자동차 최고 전문가께서
“co2 감축은 로봇개 따위 산다고 해결되지 못한다 : 근본적인 친환경 제품 경쟁력이 없다”
라는 의견도 함께 보내주셨습니다
어건 선박에도 적용이 되는 것이네요
** 자동차 섹터 ESG threshold : 2021년 3월부터 추가 강화
> 신재생 에너지 사용비율이 낮은 한국공장 생산비중이 높은 한국oem 외인 수급에 부담요인
Starting in March 2021, institutional investors will have to explain how they take ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors into account in their decision-making -- so they will be asking automakers tough questions about how exactly they are lowering their corporate carbon footprint, or if all their parts are made in countries with strong human rights protections, for example.
The initiative, called the Sustainable Finance Framework, is forcing companies to be transparent about how well they are complying to those standards. It applies to big institutional investors (funds and asset managers, for example) and the companies (automakers, for example) that they invest in
Starting in January 2022, automakers will have to say exactly what percentage of their operating and capital expenditures align with the EU’s climate goals. They will have to show that their activities make a “substantial contribution” to mitigating climate change for their investments to be classified as “sustainable” by the EU.
“co2 감축은 로봇개 따위 산다고 해결되지 못한다 : 근본적인 친환경 제품 경쟁력이 없다”
라는 의견도 함께 보내주셨습니다
어건 선박에도 적용이 되는 것이네요
** 자동차 섹터 ESG threshold : 2021년 3월부터 추가 강화
> 신재생 에너지 사용비율이 낮은 한국공장 생산비중이 높은 한국oem 외인 수급에 부담요인
Starting in March 2021, institutional investors will have to explain how they take ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors into account in their decision-making -- so they will be asking automakers tough questions about how exactly they are lowering their corporate carbon footprint, or if all their parts are made in countries with strong human rights protections, for example.
The initiative, called the Sustainable Finance Framework, is forcing companies to be transparent about how well they are complying to those standards. It applies to big institutional investors (funds and asset managers, for example) and the companies (automakers, for example) that they invest in
Starting in January 2022, automakers will have to say exactly what percentage of their operating and capital expenditures align with the EU’s climate goals. They will have to show that their activities make a “substantial contribution” to mitigating climate change for their investments to be classified as “sustainable” by the EU.