Every Day Poems

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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🖤 𝖕𝖔𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖊𝖘 🖤 dan repost
Staying positive doesn’t mean smiling all the time or forcing on a happy mask when it doesn’t fit.
It’s about holding on tight to sparks of excitement for tomorrow, even though they’re slipping
and on the verge of eluding your grasp,
And it is scary sometimes to hold on to those,
Especially when our hands, just like any other muscle have memory,
It remembers that today
slipped from our clasp.

Keeping Myself
I stand in the space between us,
holding onto the pieces of me
that existed long before you arrived.
I love deeply,
but I cannot surrender
the parts of myself
that are mine alone.

There’s a pull,
to merge, to blend,
to become more “us”
and less “me.”
But in that haze,
I feel the edges of who I am
start to soften,
and I fight
to keep them sharp.

I cannot lose myself
in your wants,
in your needs,
in the tides that carry us.
To love you is to stay whole,
not to disintegrate
into what we think
we should become.

So I hold myself to the ground,
firm of who I am,
because if I disappear
into the “we,”
what’s left to love
in the end?

Perspicacious Poetries. dan repost
And then come the days when the pain isn't raw and piercing, aching in every fiber of your being, but rather soft, like a ringtone that occasionally barges in and aches, marking that you are halfway through your healing.



Librettos of Lily dan repost
To be and not to be. How simple is it when you put it in words, but we are inconsistent every step of our journey. We do things we don't want and say things we don't mean. We blurr ourselves into dishonest beings by our own hands. It is self-destruction at it's finest.

“No future waits,” she murmurs to the stars,
As darkness wraps her in its velvet scars.
But still, a flicker stirs within her chest,
A whispered promise, “Maybe I’ll find rest.”

Stars ✨🌌 dan repost
What is happiness?

Happiness is waking up,
smiling like you kissed paradise
in the dream of the night.
It is loving the morning you've
always despised.

Happiness is the sudden
realization of the unconscious
smile that's smeared on your cheeks.
It is acting like a clown.

Happiness is dancing while
doing the chores.
It is being filled with tremendous
energy to want to set everything

Happiness is staring at
a blank page for days.
It is not knowing what to write
about because you're too

And this one is what I dread:
to trade the moon that has
embraced me,
to trade the nights where the
ceiling got tired of my stares,
to trade the dark that comforted me
for a little glimpse of light.

I do not know how to be happy
without feeling I've done a great
injustice to the universe.
I'm in constant penitence
for these empty pages.

I have survived the ocean;
I fear I cannot survive the shore.

~ Myra

toosolewrites✍️ dan repost
And the night arrives
In silence with
Moon white and starfire,
And by the night
And its beauty
The hills and villages
Are haunted.

#ts #ct #ntr

Lost in Love, Lost in Me

I am in love,
but sometimes I feel like a ghost,
drifting through the halls of my own mind,
searching for pieces of myself
that got lost in the shadows
when I wasn’t looking.

Your touch is real,
your voice grounds me,
yet I am a stranger
in my own skin,
a wanderer through thoughts
I can’t quite claim as mine.

I love you,
but I can’t always find myself—
caught in a maze of who I’ve been
and who I want to be.
I reach for you,
but my hands tremble,
uncertain if they’re enough
to hold on,
to pull myself back from the edges
where I sometimes fade.

You are my light,
but I walk in darkness,
lost in a version of me
that even I don’t recognize.

I love you,
but I’m still learning how
to love myself.

Librettos of Lily dan repost
I have ran barefoot for longer than the sun had existed or I had noticed she rips the light through my soul, makes a mirror out of all her attributes out of me. I didn't know what steady, slow and controlled was like until I understood maybe a home could be constant movements of my porcelain body, swaying, beating and splashing all the fire.

I have meant to never settle or sit down unless they are earth's rocks. I had wanted solace in between the sighs and grunts of the forest until it sang of it's secrets to me and introduced my shadows to me. I had wanted silence in the arms of the barks only for them to pull me out and make me speak of the history of a woman.


I stand on the edge of a feeling,
caught between here and somewhere else—
a place I can’t see,
but I know exists,
just beyond the reach of my hands.

Emotions swirl like leaves,
restless in the wind,
yet I stand still,
frozen in the weight
of indecision,
of fear,
of wanting to move
but afraid to fall.

The world spins around me,
but I can’t follow,
locked in the grip
of all the things unsaid,
the words that ache in my chest,
but never leave my lips.

Time moves,
and yet I don’t—
stuck in a loop
of feeling too much
and not enough
all at once.

I wait for a shift,
for something to break—
for the dam to burst,
for the flood to come,
to carry me anywhere
but here.

The Accidental Poet dan repost
Why should I tell you
my stories?
When you have never once
how my heart feels
when it shatters?

You talk about love
like it’s always delicate,
but my love
is covered in bruises
and scars that run deep.
And you—
you look at me
like I’m supposed to be whole,
like you only want
the pretty parts.

So no,
I won’t tell you
about the nights I cried
or the mornings I spent
rebuilding the pieces of
myself alone,
while you
never saw the cracks.

KosmicKritika dan repost
I couldn't compete
with the rim of wine glass
meeting your lips
offering you sweet morsels
of intoxication in every sip;
how it turns you more brave
and wild as stars reigning the night,
the way it makes you sway
oh darling! I look away and through
your naive flirtations
coming along your dainty smiles.

I couldn't compete the way
it turns you alive,
unafraid of walking on edges
and lustrous with love,
I could only make you mine.


Inner Persona dan repost
I can hear her soft pleas
ringing in my ears.
Her silent whispers
reverberates in my chest,
begging me
to stop unleashing
my demons on her.
The demons of my mind
are uncaged, unlike my heart.


The Accidental Poet dan repost
I wonder,
when will my mouth stop
giving away pieces of myself
just to keep someone else whole?
I’ve been taught to bend,
to make room for others,
even when my body aches
from holding so much weight
that isn’t mine.
No, I want to say,
but the word is stuck in my throat,
lodged between guilt
and the fear of what if they feel hurt.

One day, I’ll learn to say
and mean it.

Stars ✨🌌 dan repost
My heart was made of mirrors,
and you never loved your reflection.

~ Myra

Retrogade Dissociation dan repost
We set fireworks in twilight for the sparks to hit the earth with us apart.

My hands held on to yours for them to despise the feel of their own skin.

We strolled in the drizzle for me to abhor Spring's warmth and orange tint.

You kissed a life-to-be into my lips for me to hate everything that has been.

Librettos of Lily dan repost
Shielded like a child, protected for your innocence and essence, purified every other day. Dressed in pearly white silks, singing as angel's apprentice. And I can still feel the unholiness dancing in your bone,

Oozing the image of untouchable sparkle in your eyes, divine and devoted to your purpose, a saint walking among sinners. And I can tell you desire to be the darkest deliquent and show them how it is done.

Glimpse of Abdo's Heart dan repost
Who will shatter like I do when you are not there?
Who will burn in the silence of your absence, aching to be near?
Who will let their soul fracture, eyes fixed on the door,
knowing you will never walk through it again?
Who will rage with jealousy at every glance that dares to touch you,
while I am consumed by the fire of my devotion?
Who will love you with this madness,
this pain,
this raw need that pulls my heart apart, thread by fragile thread?

#Abdo #Original

The essence of love, dan repost
What’s lost cannot be found.
When you don’t know what’s gone,
Yet everyone around you seems to see
A piece of you is missing, silently withdrawn.

But still, you wander, unaware,
Clueless to what slipped away,
While the world watches, knowing full well
Something in you has begun to fray.

The Accidental Poet dan repost
it's okay
to let things fall apart.
it’s okay to stand in the wreckage
and not try to build
something new.
some things
they’re meant to be
left as they are.
a cracked vase
is still a vase,
a fallen tree
still belongs to the forest.

as you are,
are enough.
So just let it be.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.