Premories: OPEN!

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Play your favorite playlist and listen to its mellifluous melody that pierces to the heart. Here's a playlist from 𖠇. ⋆ ˖ @premories made with honor and amour. Go try it!
꯸. Contact Order: @Moriestbot
꯸. Mutual 'nd hfw: @newjinsbot

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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probsous! dan repost
....✼ for our mutual, can you forward this message to your channel?

explore the peace officer's majestic sovereignty, catching expedient nearby the greatest banyan with its swinging branches and humming an inconsequential with the atmosphere. together enjoying the beautifully landscaped, jerked scouring for as numerous adequate MUTUAL asap. reach @mStandar or @MutualProbot until history moves along, with mutual difficulties will make the world a satisfactory dwelling. lid the entirety specialty, with expectancy and love @probsous.

seoula's dream, open. dan repost

note: ada 3 pemenang (karena hari ini tanggal 3 Maret) masing-masing mendapatkan SALDO DANA sebesar 5K

• forward atau broadcast pesan ini ke channel publik atau ke bot kamu

• drop nomor keberuntungan kamu mulai dari 1-100 (jangan ada yang double ya, kalau double harus ngulang lagi)

• pengumuman pemenang bakal diumumin setelah cover renjun di-upload nanti malam (kalau mencapai target)

phrase-logy: by the nymphettes! ♥️ dan repost
Read this thoroughly!

a. Minimum purchase of 5K will get a discount of 1K.
b. Minimum purchase of 7K will get a discount of 2K.
c. Minimum purchase of 10K will get a discount of 3K.
d. Minimum purchase of 15K will get a discount of 5K.

Important notes!
- Must be subscribed to @Phraselogy.
- Available for both moodboard and wording catalogues.
- In rush fees won't be included to the discount, therefore you'll still have to pay for in rush orders.
- Use the code "JoleThea" in your notes to claim your discount.

Panacea: Open. dan repost
{ for all my beloved mutuals or anyone who sees this, can you forward this lovely message to your channel? thanks in advance! }

𖦞 The desire of many people to heal, full of struggle. Many hope are always present in between. More and more people who want to heal make someone present here. Here it is the @ppanacea, we are here to heal you. We will open our first batch on March 3, 2023 at 18.00. We provide 20% discount for all manips catalogs. This discount is valid only from March 3, 2023 until March 5, 2023. Before that, you have to read regulations first. Continued by looking at our catalog as well. What are you waiting for? Come on over and see what we have!

With love, Panacea.

Bohemian Findings. dan repost
{flawless hand-in-hand action would be much appreciated, do help us by forwarding this text to your business channel, please!}

pitch perfect as one invitation can possibly able to be, we’re finally ready to open up our new brand-new glazed pages on 05th february 2023 at 15:00 PM fixed, with no further delay or whatsoever. munificence were aired and aimed, perpetual amount of midass touch talents were obviously carved within each and every manufactured result. missing out would be to sad to admit, do read our terms and conditions in advance before obstructing our catalogue with full support and merriment that will lead you, lastly, to our page of format orders. presuppose, failure is indeed not listed in our special dictionary, do hit your shot directly to ♥

Percwkull; seeking forra mutuals! dan repost
{for my beloved mutuals and anyone who wants to be mutual, would you spread this message? i'll be very grateful for that}

Warm greetings to all of you. my presence here intends to find a lot of mutuals. with some selective criteria, @Percwkull accept all types of business channels except rentals, side acc is still allowed as long as your account is still active. but, side account who's rarely diving, admin upsubs, using store's account is not allowed. for your information, @Percwkull is profneeds business channel! i hope all of you will be interested in my invitation, if you feel the turmoil of wanting to be mutual, you can contact (@Percwkull_Bot) and i'll reply you as long as possible.

with love, @Percwkull.

The beautiful melodic sound accompanied by the singing of birds in the morning makes anyone who hears it immediately fall in love. @Premories fons est soni, heri et vide in

Mutual 'nd hfw

Send the format to @Moriestbot don't let that beautiful melody fade away!

The beautiful melodic sound accompanied by the singing of birds in the morning makes anyone who hears it immediately fall in love. @Premories fons est soni, heri et vide in

Mutual 'nd hfw

Send the format to @Moriestbot don't let that beautiful melody fade away!

FORMAT ORDER · ✣ · We expect you to fill out the order form as detailed as possible so that we can fulfill your desire, it is required to re-check the completeness of your order form before sending it to us.

PRICELIST · ✣ · Spinning LPs emit a pleasing melody. Butterflies flew and danced as if enjoying the rhythm. Play your favorite playlist and listen to its mellifluous melody that pierces to the heart. This is a signature playlist from made with honor and amour. Present  𖤝 all the types of services we provide and see the price list here.   

❈. '' rel='nofollow'>Premium Application
❈. '' rel='nofollow'>Upfoll Twitter & Spotify
❈. '' rel='nofollow'>Top up Games
❈. '' rel='nofollow'>Nokos Tele & All apk
❈. '' rel='nofollow'>Jaspin QRIS

REGULATION · ✣ · The explanation that has been explained contains important points to make it easier for you to start any transactions with us.

PREMIER 𖧐 Make sure you have click the join button to our main channel @Premories so you can descry utmost informations and interesting offers, there is no ditrament in doing this instead perquisite will wreath you.

SECOND 𖧐 To avoid unwanted things between seller and buyer, so we provide 'payment at first' afterwards, your order will be processed.

THIRD 𖧐 For payment can be paid trough e-wallet and Qris (no rate), and please send
the proof of your payment.

FOURTH 𖧐 Filling the forms mean fixed purchase and can't be cancel in any case, except if there's a logical reasons to cancel the order.

FIFTH 𖧐 The maximum workmanship for premium apps orders is 1x24 hours and 3x24 hours for warranty. If you're in a rush, then please do tell me in the first place before the payment.


ㅤㅤ        ㅤㅤㅤ    
ㅤㅤ        ㅤㅤㅤ     ...   𓆩 ♡ 𓆪   ...

The melodious rhythm that comes out the vintage gramophone playing a phonograph record filled with music makes those who hear it enchanted and hypnotized by the sweetness. Pedestrians who catch a glimpse of this very idyllic place stop for a moment to listen to the melodies that come out of this musical instrument. In the silent room the gramophone rang and its melody enveloped the room. Butterflies came flying and danced around the tool to its rhythm. This is a beautiful and magical place, @Premories. Here we provide a variety of all you needs. Everyone will be awstricken! ⚘   

                     𖣂. REGULATION
                     𖣂. PRICELIST
                     𖣂. TESTIMONIES
                     𖣂. FORMAT ORDER

ㅤㅤ        ㅤㅤㅤ   

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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