which in two programs have mapped Ji Gustafsson's crimes and reports against him - and what consequences they have had.



Recidivism is 20-60%

Who gives a shit to that!

Better killing criminal raper or killing a girl with direct homicide or indirect homicide = suicide??!

For sure death penalty IS LESS CRUEL THAN SUICIDE!

A life is a life!

The life of innocent IS MUCH MORE WORTH than the life of a serious criminal, without considering that such dudes can rape MUCH MORE CHILDREN / GIRLS / BOYS!

Well, Norway is already happy that Breivik made the error they wished ... means saying / doing something they wished to see or hear.

- greeting? ❌
- genocide message? ❌
- terrorism is necessary? ✅ (which is not synonym of being a terrorist ...), just think Palestine - Israel ... Without doing the attack on Nova, no one would talk about Palestine now ... So yes and no. Terrorism is still moving things, even if our governments don't want to see in that way, and this is a fact! NOVA changed things. Utøya changed things. 11 September changed things. Every big terror attack changed things in our lives. Researchers know that exactly and they confirm that. Politicians instead keep 🙈 closed. You can ignore that, but it's a fact! Even ignoring the positive points of the terror attack is a fact! because we prefer to focus more on the negative points, instead of really checking "where can we improve?"!

Like Germany learned anything from Breivik

even Norway learned anything from Dahmer

- Support for Russia? ✅ and they did that exactly, because he wrote that in the book
but this still doesn't mean nothing. Otherwise many 🇩🇪 could go in prison for supporting Putin ... and most people for supporting 🇵🇸 ...

- last crucial point? "Breivik agrees that he is dangerous, but he believes that he cannot do anything about it"
which probably now they have the jackpot for saying 🙅‍♂️ ...

Conclusion: we don't support Breivik for the massacre he did, but this example show that if Breivik would not be Breivik, without doing all such errors during the court, maybe such dude would really be free after few years, due to bad 🇳🇴 laws!

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DON'T FORGET - If you rape a girl or man (or multiple), you TRASHED ALL YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS!


It's time to start sentence rape properly

🙅‍♂️ @NoParoleRight for such criminals

Death sentence for serious crimes!

or life sentences if not available for serious crimes
or in case we cannot prove the crime with 100% security!

Without doing

Stop @HumanRightAbuse NOW!

A story that will NOT end here ...

Coming soon

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Father of victim attacks serial killer Michael Madison during sentencing

Remember, dudes that are enjoying and are proud of what they did cannot be saved anymore.

Yes, you can sentence them for few years by having tomatoes on the eyes and believing to what they say, means the reality. So you are really stupid, like many during the introduction interview, where a lot of people just talk shit to look better compared to what they really are. Remember that not just because someone says something you want to hear, it means they actually mean it! WAKE UP!

Like a dude with alcohol, smoke, drug, food problematic experience can get the old lifestyle really fast, if specific trigger factors are released, the same happens with such people.

The difference is that if someone is drinking alcohol or eat food in batch / mass, there is no consequences for other people! If a pedo restart to be a pedo, a killer to kill people, a cannibalist to eat people, a raper to rape girls etc. ....

The only solution is a lifetime sentence or a dead sentence. Punto e basta! Such people have simply any type of rights! It's time to stop this shitty "but prisoners have human rights too"

So again near the fact that a raper should get sentenced as indirect homicide due to the high prevalence of suicide of the victims, it's time that a proper lifetime or dead sentence is available in all our countries! especially for those prisoners with a dead mind ...

See more details in all previous posts.

Otherwise good luck to have a neighbour smiling when the dad attack him ...

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Anders Behring Breivik Utøya Massacre Death / Lifetime Sentence Facts

Don't forget what we wrote here

Related to the life sentence that IS NOT A LIFE SENTENCE in Switzerland ...

It's time for the implementation of real lifetime / death sentences worldwide, that get applied with brain

Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida ) dan repost
Anders Behring Breivik saksøker staten for brudd på menneskerettighetene fordi han mener forholdene i fengselet har blitt verre etter 11 år i isolasjon

Anders Behring Breivik is suing the state for violations of human rights because he believes conditions in the prison have worsened after 11 years in isolation.

Also in 2016, Breivik filed a civil lawsuit against the state for violations of human rights. He had then spent 4.5 years in solitary confinement. And the Oslo District Court partially agreed with the terrorist that the terms of his sentence represent a breach.

I åtte år sonet Breivik i Telemark fengsel i Skien

Breivik served eight years in Telemark prison in Skien.

Bak den disponerte han tre fengselsceller på rundt 10,5 kvadratmeter hver.

Behind it, he disposed of three prison cells of around 10.5 square meters each.

I fjor ble terroristen flyttet til Ringerike fengsel.

Last year, the terrorist was moved to Ringerike prison.

Breivik er fortsatt underlagt det strengeste regimet norske fengsler kan bruke. Det heter «særlig høy sikkerhet».

Breivik is still subject to the strictest regime Norwegian prisons can use. It is called "particularly high security".

Ifølge Storrvik går Breivik nå på antidepressive medikamenter for å komme seg gjennom isolasjonshverdagen.

According to Storrvik, Breivik is now taking anti-depressant drugs to get through everyday life in isolation.

Også i 2016 gikk Breivik til sivilt søksmål mot staten for brudd på menneskerettighetene. Da hadde han sittet 4,5 år i isolasjon. Og Oslo tingrett ga terroristen delvis medhold i at soningsforholdene hans representerer et brudd.

Meanwhile the fact of asking multiple times parole or similar things is just ridiculous, even if we need to consider the point of a prisoner too

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What a brainwash looks like: 😈

to request parole and appeal a rejection, to request a parole again ...

Etter at dommen falt tirsdag opplyser advokaten at han sammen med Breivik er i ferd med å forberede et nytt søksmål mot staten om soningsforholdene.

After the verdict was handed down on Tuesday, the lawyer states that he, together with Breivik, is in the process of preparing a new lawsuit against the state regarding the conditions of the sentence.

– Parallelt med ankesaken vil vi jobbe med et eget søksmål om soningsforholdene. Breivik soner i dag under veldig statiske forhold med isolasjonspreg, og derfor vil vi prøve dette spørsmålet for retten på nytt, sier Øystein Storrvik til NTB.

- In parallel with the appeal case, we will work on a separate lawsuit about the sentencing conditions. Breivik is currently serving time under very static conditions with a touch of isolation, and therefore we will try this question before the court again, says Øystein Storrvik to NTB.

Storrvik anførte i sin prosedyre at soningsforholdene gjør det vanskelig for retten å ta stilling til om Breivik har vist seg tilliten verdig til å få en prøveløslatelse. Han advarte mot at soningsforholdene vil kunne gjøre Breivik farligere på en måte som gjør at det aldri blir mulig å løslate ham.

Storrvik stated in his procedure that the conditions of the sentence make it difficult for the court to decide whether Breivik has proven worthy of the trust to be granted parole. He warned that the terms of his sentence could make Breivik more dangerous in a way that would make it never possible to release him.

In front of open cameras and with the press present, Breivik explained that he was not responsible for the terrorist attack, but that he was brainwashed, when the case was dealt with in court.

It's time to stop all such ridiculous laws available in various countries, where prisoners could get released in 2 seconds ...!

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🇩🇪 🥷 German terrorist ...

We need to destroy Arabia, Africa, America Latina ... and we need to destroy Israel 🇮🇱, but nothing has been written about Palestine 🇵🇸

Oh god ... 🤦‍♂️

We are all surveilled ... 🤦‍♂️

Well, even if this is bullshit at all ... Doesn't matter, everyone can be surveilled pretty easy ... now with all drones, super zoom cameras, hidden cameras, hacking accounts or smart devices ....

There are people working for the government able to read the thoughts .... 🤦‍♂️

Den 19 februari 2020 sköt den 43-årige Tobias Rathjen ihjäl nio personer på två vattenpipskaféer i Hanau, Tyskland. Efter dådet begav sig Rathjen till sin lägenhet där han och hans mor senare hittades döda. Rathjen efterlämnade ett 24 sidor långt tyskspråkigt manifest, vars syfte enligt honom själv är att varna tyska folket för en hemlig organisation som bland annat övervakar Rathjen. I manifestet beskrivs också behovet av att utplåna ett
antal ”destruktiva etniciteter”.

On February 19, 2020, 43-year-old Tobias Rathjen shot dead nine people at two hookah cafes in Hanau, Germany. After the crime, Rathjen went to his apartment where he and his mother were later found dead. Rathjen left behind a 24-page long German-language manifesto, the purpose of which, according to himself, is to warn the German people of a
secret organization that, among other things, monitors Rathjen. The manifesto also describes the need to wipe out one
number of "destructive ethnicities".

Now you understand why Breivik is different from other terrorists ... not only he is still alive, wrote much more, the mother was still alive, but he is not saying we need to destroy Muslims too (he has only something against Islam), etc.

Die Polizei nimmt den 75-Jährigen kurz danach in seinem Reihenhaus fest, in dem er noch heute wohnt. Allerdings finden die Ermittler nichts, was eine direkte Tatbeteiligung des Vaters belegt. Es wird aber deutlich, dass er ähnlichen Verschwörungstheorien und rechtsextremen Vorstellungen anhängt wie sein Sohn

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Lori Vallow Daybell, mom who killed her kids, handed 3 life sentences without possibility of parole

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Euthanasia Telegram : It's time that government stop to decide about our lives / children - Assisted suicide is a human right! dan repost
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Remember, there is an huge difference between assisted suicide and assisted suicide.

Assisted suicide for war crimes is not ok (in such case self made suicide ...), assisted suicide for serious diseases / problem yes.

Without now discussing the dead sentence for prisoners ... which is another type of "assisted forced suicide"

Some examples

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Behind the mind of a terrorist

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Sorry, i'm innocent

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Cannibalistic homicides were exceedingly rare, and often sex-related.

Would you keep alive a cannibalist, who first rapes a woman, then she gets killed to prepare a delicious lunch, maybe later he eats the vagina as snack?

Reason why the death sentence should come back and in case be inactive, but still ready to use it if needed, for similar cases, if people in europe don't agree with a sentence to death for some killers / rapers with serious proofs.

We know that here in Europe people are more against that, especially related to religious aspects and the fear to kill an innocent, mixed with the bullshit Amnesty is sharing.

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Infamous Japanese cannibal who raped, killed and ate a Dutch woman but was never jailed dies aged 73

Japanese Cannibal Who Got Away With Eating and Raping a Dutch Woman Is Dead
A Japanese cannibal who admitted to killing a woman in Paris and then defiling and eating her body, without ever serving a prison sentence for his crimes, has died, his brother confirmed on Thursday.

When he was arrested by French authorities, examining doctors declared him legally insane and unfit to stand trial, thereby leading authorities to deport him to Japan.

In Paris, he lured sex workers to his home almost every night but failed to kill anyone, until he met his Dutch classmate Renée Hartevelt.

‘Cannibalistic rapist’ who ate part of victim’s ear sentenced to 10-15 years

Kerala human sacrifice case: Cannibalism suspected, Police says accused Md Shafi is a sexual pervert who had raped a 75-year-old woman earlier

Kidnapped woman repeatedly raped and forced to cook & eat human flesh

'House of horrors' cannibal murderer who raped and dismembered 19 young women and children to be hanged in India

Cannibalism, gang rapes – the brutal toll of the South Sudan conflict

‘Cannibals’ may have eaten woman alive after raping her in front of her husband

La storia del cannibale Issei Sagawa

In memory to Utøya Massaker: Terrorangrep / Terrorattack i Norge / Terrori-isku Norjassa / Mass shooting on the island - 22.7.11 dan repost
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München 22 Juli, 5 years later

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