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The UN is straight out of the Marxist playbook. It is competing for the role of government against the legitimate governments of the world.

First, set up an organisation with no legal authority. Act as though it has quasi-authority, like an advisory role or a mediator role of some sort, and slowly increase its influence. Eventually people start to believe it has real authority because of its high profile.

In order to become an actual government entity, though, it needs to collect taxes and pass laws. This is why it is always trying to get countries to sign into all these various accords. It is a way of getting countries to give up a little bit of their sovereignty and become provinces of the world state. And the climate change agenda is 100% about introducing a mechanism to collect global taxes and pass global laws. Because "global problems need global solutions". Just wait until the alien invasion hoax comes along in the next 10-20 years. That will be the next thing they gaslight us with if climate change and pandemics don't work out in their favour.

I am always baffled by people who think a one world government would be in any way a good thing. Let's set aside the obvious fact that every government seems to always devolve into tyranny and corruption at some stage and assume that it is a peaceful government. Under such a system, there is no process for you to air your grievances and seek change. If you don't like who is in charge of the world, there is nowhere for you to escape to and no one who can effect real change.

For example, perhaps you are a person who doesn't like Trump. Aren't you glad that Trump isn't in charge of the whole world? Aren't you glad there are other countries that he has to get along with who provide pressure on him that checks his power?

It's amazing to me that the people who are the most likely to wax poetic about a one world government are the ones who are also most likely to have Trump Derangement Syndrome and yet haven't ever seem to have considered what would happen if they disliked whoever was the dictator of the world. And it would indeed be a dictatorship, much like the EU is towards its member states.

This is hardly surprising to see from the UN... (more to follow)

One of the reasons that motherhood is a heroic path for women (the Demeter archetype) is that it opens up the potential for the woman to experience the boundless love of the divine through the love they have for their children.

Not every woman achieves this just by virtue of reproducing, of course, but for women on a spiritual path who take motherhood seriously, it can be turned into something transcendent.

The soul-bond that a mother has with her child, having shared her breath and her heartbeat with her baby in the womb, is an experience that cannot be replicated in any way. As much as fathers also love their children, they cannot love them in the way that mothers do, as they do not have the same soul connection.

And like all heroic paths that lead one to become god-like, this too is a path of sacrifice, of having to let go of one's lower desires and ego, to become a better person, for the sake of her children.

The heroic paths of women often sound less exciting than the paths for men, as women's paths do not have the active quality that define the male paths. But they are no less difficult and no less rewarding.

The path of Demeter, of the mother, is perhaps seen as the least exciting. I think this is due in part to the fact that just anybody can have a kid and parenthood is often maligned and looked down upon.

We live in an age where we are in love with the products of our own minds and caring for children is seen as (and let's be honest, often actually is) tedious and lacking in mental stimulation. A waste of a woman's mind!

But actually, this is not true, despite the outward appearances. There is an immense amount of self-growth that can come from the care of children for the woman who can see the opportunity beyond the tiresome chores of child-rearing.

It is the opportunity to develop her capacity to love, first and foremost, as well as all the other virtues associated with a solar nature, such as patience, emotional and mental stability, discipline, etc.

At the end of the day, it is the mother's job to guide this new soul through life- a huge responsibility! We were all shaped by our mothers, for good or bad. A mother's success at her role is not only a spiritual victory for her, but also potentially for her children.

When a mother walks the path of a hero, she lays the groundwork for her children to be able to do the same. Heroic mothers raise heroic children- it is they who are the most critical for passing on the torch to the next generation. All the great ideas in the world mean nothing if there is no one to bear them forth into the future.

Episode 9 really brings the previous three episodes full circle, as we consider the question of death.

In Episode 6, we delved into the deep mystery of the rites. The rites are not only a means of communicating with the gods, but also help us to become god-like ourselves, by raising our own consciousness up to their level.

In episode 7, we looked at the spiritual bond we have with our ancestors and the duties that were owed to them through the performance of household rites.

In episode 8, we explored what it means to have spiritual virility- that particular strength, character, and solar nature required to perform such rites efficaciously.

And now, we look at the two paths in the afterlife: the path of the gods and the path of the ancestors. And all of these previous three topics will loop back together as we look at the Traditional answers to the question of what happens to us when we die.

Premiering today at 7pm EST (midnight UK)

Episode 9: "The Two Paths in the Afterlife" should be finished very soon. We were slowed down a bit due to needing to upgrade to Final Cut Pro mid-production and the learning curve with the new software added a good two weeks. However, major improvements in the quality of the video, so hopefully you will all find it to be worth the wait. And at about 43 minutes long, it clocks in as our longest episode yet!

Another interesting "mantra" to arise out of the manufactured BLM rallies is "no justice, no peace." Of course, they did not think this up organically, it was fed from the top down.

They *think* that what they are conveying with that phrase is, "If we don't get justice (i.e. our way), then we will not allow there to be peace in society."

In fact, most people who hear it will understand it to mean that. But as a mantra, it is the actual and exact words that matter.

Literally, "no justice, no peace." Actually manifesting a world in which there is neither justice nor peace.

And let us consider this in the context of the esoteric meanings of justice and peace (see my Revolt episode 4 on the Lord of Peace and Justice) and we can see what an inherently evil and anti-dharmic statement this

Just a reminder for anyone who needs to hear it...

Though I am sometimes frustrated by delays in getting Revolt episodes out, I am nonetheless struck by how apropos those delays often seem to be, forcing the release of each delayed episode to coincide with relevant current events.

The Two Paths in the Afterlife comes on the heels of a period in which the potential for death has been at the forefront of many people's minds and now, as I am working on the script for Episode 10- Life and Death of Civilisations, I cannot help but draw the parallel with events playing out in the US. It will not be news to any of my followers that the empire of the United States is crumbling. Are we perhaps seeing its end or will it draw strength from the current tensions and regroup, to survive a bit longer?

As part of my research, I am reading de Gobineau's "The Inequality of Human Races", which Evola refers to often in this particular chapter. Those who are watching the current happenings in America with interest may find it worthwhile to read this book.

This whole thing is a false song, played loudly to drown out the cries of the truly oppressed and victimised. The virtue signalling of whites is just as programmed and fake as the outrage of the blacks. It's all so contrived and melodramatic.

It really boggles my mind that most people don't find it at all suspicious or odd that every major city in the western world is suddenly staging massive Black Lives Matter protests, during a time when we are all supposed to be staying at home and anti-lockdown protestors have been often brutalised by police. Suddenly, every major city is ok with issuing permits for these large events and the police are being told not to arrest anyone. Do people not wonder who applied for all those permits and who has the contacts and resources to organise for all these simultaneously rallies. Do they not wonder how all of the protestors managed to get identical professionally made signs and t-shirts at a time when businesses are closed and shipping is slow? These are all such basic questions and people cannot bother to ask them because they are too swept up with a case of The Feels. But if one does ask them, I think it becomes pretty obvious that these are not organic protests (same with the climate change protests). And of course, every major corporation is jumping on board to support the BLM cause, just as they did for climate change and LGBT. Because, you know, oppressed people always have the backing of corporations and governments!

For those wondering, I am taking a break from Twitter at least until I get the rest of season 2 of Revolt finished. I will be mainly using Telegram instead for awhile because 1) I like that there is no character limit which is great for a person like me who is prone to long tweet threads and 2) I don't get sucked into time consuming interactions with people, which, while often enjoyable, have been distracting a little too much from my intellectual and spiritual pursuits. I feel that it is of utmost importance to strengthen ourselves for whatever is coming. Telegram seems like it might be a good way to strike a balance between competing interests.

So feel free to share this channel with people on Twitter, as I will not be popping back on there myself until it's time to announce Episode 9. Which I must apologise for the long delay with it, but it will be well worth it. It was not only an extremely research intensive episode, but we were also first delayed by waiting on a shipment of a new mic (which finally arrived but has greatly improved the sound quality of my narration) and then with George making a big software upgrade to Final Cut Pro, which has slowed him down a little bit as he adjusts to the new program. We hope you will find the finished episode worth the extra wait.

It is very interesting to me that, following right on the heels of a supposed pandemic of a respiratory disease, we now see people in masks on the streets shouting (though muffled/muzzled) over and over again, "I can't breathe!"

From a ritual magic perspective, this is quite the self-hex that people are putting on themselves. It is a principle of black magic that the magician generally requires, in some form or another, the "consent" of the victim. What a clever way to manipulate the masses into agreement with whatever the occult overlords have planned for us.

At the very least, the repeated chanting of this mantra/slogan is programming people's minds to become vulnerable to the "second wave" of Covid that we have been assured is coming (and is essential for that narrative to maintain credibility, whether the second wave occurs organically or is manufactured).

It is not only the chanting of "I can't breathe" that renders one psychologically vulnerable, but also seeing and hearing it everywhere. These things seep into our subconscious and affect us on levels that we are not even aware of.

This all seems interrelated to me. We shall see. On a sidenote, Mouthy Buddha's documentary on Pedogate is certainly interesting viewing. I like his original research and the fact that he is not presenting any conclusions or speculations, but merely showing easily verifiable facts.

You can spot these agents of evil quite easily these days. Just look for those who have changed their profile picture on social media to a black square. Perfectly emblematic of their universal vision of pure nothingness, emptiness, blackness, death, hopelessness, nihilism, and despair. They are the abyss. Could they be any more obvious?

Yes, of course, many of them believe they are doing it in solidarity with a "good" cause, but one really must wonder about the psychological state of a person who is attracted to the idea of visually representing themselves as pure darkness, devoid even of any semblance of individual personhood. Despite the lies they may tell themselves about their motivations for doing this, the symbol itself belies the truth.

Those who riot and engage in wanton destruction are nothing but a modern Gog and Magog, channeling chthonic, inferior, and subterranean forces. It is demonic, both in the naturalistic and moralistic sense of the word.

They are agents of chaos, seeking to further anti-dharmic agendas in the world, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Most are unwitting servants of evil, useful idiots and pawns. Such people are really barely more than animals, so out of touch with their own Being that they are easily swept up by whatever flavour of crowd delirium is being stirred up by the elites. They are easily swayed by their reactionary emotions, artificially created such as they are through propaganda, and over which they have no control whatsoever.

There are many who support the rioters due to a misplaced sense of sympathy or some other good-hearted intention, but these people are still useful idiots in the service of evil. It is a sad fact of life that most humans use their free will to choose to indulge their animalistic nature rather than their divine one. And thus we have a world in which chaos and corruption reign.

17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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