Mandates are not laws. Requirements are not laws. Executive orders are not laws. We have rights under OSHA, HIPAA, ADA, and first and most, The Constitution and Bill of Rights. Do not comply, make them fire you and sue.
Hold the line, or keep losing everything that you will never get back. Stand up and face Goliath and trust the Lord will back you, provide for you as you stand for Truth and Life, and let Him fight for/with you, FROM a place of VICTORY! You do NOT have to comply. Your body, your choice! Your faith! Amercia's laws that can NOT be abolished or legislated away, unless we refuse to STAND!
Pray, declare the Word, Praise and magnify the Lord, and make phone calls, send emails, and know confident Faith is right NOW!
"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." Eph 5:11
Hold the line, or keep losing everything that you will never get back. Stand up and face Goliath and trust the Lord will back you, provide for you as you stand for Truth and Life, and let Him fight for/with you, FROM a place of VICTORY! You do NOT have to comply. Your body, your choice! Your faith! Amercia's laws that can NOT be abolished or legislated away, unless we refuse to STAND!
Pray, declare the Word, Praise and magnify the Lord, and make phone calls, send emails, and know confident Faith is right NOW!
"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." Eph 5:11