☝️ If Durov really wanted to leave France and go into hiding or safe country . He could easily do that. In the European Union it's very easy to travel from country to country without showing identification ( unless you travel by boat into Sweden or Norway or Northern EU countries as Finland etc... Then you have to show passport...)
Most places in central Europe as France you just drive through the border and many many thousands of small country roads that leave the country to the next
And besides if Russia or White hats military intelligence wanted to secure Durov and bring him out of Europe they have all the means necessary! Operations and protocols<
From the WIRES>]' Durov is a multi billionaire and has full Intelligence resources DUROV wanted to get arrested and made a deal with Macron
and French military Intelligence
What is already know is MACRON is a TRIPLE AGENT
> he was placed by dark military operations and groomed by DAVOS Wef Group ( Carnegie CIA endorsement operations)
But you must understand why Biden was a pawn and triple agent also, and why military white hats operations placed Biden as president and let the deep state streak the elections of 2020 ( I have been telling you these were military operations that placed Trumo into power and the and operations were meant to expose a world wide deep state cabal operations.... This includes several stolen elections, fraud happening in several countries and the NEAR collapse of the Western financial system. .... These operations are important to bringing world governments corruption and elites orgs and string pullers into the LIGHT and EXPOSURE......I have explained military game theory operations several times/ from vaccines to pandemic to the collapse and near nuclear war standoff events)
What I'm telling you is Game theory operations placed Biden into power by blackhats and BY>> white hats....
but the outcome of the military game theory operations by white hats has a completely different outcome than the deep state
> This also with MACRON... He military game theory operations and placed for a powerful reason to bring a collapse of his own government and show the exposure of the deep state operations ( MACRON is in self destruction mode the past 6 years and the last 3 years is picking up speed into a finality of CHAOS. _ BLACK SWAN EVENTS.//))))))) ///// THIS BLACK SWAN EVENT( S) EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS >IS GOING TO HIT ALMOST EVERY WESTERN COUNTRY _ NOW NOW into 2025
Most places in central Europe as France you just drive through the border and many many thousands of small country roads that leave the country to the next
And besides if Russia or White hats military intelligence wanted to secure Durov and bring him out of Europe they have all the means necessary! Operations and protocols<
From the WIRES>]' Durov is a multi billionaire and has full Intelligence resources DUROV wanted to get arrested and made a deal with Macron
and French military Intelligence
What is already know is MACRON is a TRIPLE AGENT
> he was placed by dark military operations and groomed by DAVOS Wef Group ( Carnegie CIA endorsement operations)
But you must understand why Biden was a pawn and triple agent also, and why military white hats operations placed Biden as president and let the deep state streak the elections of 2020 ( I have been telling you these were military operations that placed Trumo into power and the and operations were meant to expose a world wide deep state cabal operations.... This includes several stolen elections, fraud happening in several countries and the NEAR collapse of the Western financial system. .... These operations are important to bringing world governments corruption and elites orgs and string pullers into the LIGHT and EXPOSURE......I have explained military game theory operations several times/ from vaccines to pandemic to the collapse and near nuclear war standoff events)
What I'm telling you is Game theory operations placed Biden into power by blackhats and BY>> white hats....
but the outcome of the military game theory operations by white hats has a completely different outcome than the deep state
> This also with MACRON... He military game theory operations and placed for a powerful reason to bring a collapse of his own government and show the exposure of the deep state operations ( MACRON is in self destruction mode the past 6 years and the last 3 years is picking up speed into a finality of CHAOS. _ BLACK SWAN EVENTS.//))))))) ///// THIS BLACK SWAN EVENT( S) EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS >IS GOING TO HIT ALMOST EVERY WESTERN COUNTRY _ NOW NOW into 2025