Underground Rebellion

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Toifa: Siyosat

We are a network of anonymous activists acting autonomously to promote global solidarity with emphasis on sustained insurrection and direct action worldwide.
For inquiries and submissions: undrcollective[at]subvertising[dot]org

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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FLA-YLF dan repost

FLA-YLF dan repost
"Amid pressure, Quality Glass Company breaks ties with Brasfield & Gorrie, the general contractor behind Cop City. Keep the pressure up!

Learn more about those building #CopCity at stopcopcitysolidarity.org and srycampaign.org."


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
For who fought for ecological freedom in Lützarath, solidarity and thank you for reminding us that no matter the fight, there will always be more of us than there ever will be them.

Mazmun berkitilgan

Mazmun berkitilgan

Mazmun berkitilgan

Operation Solidarity

Hello! We are supporters of horizontal society, solidarity and cooperation from different cities of Ukraine. Today we have united in the volunteer project „Operation Solidarity“ in order to jointly help all healthy forces of society to counteract imperialist aggression against our country. We plan to collect humanitarian aid and fundraising in favor of territorial defense fighters and in support of all grassroots initiatives that unite people in confronting a common threat. We also plan to help refugees, host social events and spread the practices of equal decision-making and direct democracy.

You can help us by sharing info, making events and demos at your cities, sending money:

Bank Transfer:
IBAN – coming
UAH 5375 4141 1919 7571
EUR 5375 4199 0742 1968


BTC (Coin)

ETH/XMR (erc20)

BNB (bep20)



UANTIFA 🇺🇦🏴161 dan repost

Іностранні канали/Foreign channels:
@antifaallstars - загальноантифашистський канал /// Common antifa channel
@poland_161crew - польські товарищі та класова боротьба /// Polish antifa's channel
@antifaschismus_hh - канал антифашистів з Гамбургу /// Hamburg antifas
@anarchiaautonomia - вісник антифашистської боротьби в Італії /// Italien antifascists news
@azioneantifascistaromaest - антифашисти Вічного Міста /// Antifa Roma Est.
@antifaaktie - канал з антифа-мистецтвом, відео та іншим /// Antifa pics&videos

Пострадянський простір/Ex-USSR:
@antifaru - канал російських антифашистів /// Russian antifa channel
@make_a_great_again - Зробити Анархізм великим знову! /// Make Anarchism Great Again!
@pramenby - мережевий медійний анархо-проект з Біларусі "Прамень" /// "Pramen" is a net media project from Belarus
@a_partisans - канал підтримки біларуських анархо-партизан /// Belarus anarcho-partisans support channel
@ressentiment_channel - авторський канал Ігаля Левіна про сучасне суспільство, війни, історію, світ рабів та утопії панів /// Igal Levin's author channel about society, war, history, world of slaves and utopias of nobleman
@hevale - дослідницький медіа-проект про Ближній Схід та Курдістан /// Exploration media project about Middle East and Kurdistan
@bo_ak_reborn - вісник підпільної боротьби та спротиву /// The undeground and resistance channel

@localkugutstories - авторський канал учасника антифашистської сцени: гумор, думки, насилля /// author channel of Kyiv antifa movement activist: humor, opinions, violence
@vindicta161 - канал представників антиавторитарного руху в Україні /// Ukrainian anti-authoritarian movement members' channel
@ukr_anarchy - офіційна мемарня українського руху /// official meme factory of Ukrainian movement
@vin161 - канал вінницької антифа /// Vinnystia antifa channel
@BRAVI_RAGAZZI - вінницька антифа ініціатива /// Vinnytsia antifa initiative
@ecoplatform - вісник еко-активізму /// The voice of Ukrainian eco-activists
@larevolte_ua - канал анархо-бренду /// anarcho-brand channel
@anarcho_solipsist - авторський аналітичний канал про сучасність /// Author analitics channel about our reality
@socruh - канал організації "СоцРух" /// "Social Movement" organization channel
@nihilistli - ліве медіа-об'єднання /// left media initiative
@revdiachannel - канал організації "Революційна Дія" /// "Revolutionary Action" organization channel
@blackflag_ukraine - канал організації "Чорний Стяг" /// "Black Flag" organization channel
@oracleproj_bot - бот моніторингу та допомоги жертвам ультраправого насильства /// the far-right activity monitoring initiative
@avrorac8p - перший комунікаційний кооператив в Україні /// first communication coop in Ukraine
@uantifa - канал антифашистського руху в Україні /// Ukraine Antifascists' channel

Якщо ми когось забули чи ви хочете потратпити до переліку - пишіть нам на @uantifa_bot. Поширюйте список, підписуйтесь на канали, підтримуйте антифашистський рух!

CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective dan repost
In Russia, Ukraine, and the US, rulers who won't die in the trenches are preparing to throw away people's lives just to gain leverage in geopolitical competitions.

We should fight those who would make us die on their behalf, not each other.


"In response to the machinations of governments, we must identify and resist every effort to turn us against each other. We should build solidarity across national, ethnic, and religious lines while doing everything we can to topple authoritarian governments from Washington, DC to Moscow. Our hope is that revolutionary movements will break out on both sides of every border.

"Escalations in state violence are calculated to make this impossible—to substitute war for revolution. But in a world headed towards ever more diffuse wars, goaded on by nationalist strongmen, our best chance of survival is to build ties between combative social movements. Let us fight those who would make us die on their behalf, not each other."

فوضى | FAUDA dan repost
⚠️ #Breaking

To all free nations of the world;
To all who care for freedom and dignity;
To all of our brethrens;
The fascist Zionist regime targeted our group in the social media. Our channels and accounts have been reported by fascists around the globe. They're trying to silence our voice. If you care for freedom, please support us and make our voice to be heard. This time, we were targeted, tomorrow may be you and all warriors of the freedom.
HELP us by sharing contents (ours or your own) with the hashtag:


🔰الأكاديمية التعلمية الأناركية في الضفة الغربية و أراضي المحتلة
📡 #الوحدة_الإعلامية
🔉 #ما_بيصير_هيك
🇵🇸 الفوضى

Interesting Stuff What Myon Has Found dan repost
These streamers are raising money to help people that will become victims of the housing crisis. Donate and spread like rhizomes!

In this society, we are taught to view life as something that happens to us, something that exists outside of us, into which we are thrown. We are not, however, told that this is the result of a process of dispossession, and so this alienation appears to be natural, an inevitable consequence of being alive. When life is perceived in this way, the vast majority of people simply deal with circumstances as they come along, for the most part simply accepting their lot, occasionally protesting specific situations, but in precisely those ways that acceptance of a pre-determined, alienated existence permits. A few people take a more managerial approach to this alienated existence. Rather than simply dealing with circumstances as they come, they seek to reform alienated existence along programmatic lines, creating blueprints for a modified existence, but one that is still determined in advance into which individuals must be fitted.

Anarchist projectuality starts with the decision to reappropriate life here and now. It, therefore, immediately and forcefully exposes and challenges the process of dispossession that this society imposes and acts to destroy all the institutions of domination and exploitation. This decision is not based on whether this reappropriation is presently possibly or not, but on the recognition that it is the absolutely necessary first step for opening possibilities for the total transformation of existence. Thus when I speak of anarchist projectuality, I am speaking of a way of facing life and struggle in which the active refusal of alienated existence and the reappropriation of life are not future aims, but are one’s present method for acting in the world.


Popular Front Underground dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The demons at Instagram have started randomly deleting posts from our page (Instagram.com/popular.front) and have threatened to delete the page entirely. We’ve broken no guidelines.

If you want, share this to your socials and spread the word, join the Popular Front Underground: https://t.me/OnlyPopularFront

National Day of Action for Palestine – List of Protests

On Saturday 15th May 2021, take action in your local community. Stand together for an end to Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, and for the right of return for all exiled Palestinians.

#FreePalestine #solidarity

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective dan repost
What changed from the non-indictment of the officer who murdered Michael Brown to the guilty verdict in Derek Chauvin's case?

Only this: that a powerful movement stopped seeking reform through the institutions and took uncompromisingly to the streets.


The Chauvin verdict indicates the strength of the movements against white supremacy and police violence.

But as long as we look to the courts for solutions, police will go on murdering people.

The police and National Guard crowding the streets of Minneapolis today confirm this.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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