An opinion about dream
Go on downvote me to oblivion but I just wanted to say that (my opinion) dream is one of the most overrated YouTubers.Now I know that he is good at minecraft but he’s not genuine.I would much rather prefer a bad player who is almost 70% of his fan base are some of the most toxic fan bases(don’t tell me I’m throwing it in the air like I know nothing I’ve encountered a lot of them).You can’t say a single word against’s so bad that you can’t even have an opinion nowadays on dream.I know that it’s not dream’s fault that his fan base is like this but he can atleast try and make a video on it.that’s just how I see it feel free to add your own thoughts
Go on downvote me to oblivion but I just wanted to say that (my opinion) dream is one of the most overrated YouTubers.Now I know that he is good at minecraft but he’s not genuine.I would much rather prefer a bad player who is almost 70% of his fan base are some of the most toxic fan bases(don’t tell me I’m throwing it in the air like I know nothing I’ve encountered a lot of them).You can’t say a single word against’s so bad that you can’t even have an opinion nowadays on dream.I know that it’s not dream’s fault that his fan base is like this but he can atleast try and make a video on it.that’s just how I see it feel free to add your own thoughts