Автобіоґрафія будителя Русинів Александра Духновича в латинскім оріґіналі з українскым перекладом (переклав Андрій Дідик). Духнович описує свій жывот од дітинства до року 1861. Бесідує о своїй роботі в пряшівскій і мукачівскій єпархіях, револуції 1848. року і насліднім періоді.
The autobiography of the Rusyn awakener Alexander Duchnovič, published in the Latin original alongside the Ukrainian translation (by Andriy Didyk). Duchnovič describes his life from his childhood years until 1861. He speaks of his work in the Eparchies of Prešov and Mukačevo, the 1848 revolution, and the following period.
The autobiography of the Rusyn awakener Alexander Duchnovič, published in the Latin original alongside the Ukrainian translation (by Andriy Didyk). Duchnovič describes his life from his childhood years until 1861. He speaks of his work in the Eparchies of Prešov and Mukačevo, the 1848 revolution, and the following period.