Pax Aryana Ashram

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Channel dedicated to spirituality. Vedicism, Esoteric Hitlerism, Paganism.

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“To the men of the North these hebraic commandments were a slander, an unforgivable insult to their sacred blood.

So, there rose out of the burning indignation of the Nordic blood a Wittekind ¹
, who returned again and again to lead his people into battle against the doctrines from Sinai. For these teachings are a deadly poison to our blood. You ask—when will Wittekind return no more? Hearken: Wittekind will die only with the last Northman! So long as a single Aryan lives, Wittekind is alive and the world is not safe from him!”

- Heinrich Himmler
[ ¹ Wittekind was a Saxon Chief who lead resistance against Charlemagne, King of the Holy Roman Empire, who forced Christianity on the German people. Wittekind was symbolic of Northern Paganism and all out resistance against domination.]

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Solar Tradition is the preservation of Fire

The runes are very important magic symbols, but the code of their interpretation has been lost, and their power almost destroyed by the malicious vulgarization and popularization by the Jews. It is necessary to rescue them, as I did in my book Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar. We must use them in our mental combat. However, it is not prudent to talk very openly about all of this.
Miguel Serrano

The Strong, the scatterers of the foe,
Indra and Agni, we invoke;
May they be kind to one like me.
They slay our Ārya foes,
these Lords of heroes, slay our Dasyu foes,
And drive our enemies away.


Far from being a fringe secret society, the Thule Gesellschaft had members that reached into the German Aristocracy.
The innermost circle at any rate had vowed to fight World Judaism and Freemasonry and its lodges.

In the year 1919, the Thule Society launched the German Workers’ Party (DAP). That same year, an obscure Army corporal investigating nationalist groups attended a meeting
of the fledging political party. Adolf Hitler would eventually assume leadership and change the name of the party to the German National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).

In his early years in the party, Hitler came under the influence of the Thulist, Dietrich Eckart (1868-1923), who mentored him in politics, writing, and public speaking. Other Thulists, included Rudolf Hess, Hans Frank, and Alfred Rosenberg who would go on to play leading roles in the Third Reich. Nevertheless, Hitler moved to sever his party’s links to the Thule Society, which fell into dissolution by the mid- 1920s.

Revival of paganism in NS Germany

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Himmler set up a school of occultism in the Berlin Branch and many of the leading ranks of the Totenkopf SS, the Sicherheitsdienst and the Gestapo were ordered to attend courses in meditation, transcendentalism and magic. It was in this establishment that Himmler was persuaded to found the Ahnenerbe, the Nazi Occult Bureau. The Ahnenerbe incorporated the memberships of the Templar Order, the Vril, and the Thule Gesellschaft into the Black Order of the SS.

Pax Aryana dan repost
The Commandments were appropriate for that Hebraic bunch. Even the Egyptians had driven them out of their lands. Even as slaves the Hebrews were too wicked and infected Egyptian life. The Hebrews—the chosen people of god! It is ludicrous that anyone take it seriously. A commandment presupposes a transgression. One can recognize from the mere necessity for such commandments (which demand nothing more than the barest behavior required to claim the designation “human beings”) to what kind of creatures they had been given, creatures truly entitled to claim no more than a resemblance to human beings.

To the men of the North these commandments were a slander, an unforgivable insult to their sacred blood.


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This is the old wisdom of Nordic man

The Almighty has put the curtain in front of life after death. It is a secret to us. No person may presume to possess any privileged knowledge about life after death. And yet, our faith and our knowledge go beyond our earthly life.

We know that each of us is a link in an endless chain that stretches from the oldest ancestors to the most distant descendants, that our river of blood comes from distant times and flows across our earthly life into the distant future. And this knowledge broadens our view and leads it across hundreds of thousands of years. And this knowledge gives us the strength of millennia and lets us surmise eternity. It places us into the endless cycle of creation.

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Himmler understood the Natural Law of how to secure eternal life, which is to ensure that births outpace deaths while keeping the desired racial purity.

The tradition of keeping multiple wives is not new and was practiced by pre-abrahamic Europeans and Indo-Aryans alike. Having access to multiple wives was associated with status, wealth, and the ability to solidify ones legacy through the perpetuity of the living blood.

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Himmler on Christian marriage, 3rd May, 1943:

“Marriage as it is today is the evil work of the Catholic Church. Regarded dispassionately and without prejudice, our present marriage laws are absolutely immoral. The marriage laws of today, presumably designed to protect the family, in fact led to a decrease in the size of families. After the war…monogamy will cease to be enforced upon promiscuous mankind. The SS and the heroes of this war will have special privileges. They will immediately have the right to take a second wife, who shall be considered to be as legitimate as the first. The permission to have two wives will be a mark of distinction.”

Pax Aryana dan repost
Others, engaging in the yajña of cultivating knowledge, worship Me by many methods. Some see Me as undifferentiated oneness that is non-different from them, while others see Me as separate from them. Still others worship Me in the infinite manifestations of My cosmic form.

It is I who am the Vedic ritual, I am the sacrifice, and I am the oblation offered to the ancestors. I am the medicinal herb, and I am the Vedic mantra. I am the clarified butter, I am the fire and the act of offering. Of this universe, I am the Father; I am also the Mother, the Sustainer, and the Grandsire. I am the purifier, the goal of knowledge, the sacred syllable Om. I am the Ṛig Veda, Sāma Veda, and the Yajur Veda.

I am the Supreme Goal of all living beings, and I am also their Sustainer, Master, Witness, Abode, Shelter, and Friend. I am the Origin, End, and Resting Place of creation; I am the Storehouse and Eternal Seed.


Pax Aryana dan repost
We have been accused of being monists so i feel it is the time we address this.

We are panentheists. We believe in the supreme godhead, the universal spirit which is present everywhere but also at the same time is beyond all material forms. We also believe in gods, trinity (trimurti) and demigods. This is what sanatana dharma is. Eternal dharma.

"This entire cosmic manifestation is pervaded by Me in My unmanifest form. All living beings dwell in Me, but I do not dwell in them."

"One should know perfectly well about the Personality of Godhead and His transcendental Name, as well as the temporary material creation with its temporary demigods, men and animals. When one knows these, he surpasses death, and the ephemeral cosmic manifestation with it, and in the eternal Kingdom of God he enjoys his immortal bliss and knowledge"

The true devotee allows his worship to be consumed in the fires of the absolute, he offers his prayers both to those gods, demigods and patrons who represent the virtues of this material existence and the supreme personality of Godhead, unknowable and supreme. This isn't Catholicism 2.0. You ignorant fools. This is The Eternal Dharma.

Those who only worship and acknowledge those gods who are divine in nature yet less than infinite like Wotan, Zeus, Thor, Pan, Lucifer etc. are not able to achieve complete spiritual enlightenment. They offer prayers to something which itself is incomplete. Only when you have correct knowledge of material existence and correct knowledge on the creator you will break the chains of material existence.

16 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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