
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

    {....} 𐂯 ◝♩  locker one check!  ... locker one? nyew, all da rokka vanished. ◝ 🍮
                  from 08.00 a.m to 09.00 p.m
️️               ️️️️             📞 .. ️️️️ ️️️@rokkareibot  

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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rokkarei will be back. ♥️ mark the date: dec 28, 2023. by 09.00 a.m! xx

to all mi piyiks out there: thamks, mi hunbuns! >////3 ♥️ let us stay tgt 4 a loong time !!!


[locker two stamped!] ♥️

[locker one stamped!] ♥️

  ️️️️    ️️️  ️️️️
  ️️️️   ️️️️  ♪ ˚  .. JULES, SHOW US ROKKAREI!
️️       ️️️️    ️️️️    ️️️️          ️️️️          ️️️️          ️️️️          ️️️️          ️️️   
️️️️   ️️+ ROKKAREI: “sugars! up for nite shift!
️️️️  ️️️️   ️️ ️️workin’ this brain out 2 maintain our
️️️️   ️️️️️️   ️️babies dinging! catch ’em involved in
️️️️   ️️️️️️   ️️circles of imitation, stealing, reference
️️️️   ️️️️️️   ️️using etc of our mails. or our cops
️️️️   ️️️️️️   ️️will bugle their ways to snatch away
️️️️   ️️️️️️   200,000.00 IDR from em coin slot. 
️️️️   ️️️️️️   ️️️️️️either party shud be in great (dealed)
️️️️   ️️️️️️   ️️️️️️   ️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️   ️️   ️️ ️️️️    ️️️️️️   ️️️️️️️️️ compromise.”
  ️️️️   ️️
️️️️   ️️️️️️  ️️️️   ️️️️️️ ࣪ ˖  ️️️️posted at    ️️️ ️️️️   ️️+  09.00 A.M 📓♥️ ️️️️️️  ️️️️   ️️️️️  ️️️️   ️️️️️️  ️️️️   ️
️️️️   ️️️️️️   ️️  ️️️️️️   ️️️️️️️️️️   ️️️️️️     ️️ ️️️️️️  ️️️️     ️️️️️  ️️️️   ️️️️️️  ִ୭ৎ ࣪ ♡ ️️@rokkarei ࣪ ׅ  ׅ♡
️️️️   ️️️️️️  ️️️️ 
️️️️   ️️️️️

️️ ㅤ
⢿⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠈⠏⠀⠀ִ୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ  ❥ ROKKAREI IN TOWN

9 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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