𖤝 scriptum, the demesne serendipity.

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Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

𔗫 laeviter in revenue in the momentous facies of the region in obsolete chores that clench memoriae sowed by spatium. attonitus with @scripturam.

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such emperor in wondrous abundance belongs merely to; marline

a brief reminder for those of you who have ordered or want to order a sequel of wording here; mohon cantumkan tenggat waktu in case kamu engga ingin pesanan kamu di proses sesuai dengan antrian yang ada, exempt for those of you who have no problem with it. a bunch of thanks for the attention you give, bring forth a ebullient day! ^3^

apricity morning! may this day be filled with twisting blessings. mayhaps quench your curiosity, order-list bisa dilihat disini yaa teman-teman. aku bakalan kabarin di sini kalau pun close sementara. jadii, selagi open ayoo send format nya ke akuu. :3

the olympian clepsydra continues to tickle with ebullience as if trying to measure a mail about the copious of lithesome that is bonanza d-day. a separate form of luster invigorated by @scriptums, with the form i orbited a force this april for a magical phrase cycle writing commission. always in the splendor that chaperoned, put all absorption leading to the following two phases: regulations and catalog. likewise, you can get what can gore your desires by sending me the formula on t.me/hdainty sole. y’all have the profound love of my heart!

scripies, selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan ramadan bagi yang menjalankannya :3 gimana nih? baru setengah hari masih pada semangat dong?! hope that today’s blessed with an abundance of grace for y’all, cause i love you guys. 🤍🤍

🗒 pristine chronicle; for concern of availability to disseminate this summary to your civic canal as a kind of mutual privilege. for reciprocal can be deduced by getting the hereafter contact @i82V5bot. you have my deepest thanks :3

ꔵ umpire that bolsters the emergence of a spectaculum that bestows a sentiment of bliss that goes beyond the peripheries of institutum. bequeathed with the bond of amassing the recourse which is probable if it attains no surplus than onetime; that's what compels it aestimabilis. @scriptums, with an absorbing probe of how temperaments are hauled away by the seedbed of formosus utterances on the 4th of april at 12pm in this pretiosus year. settle a bunch of notions on regulation obeyed by a catalog that poses some pulchritudines. citing unbroken proficiency like meraki threaded with eunoia which is no doubt about that etiquette; decorum. making the universum seem liable to an impressive verdict so that the whole citation is orchestrated to it.

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𔗫 the existentia of a myriad of mirabilia of the old era that brandish miscellaneous memoriae. befalls the possessores of souls sanctified with a tinge of elderliness that is crowded to the upshot of epitome. enthralls the fortitudo, mesmerizes the apertures, entails the core as if the hereditary modestia of bestowed quintessence. with the existentia of a bridge that sprawls its altitude over the geysers chaperoned by synonymous skyscrapers of the sublimis mansion tailored on the latus of the boulevard. the pillared edifice videbatur to be ablaze with diamonds embellishing each side and the alcoves of the towering cylinders. hence, the canopies that look durable videntur ostendere that the symmetrical edifice is paene simplex but looks elegant and benign. that embodiment is prompted from the core of the essence so that it forges the lepos of the fortune dignity that is replenished with coatings of boons from the whole facet. the admirans prototypes of obsolete nations had assumed the praetextum of the scriptums secluded.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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