Lucy's gallery

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Galeri ini hanya dioperasikan oleh saya sendiri, Lucy. Just one and only, owned by me. No plagiarism please.
Owner: @uGirlboss, @KimpTaeRi (2nd acc)
For mutual and hfw: @Lucy_AssistantBot
Testi: @LucyArchivee
N) Selalu cek pinned, ya.

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Diving besok ya moots, sekalian hfw. Mau tidurrr, ngantuk berattttt 😂

Ayooo takeeee, dikit lagi habis. Saya mau update username baruuu 😍👍

@,mLibido soldddd, finally usn sesepuh. Thank you S 💗

Pledge o' Saint Himmel. dan repost
We are looking for new mutuals to together establish a mutualism relationship under the majestic sky. Thus, we preferred the ones who mostly collect anime usernames but truly everyone is allowed, right away contact our headquarter @DeadChristBot to start this mutualism.

Pledge o' Saint Himmel. dan repost
— Creeps in this inconsequential velocity from day to day, to the prior syllable o' recorded juncture; The path to filthy cessation. A walking silhouette, an underprivileged thespian. That struts and pother his hour upon the spotlight. A phrase told by the one who's gonna sell;

@ Shinichiroo sold.
@ Marrius sold.

with the adjusted fee. Enormous o' key and enthusiasm, the scribe will ratify qualm from the client on his chamber discussion.

Representing triviality, Saint Himmel; @DeadChristBot

@.wForeplay sold out, thanks L!

Chenl(v)e DAY-01!👊 dan repost
Devoid small-mindedness, I am here to attract you with the decent message that you will confront and glimpse today. Incomparable beauty that perpetually illuminates with superfluity. Aiming to sell this beautiful username based on Chenle NCT. Let's observe what emerges below here!


ᜊ Do not accept buyers who are not serious, and is strictly prohibited.
ᜊ Super easy to read! There’s only one added letter, to wit V.
ᜊ This offer will take place on 19 May, 2022 until date 22 May, 2022 at exactly 20.00 WIB.
ᜊ This offer starts from 25,000 IDR with a minimum bid of 3,000 IDR and of course, feel free to jump bid.
ᜊ Payment can be made through the DANA & QRIS method.
ᜊ If you are enthusiastic, pleasure drops your best offer at @Chenlve. Any questions @Astronomzybot. 𔘓

A trusted jasa titip by @Harmoeny! ✦

Ada 10 slot doangggg, masing-masing 500p. Diklaim yaaa, moots. 🤍

Udah diisi ulang ya semua data moots kalian, nanti kalau ada yang belum saya isi. Tolong ke bot @Lucy_AssistantBot Terimakasih..

Noma’lum dan repost
Hai semuanya. Boleh saya minta tolong ke siapapun yang kiat pesan ini?

Guys, tolong bantu subs @Heejseung ya. Gua gak tau harus minta tolong ini ke siapa lagi selain kalian semua. Username ini pemberian dari mantan pacar gua, jujur gua sakit hati banget tau ini ke keep sama orang lain. Awalnya gua pikir Heejseung udah gua keep, ternyata enggak sama sekali (masih limit kayaknya). Sehari dua hari gua masih belum sadar, sampe akhirnya sekarang gua baru sadar itu username ke lepas gitu aja. Emang udah hampir seminggu gua baru sadar, tapi ya gimana...

Tolong banget ini mah, gua gak tau harus ngelakuin apa lagi selain minta minta fw begini. Gua sendiri juga gak punya channel gallery pribadi.

Dan buat yang keep, sumpah itu username juga kaga bisa di jual karena itu bukan hak lu sama sekali. Tolong dibalikin ke gua ya? Kalo butuh contact person @Heezeung nih, gua yakin lu orang baik. Apalagi kalo lu mau bertanggung jawab, asli gua gak bakal marah juga.

ֹ고ׅ፝֟통ֹ스ׅ러ֹ운ׅ 현ֹ፝֟실ׅ dan repost
[ Help Forward Moots, Thank you. ]

ꗃ Buaya said  ݈݇- 
🐊 : Hi @Dacrl
🐊 : You look so beautiful @Dacrl
🐊 : I can't live without you @Dacrl‌‌
🐊 : Me without you is like the moon without stars @Dacrl

✦Usn bagus + cocok buat bio, pu, ch apalagi buat kalian yg para kaum bucin🐊
❒ Price ꧇ 
𖠌. @Dacrl b.o Darl 3*
𖠌. @Dsarl b.o Darl 3*
Belakangan nya isi sendiri🤫
*Payment Only Dana no qriss

Berminat/mau tanya dengan usn nya? Bisa hubungi kontak yang tertera
𖤣 Contact's : @PiixxiieeRoBot

Cek @annoyingreality untuk usn mulchar lainnya. Have a nice day🕊

Saya ganti usn dari @rrMadame ke @uGirlboss nanti data moots saya isi ulang semuanya. Terimakasih.

Cek pinned moots, isi data yang belum....

Gak diving dulu yaa, lagi ambruk. Mau istirahat. Goodnight moots!

archuven :: zoe >. dan repost
┈─ 𖧷 Within the personages soaring high through the zephyr, clasps epitome o' the coolness within each steps trudged to retrieve from delinquency; and they had escort personages into the safest pied-a-terre denominated below :

       ✦ @Beomoyu@Beomoyu

✫ This username is materialized based on BEOMGYU from TXT.
✫ With the substitution of letter O to G.
✫ Payment is done first to prevent the act of Hit and Run, make sure that you are serious so does to give your funds on the section proffered.
✫ The amount of offer commences from 13K with the kb of 2K make sure that you dispatch yourself that it starts on 18 May, and will end at 22 may 12.00 WIB.
✫ For any questions, make sure that you leave messages to the auxiliary affirmed, @ZohaJo.
✫ Payment methods are only accessible for the sundry via DANA, GOPAY, SPAY, QRIS (+RATE).

Done diving ya, love. *moots*

Naii's Collection!! dan repost
♡🗯 Ding Dong~ 🏩🎀 @uMocha looking for new mutuals!⊹ Terutama untuk yang suka collect usn idol, but all type galery is allowed ๑◡

気持 dan repost
Hfw. @KimVV based on Kim V (Kim Taehyung) nih turun harga dari 120.000 IDR jadi 99.999 IDR sampai tanggal 22 dah. Nanti balik up for sale santai. Sekalian @KyulkyungC 8.000 IDR & @ParcGowon 1.000 IDR. Ke @lkkehBot ya lur.

Jaemin –DAY TWO dan repost
The noises come from the base, newfangled stories commence by the impediments which occur again. Avengers and they assemble, the realms where the username is proffered for thee to take a gape, so does fulfilling your needs with the offer system used below :

              ☆ @Jaemrin
              ☆ @Jaemrin

✦ Username based on Jaemin from NCT DREAM
𔓕 Offer dimulai 30k dengan jumlah kb sebanyak 2k, feel free to jumpbid.
✦ Periode offer akan diselenggarakan pada 18 Mei 2022, hingga 21 Mei 2022, jam 20.00 WIB
𔓕 Drop your offer on the @Jaemrin comment section or @OfferJaemrin for tele x.
✦ We strictly prohibit Hit and Run, hanya untuk pembeli yang serius. In that case, reassure that you have enough budget based on the funds dropped. 
𔓕 Payment is accessible via : Dana, Gopay and Qris
✦ For any inquiries and informations, leave a message to @rzindu!

☆. Jastip by @Avengersjastip

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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