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The scale of Shadowlands doesn’t work.

It’s been bugging me since the expansion launched - Shadowlands feels smaller than Outland or Draenor.

We’re supposed to be in the literal after life of all realities, an infinite number of possible races from an infinite number of realities and worlds. Yet we only interact with 4 covenants and they all seem to just have the souls from Azeroth.

Plainly I think it wasn’t feasible to do an expansion of this scale and it just hasn’t worked. We keep getting told about how big The Shadowlands is but there isn’t any evidence to support this out of a few quest npcs.

How is the Jailer even remotely winning when there should be an infinite number of factions and soldiers to come to our aid. Are there other covenant leaders? In the entire Shadowlands there’s only 5 eternal ones? How does the whole expansion feel as small if not smaller than other expansions when the scope should be the biggest WoW has ever been.

After reading the 9.1.5 changes i think we are slowly getting there

Why can't we still just decide to do that from the start?

There’s a runeforge for dks in the necrolord covenant hall

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
First time I actually had fun in Torghast

Arbiter got vanished by Zovaal. Attendants going crazy?

Attendants follow "the voice", they worship the Arbiter, what will they do now? Will they go crazy mode, will they follow the voice of Zovaal, will they sit beside Baine and do nothing?

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Burn it!

So remind me again, why can't Pandaren be druids?

so as far as i've established, the two big avenues to pursue to become a druid are to either:

A) learn through cenarius' teachings, a-la tauren, nelf, troll (and i guess worgen?)

or B) have a connection to some ancient nature deity of your own, a-la kul tiran and zandalari

.. so why can't pandaren be druids? they have four bespoke wild gods on their continent, you're telling me there isn't some small group of them who went beyond the white tiger's teachings to become avatars of xuen themselves, or took on niuzao's shape to protect their allies from harm, or used yu'lon as a means channel nature magic to mend their allies?

i know there's been a bunch of posts like this over the years, but most i recall tend to be along the lines of "hey i designed a pandaren bear form for druids!" but not mention how it could actually work out for them (apologies if i missed another topic covering exactly this)

i just want to play a pandaren druid, man ):

I did Bolvar Fordragon as a cat! Pigmented PU resin, and acrylic paint. It is gonna be neat in my livingroom, and surely less intrusive than my full Bolvar cosplay 😅

The new starting zone embodies everything I ever loved about World of Warcraft

I recently convinced my wife to give WoW a try. We went through the new starting zone and I was utterly stunned how good it was. Honestly, it was probably the best Warcraft experience I had for several years.

What won me over was how "small scope" everything seemed. That might sound negative, but hear me out. For the last 10 years (since Cataclysm) all we have been doing is battling all-powerful space entities, killing Lovecraft planet-sized monsters and pursuing ownership of equipment with the shiniest aura.

I jiggled when I picked up a polearm that looked like a bamboo stick. Hammer that looks like an ordinary hammer? Count me in! Horde (or alliance) themed set of armor that you get just for going through the zone? Yes please. I felt super rewarded and before you tell me these weapons (or armor) were in the game long before: yes, but not in the appropriate quality or locked behind an annoying long-term grind.

Everything about the zone felt perfect, trying to stop ogres from subduing a dragon was refreshing from "over-the-top saving the world" kind of content. Completing my task and flying back to Stormwind on griffons made me feel like an actual part of the Allience. To me, the horde-allience plot is essential part of World of Warcraft and major distinction the game had from many others. It is also something that I feel is completely lost in today's endgame.

It made me incredibly sad to hear that developers considered Cataclysm-kind of rework a major mistake. Except BFA, going through the reworked zones is my favorite kind of activity. I also feel like the zones could use a rework to today's graphical standards. The mechanics are still relevant.

I returned to WoW with BFA precisely for this reason. It was "back to the roots" type of content for me. Alliance vs Horde. Loved the dungeons, especially the war-themed ones like Tol Dagor. Shadowlands killed it again for me. I feel no connection to the game.

I urge devs to consider returning to the roots. Not mechanics-wise, not graphics-wise. But theme-wise. I like the casuality today's warcraft represents, I like dungeon finder, I like wardrobe. But I don't want to play Marvel's Avengers, I want to play World of Warcraft. Horde and the Alliance.

Doing a pokemon playthrough battle pets only, assketchum embarks on his pokemon journey! Wish me luck!

Just your casual day in Stormwind! (Yes, those are Horde players. Yes, I did die shortly after taking this screenshot. Just trying to lvl up my void elf character man!)

lore speculation: what kind of giant magic laser will we use to defeat zovaal?

as you remember, sargeras was defeated by a giant arcane titan laser, and n'zoth was defeated by a giant azerite laser.

in this new age of wow where our villains are defeated by giant lasers at the last second before they complete their goal, i think we should direct our speculation into what kind of laser will be used to stop zovaal 30 seconds after he says "enough" and 5 seconds before he presses the button to remake reality.

there are two main candidates imo: a giant anima laser, or some kind of yet unrevealed "first ones" laser.

the giant anima laser would likely include the anima of all 4 covenants. however, i believe despite this, the anima laser would look like default blue/white anima for clarity reasons. in this case, it's likely the primus will first say "now zovaal, you face the might of the four covenants combined... not even you can escape their power" to clarify to the audience that this laser includes all 4 covenants anima.

or, we may discover the technology for a first ones laser in 9.2. as you'll remember, we conveniently discovered in the final patch of bfa that the mogu had the schematics for an old god destroying azerite laser just lying around. it's very plausible we could find a similar convenient schematic somewhere in zereth mortis. i believe this laser would be a cool looking golden fractal laser, and the primus will say "now zovaal, you face the might of the first ones... not even you can escape their power" as zovaal is undone by the first ones.

either way, when struck by the laser, i believe zovaal will struggle in a close-up cinematic. he will likely say "impossible..." or "this cannot be... death cannot be chained..." and then the light from the laser will turn the scene white. after which it will fade away to reveal he has been destroyed. bolvar will be looking at his remains.

anyway that's my lore speculation on the laser we'll see at the end of 9.2. but what are your theories on the inevitable magic laser? could we even see some kind of chain-laser as zovaal's domination magic is used against him for cinematic effect? the possibilities are endless.

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