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People across Israel line the streets for the funeral procession of Shlomo Mantzur (85), who was brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, and taken hostage in Gaza. On February 27, 2025, after 510 days, he was returned to Israel for a proper burial. Today, he is being laid to rest in his home, Kibbutz Kissufim, southern Israel.

May his memory forever be a blessing. 🕯️💔

Photos by Yonatan Sindel and Chaim Goldberg/Flash90


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Desde o massacre realizado pelo Hamas no sul de Israel, em 07 de outubro de 2023, a paz no Oriente Médio se tornou uma realidade cada vez mais difícil.

Apesar disso, é em momentos como esse que devemos nos lembrar dos esforços feitos por Israel na busca pela coexistência com seus vizinhos. Um dos maiores exemplos disso é o legado do ex-primeiro-ministro Shimon Peres.

O gerente de conteúdo da StandWithUs Brasil, Dr. @igorhsabino esteve no centro de inovação dedicado a Peres, em Tel Aviv, durante a nossa delegação acadêmica para Israel mês passado, e nos conta um pouco mais sobre isso!

StandWithUs Brasil

Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Don’t let CNN and Al Jazeera mislead you, there is no moral equivalence between convicted terrorists and innocent Israelis who were kidnapped from their homes in southern Israel on October 7, 2023.


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Part of Eli Sharabi’s harrowing testimony recounting his 491 days in Hamas captivity in Gaza.
He was kidnapped from Kibbutz Be’eri in southern israel and was released on February 8, 2025 after 491 days in Hamas captivity in Gaza. His wife, Lianne, and their two daughters, Noiya and Yahel, were murdered by terrorists on October 7, 2023.

🎥: @Uvda_tweet /Keshet 12


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Welcome home, Omer! Omer Shem Tov, freed from Hamas captivity after surviving 505 days in Gaza, has returned home after a period recovering at the hospital in Israel. The people of Israel come together to welcome him back! 🎗️🫶🇮🇱

🎥: Spokesperson of the Herzliya Municipality


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

🚨BREAKING: Omer Shem Tov freed from Hamas captivity after 505 days in Gaza on February 22, 2025, has returned home after a period recovering at the hospital in Israel.


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme…

The City of Miami Beach is partnering with and funding a new antidiscrimination program developed by the Center for Combating Antisemitism (CCA). Mount Sinai Medical Center will pilot this initiative, the first of its kind in the US. The program supports health care professionals in diagnosing and addressing the re-emerging virus of antisemitism in medicine. The announcement follows a Miami Beach City Commission meeting where Commissioner David Suarez presented disturbing clips of nurses expressing violent antisemitic sentiments, including claims of harming Jewish patients. Gino R. Santorio, President and CEO of Mount Sinai Medical Center stated, “This newly formed partnership further solidifies our commitment to combating antisemitism, racism, and other forms of hate that unfortunately persist in our society and is vital to the progress of our community and nation.” @MiamiBeachNews @MountSinaiMiami


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

A Torah scroll was donated to honor the memories of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas, who were kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists on October 7, 2023, from their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz, southern Israel, and brutally murdered while in captivity in Gaza, were laid to rest on Wednesday in Kibbutz Nir Oz, southern Israel.

May their memories forever be a blessing. 🕯️🧡


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas, who were kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists on October 7, 2023, from their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz, southern Israel, and brutally murdered while in captivity in Gaza, were laid to rest yesterday in Kibbutz Nir Oz, southern Israel.

May their memories forever be a blessing. 🕯️🧡


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Ontem (28) começou o Ramadã, o mês sagrado do calendário islâmico, estendendo-se até 29 de março. Durante todo esse período, os muçulmanos fazem um jejum diário que se inicia com o nascer do sol e termina apenas quando ele se põe.

Essa é uma data observada por fiéis do mundo inteiro, inclusive em Israel que, apesar de ser um Estado judeu, tem em sua população cerca de 20% de muçulmanos. No país, estão representados seis ramos do Islã e o número de mesquitas no país aumentou 500% desde 1988.

Infelizmente, é comum que radicais islâmicos, como os terroristas do Hamas, utilizem essa data para provocar tensões entre palestinos e israelenses, buscando fomentar conflitos na Mesquita Al-Aqsa, situada no Monte do Templo/Esplanada das Mesquitas, local sagrado para judeus e muçulmanos.

Apesar disso, expressamos os nossos sinceros votos de paz e tolerância aos nossos amigos e seguidores muçulmanos. Acreditamos que ainda é possível sonharmos com um futuro de pluralismo e coexistência entre todos os povos originários do Oriente Médio, principalmente entre judeus, muçulmanos e cristãos, os três herdeiros do monoteísmo de Abraão.

Ramadã Kareem!

StandWithUs Brasil

Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Alon Ohel (24) has been hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza for over 500 days.


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
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Bnei Yehuda Tel Aviv F.C. visited the Bibas family during the Shiva (a Jewish mourning period) for murdered hostages Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas, paying their respects to husband and father Yarden Bibas, as well as Shiri’s sister Dana Silberman Siton. Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas were kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists on October 7, 2023, from their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz, southern Israel, and brutally murdered while in captivity in Gaza. They were laid to rest on Wednesday in Kibbutz Nir Oz. During the team’s visit they wore their orange jerseys, each featuring a picture of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir.

May their memories forever be a blessing. 🕯️🧡

📷: Bnei Yehuda Tel Aviv F.C.


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Tsachi Idan, who was murdered by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, has been returned to Israel for proper burial after 510 days in captivity. May his memory forever be a blessing. 🕯️


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Entre 10 e 17 de fevereiro, a StandWithUs Brasil, com o apoio da Confederação Israelita do Brasil - CONIB, organizou uma viagem à Polônia e à Holanda, levando uma delegação de nove influenciadores para uma imersão histórica, em homenagem aos 80 anos de Libertação de Auschwitz-Birkenau, campo de concentração e extermínio que foi peça fundamental do Holocausto, o genocídio de 6 milhões de judeus pelo regime nazista.

Neste vídeo, Gabriel Wainer, jornalista, apresentador do podcast Rivonews e convidado da delegação, compartilha sua experiência durante a visita a Auschwitz, em meio ao rigoroso inverno polonês. Além dele, três membros do staff, Márcio Luftglas, diretor da CONIB; Hana Nusbaum, coordenadora do Centro de Educação e Memória do Holocausto da StandWithUs Brasil; e Sabrina Abreu, diretora de Comunicação e Cultura da StandWithUs Brasil, fazem reflexões sobre essa vivência.

StandWithUs Brasil

Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Ohad Yahalomi, who was murdered by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, has been returned to Israel for proper burial after 510 days in captivity. May his memory forever be a blessing. 🕯️


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Heartbreaking photos from the funeral of Tsachi Idan. Tsachi was brutally kidnapped from Kibbutz Nahal Oz, southern Israel, on October 7, 2023 and murdered by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. He was laid to rest today beside his daughter Maayan, who was murdered by Hamas terrorists in front of the family on October 7, 2023.
May their memories forever be a blessing. 🕯️💔

Photos by Adar Eyal


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Confira um trecho do emocionante testemunho de Eli Sharabi, sobre seus 491 dias de cativeiro nas mãos do Hamas na Faixa de Gaza.

Ele foi sequestrado do kibutz Be’eri, no sul de Israel durante o massacre de 07 de outubro de 2023, sendo libertado 491 dias depois, em 08 de fevereiro.

Sua esposa, Lianne, e suas duas filhas, Noiya e Yahel, foram assassinadas por terroristas no dia do sequestro.

🎥: Uvda/Keshet 12

StandWithUs Brasil

Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Israelis line the streets to honor Tsachi Idan during his funeral procession, dressed in red—the color of his favorite soccer team. Tsachi was brutally kidnapped on October 7, 2023 and murdered by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.
May his memory be a blessing. 🕯️

Photos by Erik Marmor/Flash90


Red Alert Warning by @RedAlertIsraelWarning
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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