I was in love with my college mate for nearly 9 years both are from different religion he was musl!m and I was h!ndu. I was afraid to love him becoz of religion issues. But he gave me hope that he would never aske me to convert or force me for anything, so we were happily in love till I opened my love matter to my family. My parents are against but at one point they have accepted him if we don't convert for my happiness. But my boyfriend was completely changed he said if i dont convert he wont marry me. He abandoned me for religion even though I was begging him he said I have to convert for marriage sake. He waited for one year he was stubborn with his words and his behaviour was harsh. He become s*x psycho he wanted me to have some adult chat daily but he wont consider me without converting. I was very much upset of his behaviour.
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I was in love with my college mate for nearly 9 years both are from different religion he was musl!m and I was h!ndu. I was afraid to love him becoz of religion issues. But he gave me hope that he would never aske me to convert or force me for anything, so we were happily in love till I opened my love matter to my family. My parents are against but at one point they have accepted him if we don't convert for my happiness. But my boyfriend was completely changed he said if i dont convert he wont marry me. He abandoned me for religion even though I was begging him he said I have to convert for marriage sake. He waited for one year he was stubborn with his words and his behaviour was harsh. He become s*x psycho he wanted me to have some adult chat daily but he wont consider me without converting. I was very much upset of his behaviour.
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