By Alexander Pushkin, 1831.
What are you making noise about, you orators of the people?
Why do you threaten Russia with anathema?
What outraged you? Lithuania's unrest?
Leave it: this is a dispute between the Slavs,
A domestic, old dispute, already weighed by fate,
A question that you will not resolve.
For a long time now, among ourselves
These tribes are at odds;
More than once I bowed down under a thunderstorm
Sometimes their side, sometimes ours.
Who will survive in an unequal dispute:
A boastful Pole or a loyal Russ?
Will Slavic streams merge into the Russian sea?
Will it dry up? That is the question.
Leave us: you haven't read
These bloody tablets;
It is incomprehensible to you, alien to you
This family feud;
The Kremlin and Prague are silent for you;
It seduces you senselessly
The courage of desperate struggle -
And you hate us...
For what then? Answer: for what,
What's on the ruins of burning Moscow
We did not recognize the impudent will
Of the one that made you tremble?
Is it because we threw you into the abyss?
We are the idol weighing down upon the kingdoms
And with our blood they atoned
Freedom, honor and peace for Europe?..
You are menacing in words - try it in practice!
Or an old hero, deceased in bed,
Unable to screw in your Izmail bayonet?
Or is the Russian Tsar's word already powerless?
Or is it a new argument between us and Europe?
Or has the Russian lost the habit of winning?
Or are there not enough of us? Or from Perm to Taurida,
From the cold Finnish rocks to the fiery Colchis,
From the shocked Kremlin
To the still walls of China,
Shining with steel bristles,
Will the Russian land not rise?..
So send them to us, orators,
His embittered sons:
There is a place for them in the fields of Russia,
Among the coffins that are not alien to them.
By Alexander Pushkin, 1831.
What are you making noise about, you orators of the people?
Why do you threaten Russia with anathema?
What outraged you? Lithuania's unrest?
Leave it: this is a dispute between the Slavs,
A domestic, old dispute, already weighed by fate,
A question that you will not resolve.
For a long time now, among ourselves
These tribes are at odds;
More than once I bowed down under a thunderstorm
Sometimes their side, sometimes ours.
Who will survive in an unequal dispute:
A boastful Pole or a loyal Russ?
Will Slavic streams merge into the Russian sea?
Will it dry up? That is the question.
Leave us: you haven't read
These bloody tablets;
It is incomprehensible to you, alien to you
This family feud;
The Kremlin and Prague are silent for you;
It seduces you senselessly
The courage of desperate struggle -
And you hate us...
For what then? Answer: for what,
What's on the ruins of burning Moscow
We did not recognize the impudent will
Of the one that made you tremble?
Is it because we threw you into the abyss?
We are the idol weighing down upon the kingdoms
And with our blood they atoned
Freedom, honor and peace for Europe?..
You are menacing in words - try it in practice!
Or an old hero, deceased in bed,
Unable to screw in your Izmail bayonet?
Or is the Russian Tsar's word already powerless?
Or is it a new argument between us and Europe?
Or has the Russian lost the habit of winning?
Or are there not enough of us? Or from Perm to Taurida,
From the cold Finnish rocks to the fiery Colchis,
From the shocked Kremlin
To the still walls of China,
Shining with steel bristles,
Will the Russian land not rise?..
So send them to us, orators,
His embittered sons:
There is a place for them in the fields of Russia,
Among the coffins that are not alien to them.