goresyan, OPEN!!!!

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hori places dan repost
@tkousetsu finding new moots profile-needs.

konnichiwa! hori-places, finding for a new moots. only accept ba types profile-needs, if you're interested please knock-knock my prettybot ikousetsubot.t.me and send the pretty letter to be my moots! thankyou.


bwat hari ini yang in rush no fee yh teman teman❤️

jajan yuk yuk

capa yang ba jasa wtb😢😢😢


𝐣astip 𝕵ennie ✧ open dan repost
݁ ✦ ִֶָ Sitting on a chair in a garden full of red fruit. 👩🏻‍🌾🧚🏻‍♀ The red's very beautiful like Jennie who was looking at the tree from the fruit. ˖ 𓏲࣪ 𐀔 This girl stands up and intends to pick a strawberry in front of her eyes which is very tempting 𒄬 、 yes it's called a strawberry. 🍓☘ She took the basket at the side of the garden and began to sort out the strawberries that were already worth serving 𖥔˙˖ .. The little fairies (🧝🏻‍♀) @jastipJennie; who used to help Jennie in her activities are now starting to come, ʚĭɞ ⋆ • seeing what her master is currently doing. 🧣🎒 She plucked the red strawberry and took a bite to feel the pleasure of this fruit was the best ‌‧♡ ೃ

𓂃𓏲࣪ Regulations.
𓂃𓏲࣪ Catalogue.
𓂃𓏲࣪ Testimoni.

. ⊹ 𓄼 ࣪ Believing that the fruit that this person has picked will be of very high 🌿🎯 value because this person is also always careful in ✧˖° sorting so that he gets fruit with high quality 🌹 ˖°࿐

New Jeans Rent : HIRTAL FEMALE!! dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
{ To our mutual, can you help me to forward this messege to your channel? Thanks to you before }

We are opening registration for only female talent who are in need of a home and are looking for a place to lean on. And the rules are down here.

1. Make sure you have subscribed to @NewJeansRent first
2. Experienced and sure to have free time. Can handle between real life and the world of BA
3. All accounts are allowed { CA/BA/PA }
4. Maximum limit of having 3 agencies including @NewJeansRent
5. Ready to take part in interviews and also trainne
6. Our minimum age is 16, below is not allowed
7. Can follow the rules during the trainee period with other admins

If you are interested in being part of us please send your answers below to @NewJeansHirtalBot

Name username :
Muse :
Age : minor/legal/major
Reason join with us? :
Mention your agency you joined :
Ready for wwc and trainee? :

Send to @NewJeansHirtalBot

tales of petals: soon dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
{dear my ba mutuals and everyone who saw this message, would you like to help me by forwarding this message to your channel, please? thank you!}

the inaugurated prose had escorted the sundry into this place, the pied-a-terre of countless joy and merriments to surround the denomination; seemed to be an invigorating phase to reminisce, some were moments from eternity which lasts forevermore inside the sentiments it burgeoned with. nearby the thoroughfare it resides, the existence of @talesofpetals which will embellish the zephyr's might with their robustness on 1st of November at 17.00 WIB. with the manipulation edits and nourishments they provide, surely will grasp you scintolla of crème de la crème happiness from the services present for thou. 

inquiries would be consigned to @talesofpetalsbot and stellified into your existence in replenishing our benchmarks to be escorted in contentment forevermore, so does the delicately topography followed by euphuistic encomium from the affirmed services we have.


mari jajan


dizee : OPEN ! cek pinned dan repost
heloOo everybody!!with
🦁🗯 ,On this Wednesday night @cacolla will 𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗡 anddeu serve chuu with dda catalog we have prOvided! 🤍🥧 ֶָ ֹ  If you are interested in ordering , don't forget to read dda regulations first 🥯 , Let's send dda format to the contact person, happy shOpping our beloved cust !! ࣪𓂃 。 。

( a help forward would be greatly appreciated ) 💐🙌🏻

Oddobus Shop : OPEN dan repost
[A beautiful poem with splendid quatrains and phrases. Warmest regards dear Moots GLOTHYC would appreciate your assistance in spreading this message. Thank you for your support; may your kindness be returned. You can also send feedback to @GlothycBot.]

e respectfully and nicely welcome you to GLOTHYC, mélodies vinyl record croons twirls like one swan. Affluent dutch banquet adorned to baritone major letters picturesque sonatas with either a glass of champagne or a special satisfy with stances of heritage structures and short black barricades. Here are some of the journals which were readily accessible.




a telegraph carrier to engage with @GlothycBot

Javadd udah open nih untuk katalog #archfiend, I'm avail in rush, dan bisa animanga, muka rl juga ya. Boleh send forms ke t.me/Archfiendrobot ya.

hellooooo! untuk semua mutual ba bisa bantu buat terusin pesan enih?!!

🖐✊ uwu pengen banget foto rame dengan corat coret masalahnya aku ngga bisa corat coret atw hasilnya kurang memuaskan!??? “Sedih kali sini aku kasih tau buat beli coretan yang MURAHHH dan km bisa REVISI SEPUASNYAAA dan jugak terpercaya banget loh” OMG! dimanakah itu!?? DI @SCRIBBLEYAA dong pastinya! jawaban yg paling tepat,,, “bikee tenkyuu aku bakal langsung meluncurrr” iya dong langsung aja yu yang maw coretan yang sangat amat sat sat set dan revisi sepuasnya di cek disini yang bakalan open BESOKKK ALIAS {17 DESEMBER 2022} serbuuu @Kanjkeng! dan juga jangan sampe ketinggalan 😎😎

jujurli aku bingung mw bikin setup kayak gimana hu hu hu

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