Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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The Salaf used to complete the recital of the Qurʿān every 7 days. This print has been divided into 7 parts to help people do just that. It is available in 2 formats: (a) a print consisting of 7 separate volumes all in one casing, (b) a single colour coded muṣ-ḥaf; each colour representing a seventh.
The 7 parts have been appropriately divided such that each section ends at the completion of a Sūrah;
1⃣: Fātiḥah end of Nisā'
2⃣: Mā'idah end of Tawbah
3⃣: Tawbah end of Naḥl
4⃣: Isrā' end of Furqān
5⃣: Shu’arā end of Yāsīn
6⃣: Ṣāffāt end of Ḥujurāt
7⃣: Qāf Nās
The acronym [فمي بشوق] helps one remember the 1st Sūrah in each section:
فاتحة، مائدة، يونس، بني إسرائيل (الإسراء)، شعراء، والصافات، ق
May Allah reward Sheikh Rashād Aḍh-Ḍhāli’ee and his team at
دار الحديث بالضالع (Yemen)
for this excellent service.
The 7 parts have been appropriately divided such that each section ends at the completion of a Sūrah;
1⃣: Fātiḥah end of Nisā'
2⃣: Mā'idah end of Tawbah
3⃣: Tawbah end of Naḥl
4⃣: Isrā' end of Furqān
5⃣: Shu’arā end of Yāsīn
6⃣: Ṣāffāt end of Ḥujurāt
7⃣: Qāf Nās
The acronym [فمي بشوق] helps one remember the 1st Sūrah in each section:
فاتحة، مائدة، يونس، بني إسرائيل (الإسراء)، شعراء، والصافات، ق
May Allah reward Sheikh Rashād Aḍh-Ḍhāli’ee and his team at
دار الحديث بالضالع (Yemen)
for this excellent service.