
Kanal geosi va tili: Indoneziya, Indonezcha
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Kanal geosi va tili
Indoneziya, Indonezcha
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happy failed mensive

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
emang boleh bocah paud gini mau wamil?

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

pacarrr diptaa gtuii


rama dan repost
selamat malam sayangkuu, how are you today babe?? bad or good? kamu ngantuk ya?? tahan dlu okeee. ohh yaa aku mau minta maaf sama kamu sayang kalau semisal akhir akhir ini aku slalu rewel pas kamu lagi ada sesuatuu. maaf kalau kelakuan aku kaya anak kecil, terus ngerepotin kamu juga. actually, i did it all because 8 wanted attention from you. i miss you, i want to be looked after by you constantin( •‌ㅿ•‌。 ) bUT akuu udaa mengakuii kesalahankuu, pweasee jangan kesel atau bete sama aku yaa?? aku janji engga akan kaya gituu lagii, tapii aku engga bisa menjanjikan yang bener bener sii.. tapii bakalan aku usahakan kok * giggles * HEHEHEHEHEHEH okee, aku tungguu kamuu sampai besok kamu pulang, abistuu kita cerita cerita yaa??? JANGAN TINGGALIN AKU BOBO PLEASEE⁉️⁉️⁉️ i wanna hug endeeuuu kiss with yOuuu * hAAPyyy viRUSs * ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ*)🤏🏻🤏🏻 okiieee dOokieeee paipaii OHH YAAA, satuu halll lagii, nanti kalauu besok daa pulang kabarinn yaa?? jangan sampai tidaaa ngabarin, ntarr tiba-tiba teh kamuu udaa pulang tapi malah akuu nyaa ditinggal bobooo, jangan gituu pleaseee masa kamuu tegaa huhuuu * crying * 😿😿😿 it's okayy kalau kamu mauu istirahat, tapi setidaknya kabarin yaa? biar aku engga nungguin kamu dan bisa ikutan istirahat jugaa hehehee, okeee selamat bobooo sayangkuu, kalau ada yang nakal bilang sama aku oke? ntar aku pukul diaa * Push push PAwsss * 😵🥊

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

maluuuu dip di liatin ke ch

heree baby


gemes ya pacar gua

number ―001. Meet his name, Dipta. Rama often calls him darling, or the affectionate nickname HEHEHEHEHEHEH. In fact, Rama rarely calls him darling. but, Rama's love for him never lies!! *ddrrrrttdrrrrttttttttt *(*•‌ᴗ•‌*)و ‌
Rama hasn't known Dipta for long, in fact our relationship has only been in place for a few days. but Rama is sure that Dipta is a good person. everyone is born pure and good. this also applies to dipta. he's a good girlfriend, he cares about Rama, he always tries to make time for Rama, even though Rama knows that Dipta is busy there HEHEHEHEHEHEH.. *sorry* ☹️☹️☹️
whatever the circumstances, Rama accepts Dipta as he is. Rama accepted everything about Dipta. I don't know if that's a good thing or otherwise. Rama didn't ask anything strange from Dipta, Rama just wanted Dipta to be the best for Dipta himself. Dipta, don't worry, everything will be fine. and Rama will be here, looking after and helping Dipta to get back up and become a strong and resilient human *strong human rawrr! * 🧟‍♀🧟‍♀💥

nUMBER ―002. This is an important message for you, so let's read it!!💌💌
First and foremost, NEVER GIVE UP * BIG NO *😠😠‼️ If anything happens, dipta can tell rama. rama will always be ready 24/7 for dipta, and that's for sure! Second, never harbor pain or anything that is stuck in dipta's heart. dipta is no longer alone now, now dipta has rama, right? So rama is #001🏡 for dipta, right?? promise me rama okay?? OK, RAMA THINKS DIPTA HAS PROMISED YOU TO RAMA˃ᴗ˂💗 Third, don't ever feel lonely, if dipta feels sad because the world 🌍💢 is too mean to dipta, dipta can come to rama to complain about everything to rama‼️‼️ Whatever happens to him at the moment, rama will always be proud and support all decisions that will make him feel happy. As long as he is happy, rama will also feel the same way as him. Even if one day he is happy but not with rama, well at least rama can make him happy HEHEHEHEHEHEH😆😆😆

nUMBER ―003. The last one is for dipta. This might be a bit long, but this is what rama will say to dipta don't be surprised, rama when he falls in love is like this HEHEHEHEHEHEH. The point is, don't ever feel alone, because whatever happens, rama is always here for dipta. If anything happens, he can go home to rama as much as possible, okay? rama will try to be a home and a good listener for dipta. rama is proud of you because you have done the best thing up to this moment. Thank you for surviving this far, the point is, never get bored of being the best, especially for yourself. GOOD LUCK RAMA IS HERE FOR DIPTA❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

bisa bisa aing gelo ieu mah

manut sama yayang

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

ini persija gua juga tumben menang telak gini

indah bener ciptaan tuhan

butterfly era kah jing? cepet bener

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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