Well Warriors of God, we managed to get over the hardest hurdle which was getting president Trump back in the office. We did good, but now is NOT the time to quit, back down, or lay down! I know many are battle fatigued and the warfare has been great. We have to get to January 20th which is the next hurdle in this battle. There are many Target focused prayer points we need to hit. We cannot lay down our weapons of warfare at this time and place in history, just because we crossed the first hurdle. The real danger is now beginning until we get to January 20th and President Trump is sworn in. Even after he has sworn in there will still be some dangers that lie ahead. Remember we are dealing with a wounded cornered animal (Deep State) that has nothing to lose at this point! I will release some Target focus prayer points in my next post. HOLD THE LINE THE ENEMY WILL TRY AND FLANK! .. -