Random Chats

Kanal geosi va tili: Butun dunyo, Inglizcha

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📧 randomrc2@proton.me
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Kanal geosi va tili
Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
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Random Chats dan repost
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Random Chatss dan repost
👋 Hey | Ahoy | Hola | Bonjour | Ciao | こんにちは | 你好 | Привет | Halo

With this bot you can chat with random people from all over the world!
💟And get matched based on your preferences of country, age, gender, location, interests and more!

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Random Chatss dan repost
Today is the international day for the elimination of violence against women, which is still one of the most prevalent human rights violations in the world.

With more than 1:3 women experiencing violence in the form of sexual abuse, mutilation, harassment, stalking, shame, forced marriage, human trafficking, murder, and much more.
Often the violence is carried right from the family or intimate partners.

In this day I encourage you to go online and read a bit about the topic, hearing some stories of the victims, reflecting on the issue, denounce

Random Chatss dan repost

I have received a report from someone there are DANGEROUS bots that try to hack your account, sometimes successfully

This bots pretend to be chatting bots and ask you for your phone number to confirm you are not a bot. They do not work if you do not share your phone number.

Then, according to the reports, somehow (it's still not clear to me, the person who reported this got his account deleted in the middle of the conversation) they get access to your account and proceed to create bots (probably so they can use them to reach more victims or scam in other ways) and they delete your important chats.

My advice is to:
1) never use those bots. Never share your phone number with bots or strangers.
2) set up 2 factor authentication in your telegram settings
3) do not share your telegram login code to anyone and check some times your active sessions. if you have active sessions you do not recognize, terminate them
4) If you encounter those kind of bots, report them to telegram with the dedicated report button or to abuse@telegram.org

We got a few reports of this again a few months ago and we have shared a message https://t.me/RandomChatsss/212 and send sponsored messages in the bot "Beware of scams":
"⚠️Beware of scams⚠️

Some people are sending a lot of promotion about some other bots.
From our tests we have found these bots as potentially harmful and dangerous and we suggest you not to use them and report them with /report command.

We have also received reports about some users sharing some links and asking you to click them. After this some people got hacked and someone got into their telegram account.
Please be careful and if you have not already we suggest you to enable 2 factor autentication in your telegram account in your settings"

If you are that person, dm me again if you recover your account so I can gather more informations to share


Saya telah menerima laporan dari seseorang bahwa ada bot BERBAHAYA yang menco
ba meretas akun Anda, terkadang berhasil.

Bot ini berpura-pura menjadi bot obrolan dan meminta nomor telepon Anda untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda bukan bot. Mereka tidak berfungsi jika Anda tidak membagikan nomor telepon Anda.

Kemudian, menurut laporan, entah bagaimana () mereka mendapatkan akses ke akun Anda dan melanjutkan untuk membuat bot (mungkin agar mereka dapat menggunakannya untuk menjangkau lebih banyak korban atau menipu dengan cara lain) dan mereka menghapus obrolan penting Anda.

Saran saya adalah:
1) Jangan pernah menggunakan bot tersebut. Jangan pernah membagikan nomor telepon Anda dengan bot atau orang asing.
2) Atur autentikasi dua faktor di pengaturan telegram Anda.
3) Jangan membagikan kode login telegram Anda kepada siapa pun dan periksa beberapa kali sesi aktif Anda. Jika Anda memiliki sesi aktif yang tidak Anda kenali, hentikan sesi tersebut.
4) Jika Anda menemui jenis bot tersebut, laporkan mereka ke telegram dengan tombol laporan yang disediakan atau ke abuse@telegram.org.

Kami telah menerima beberapa laporan tentang ini lagi beberapa bulan yang lalu dan kami telah membagikan pesan https://t.me/RandomChatsss/212 dan mengirimkan pesan bersponsor di bot "Waspada Penipuan":
"⚠️Waspada Penipuan⚠️

Beberapa orang mengirim banyak promosi tentang beberapa bot lainnya.
Dari pengujian kami, kami telah menemukan bot-bot ini sebagai berpotensi berbahaya dan kami sarankan Anda untuk tidak menggunakannya dan melaporkannya dengan perintah /report.

Kami juga telah menerima laporan tentang beberapa pengguna yang membagikan beberapa tautan dan meminta Anda untuk mengkliknya. Setelah itu, beberapa orang diretas dan seseorang masuk ke akun telegram mereka.
Harap berhati-hati dan jika Anda belum melakukannya, kami sarankan Anda untuk mengaktifkan autentikasi dua faktor di akun telegram Anda di pengaturan Anda."

Jika Anda adalah orang tersebut, kirim pesan lagi kepada saya jika Anda berhasil memulihkan akun Anda agar saya dapat mengumpulkan lebih b
anyak informasi untuk dibagikan.

Random Chatss dan repost
👋 Hey | Ahoy | Hola | Bonjour | Ciao | こんにちは | 你好 | Привет | Halo

With this bot you can chat with random people from all over the world!
💟And get matched based on your preferences of country, age, gender, location, interests and more!

💬 Start chatting

Random Chatss dan repost
Gurls of this bot, what feature would you like to be added? If you are a boy and vote stuff your 🧠 small like you are short (already working on stronger moderation)
  •   I am a boy, I just want to see the results
  •   select multiple countries/languages to be matched with
  •   add some kind of a profile (bio/avatar/zodiac sign/mood status/more customizeable options/...)
  •   chats with miltiple people at the same time (like small groups)
  •   viral funny chat suggestions/themes/content/memes/theme based chats/role play
  •   virtual letters exchange
  •   find and share inspiration
  •   else - please write it
1502 ta ovoz

Added new languages in @RandomChatssBot


If you want to try some beta features join this group

I accept only people who put a decent description

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.