Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Rome Is Burning, All Flame Comics

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Rick dan repost

Interesting theory...

The Noticer dan repost
“What! [the white people] start shooting [when BLM protesters burn down their neighborhoods]? good thing for the homeowners the protesters would have no idea they were gonna do that and did not bring their own weapons. Good thing. 🙃” - NYU Journalism Student Rebecca “I am white and I agree with reparations” Cohen (abeckycohen)

Never forget just how much they despise you


Dees died. RIP in peace, madman.

I hope everyone following this is armed.

Things aren't going to be normal for a while.

Just saw the Daniel Shaver video again.

Did they ever dox that cop?

Corpse World Monologues dan repost
Woah woah, we're half way there, woooah living on a prayer~

>That fact, coupled with HSI’s refusal to let its agents testify, caused the collapse of a case that was more than three years in the making. All felony charges against the alleged ringleaders were dropped. And sex-trafficking experts said the women were likely re-traumatized.

>What Weigand didn’t say at that September 2018 press conference – although HSI documents show some supervisors knew – was that federal undercover agents repeatedly paid for and engaged in sex acts with suspected victims.

Please pray for the soul of Ravi Zacharias.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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