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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Oil Is As Natural And Abundant As Water. They don't want you to know this and they tell you it's from fake fossils, so they can keep you enslaved.

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The train disappeared into a tunnel

In 1911, a special train designed for walking departed from the station in Rome. There were only 106 passengers on the trip. The train, gradually picking up speed, approached a long tunnel and when it went inside, it it didn't come out the other side. The train was never found - it simply disappeared without a trace.

Railroad workers made a thorough inspection of the tunnel, but found no signs of the derailment. Instead, two passengers from the missing train were found. They were in a state of deep shock. After some time, having come to their senses, they managed to tell that ... read more

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Cocky Pharmacist admits that he knew the jab was for depopulation and was coerced into giving it to people.

He doesn't seem to be phased one bit by killing and disabling people because of his job. His excuse was, that he was "forced" to do it.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Where do the banks get the money to provide you with a mortgage?

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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1 Share = 1 More Plant! Important Knowledge!

Having Aloe Vera, The Money Plant and the Spiders Plant in your home and bedroom massively improves your quality of life.

They clean and purify the air like a filter and help us get more oxygen-rich air.

This is not some hocus-pocus plant hippie bs, but actually based on a huge body of evidence. but they don‘t want you to know or use plants.

Enhances air quality by removing common household toxins (PMID: 20036456).

Releases oxygen at night, potentially improving sleep quality (PMID: 20036456).

Presence in the bedroom may help reduce anxiety and stress levels (PMID: 31880061).

Effective in removing indoor pollutants, leading to cleaner air (PMID: 31674909).

Helps in removing allergens from the air, beneficial for those with allergies (PMID: 16268830).

Increases room humidity, which can benefit respiratory health (PMID: 16268830).

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Adrenochrome in child movies.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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“Do souls exist? What if I had proof souls are real?”

Тhis is deeply magical. We all want to innerstand the soul, it’s creation and how it works! She had me at ‘conception light’ and the number ‘21’. There’s ‘no coincidences’!

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No more Dr.'s, no more pills, what Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know!

Hello, I’m wondering if anyone would like to join a Channel for Quantum Healing, You will find videos, articles, podcasts, and interviews with experts and practitioners of quantum medicine. You will also discover how quantum medicine can help you improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

It includes Frequency Healing ⚡🎵 , Wellness tips, 🧘‍♀️🌱 and much more that’s helped me and many others unlock our body’s innate potential to rejuvenate itself.

We want to keep this channel positive - NO negativity allowed. Amazing stories and positive vibes. Everyone is welcome ❤️🥰

Join: Quantum Healing


Can you tell if a banana is “Chemically Ripened” by looking at It?

If the banana you are looking at came from a supermarket, it’s almost certain to have been ethylene treated anyway.

If the bananas have combination of green stalks and brown spots it's indicative of chemical ripening, while black stalks indicate a naturally ripened banana.

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Allegedly these structures were just temporary made for fairs and expositions, and were shortly destroyed after.

Why would someone invest couple of years of man power, material and resources into building these magnificent structures only to be destroyed after a couple days of fair? The deeper you dig you find this whole story is illogical.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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English botanist and environmental campaigner, David Bellamy, was axed by the BBC for telling the truth about the anthropogenic climate change scam.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Rockefeller’s 1991 leaked speech will give you the chills. Take a listen and watch carefully.

They have always aimed to create a world system of financial control in Private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Listen carefully about the benefits of Moringa 😳☘️

Note: Moringa can be used by men and women!

Get your Moringa now 👇

Organizations Funded by George Soros and his Open Society (part2):

▪️ Campaign for America's Future
▪️ Health Care for America Now
▪️ National Council of La Raza
▪️ Urban Institute
▪️ Campaign for Better Health Care
▪️ Human Rights Campaign
▪️ National Council of Women's Organizations
▪️ USAction Education Fund
▪️ Campaign for Youth Justice
▪️ Human Rights First
▪️ National Football League Player's Association
▪️ Voter Participation Center
▪️ Campus Progress
▪️ Human Rights Watch
▪️ National Immigration Forum
▪️ Voto Latino
▪️ Casa de Maryland
▪️ I'lam
▪️ National Immigration Law Center
▪️ We Are America Alliance
▪️ Immigrant Defense Project
▪️ National Lawyers Guild
▪️ Working Families Party
▪️ Catholics for Choice
▪️ Immigrant Legal Resource Center
▪️ National Organization for Women
▪️ World Organization Against Torture
▪️ Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
▪️ Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project
▪️ National Partnership for Women and Families
▪️ YWCA World Office, Switzerland
▪️ Center for American Progress
▪️Immigration Advocates Network
▪️ National Priorities Project
▪️ Center for Community Change
▪️ Immigration Policy Center
▪️ National Public Radio
▪️Center for Economic and Policy Research
▪️ Independent Media Institute
▪️ National Women's Law Center
▪️ Center for Progressive Leadership
▪️ Center for International Policy
▪️ Institute for America's Future
▪️ Natural Resources Defense Council
▪️ John Adams Project
▪️ Center for Reproductive Rights
▪️ Institute for New Economic Thinking
▪️ New America Foundation
▪️ Moving Ideas Network (MIN)
▪️ Center for Responsible Lending
▪️ Institute for Policy Studies
▪️ New Israel Fund
▪️ New Organizing Institute
▪️ Center for Social Inclusion
▪️ Institute for Public Accuracy
▪️ NewsCorpWatch
▪️ Think Progress
▪️ Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
▪️ Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS)
▪️ Institute for Women's Policy Research
▪️ International Crisis Group
▪️ Pacifica Foundation
▪️ Palestinian Center for Human Rights
▪️ Vote for Change
▪️ Working Families Party
▪️ Global Exchange
▪️ National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
▪️ Tides Foundation and Tides Center
▪️ Brennan Center for Justice
▪️ Grantmakers Without Borders
▪️ National Committee for Voting Integrity
▪️ U.S. Public Interest Research Group
▪️ Brookings Institution
▪️ Green For All
▪️ National Council for Research on Women
▪️ Universal Healthcare Action Network

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Organizations Funded by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (part 1):

▪️ Advancement Project
▪️ Change America Now
▪️ J Street
▪️ Peace and Security Funders Group
▪️ Air America Radio
▪️ Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
▪️ Jewish Funds for Justice
▪️ Peace Development Fund
▪️ Al-Haq
▪️ Coalition for an International Criminal Court
▪️ Joint Victory Campaign 2004
▪️ People for the American Way
▪️ All of Us or None
▪️ Color Of Change
▪️ Justice at Stake
▪️ People Improving Communities Through Organizing
▪️ Alliance for Justice
▪️ Common Cause
▪️ Latino Justice PRLDF
▪️ Physicians for Human Rights
▪️ America Coming Together
▪️ Constitution Project
▪️ Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
▪️ Physicians for Social Responsibility
▪️ America Votes
▪️ Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
▪️ Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
▪️ Planned Parenthood
▪️ America's Voice
▪️ Democracy Alliance
▪️ League of United Latin American Citizens
▪️ Ploughshares Fund
▪️ American Bar Assn. Commission on Immigration Policy
▪️ Democracy 21
▪️ League of Women Voters Education Fund
▪️ Prepare New York
▪️ American Bridge 21st Century
▪️ Democracy Now!
▪️ League of Young Voters
▪️ Presidential Climate Action Project
▪️ American Civil Liberties Union
▪️ Democratic Justice Fund
▪️ Lynne Stewart Defense Committee
▪️ Prison Moratorium Project
▪️ American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
▪️ Democratic Party
▪️ Machsom Watch
▪️ Progressive Change Campaign Committee
▪️ American Family Voices
▪️ Demos
▪️ Progressive States Network
▪️ American Federation of Teachers
▪️ Drum Major Institute
▪️ Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
▪️ Project Vote
▪️ American Friends Service Committee
▪️ Earthjustice
▪️ Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
▪️ Pro Publica
▪️ American Immigration Counci
▪️ Economic Policy Institute
▪️ Media Fund
▪️ Proteus Fund
▪️ American Immigration Law Foundation
▪️ Electronic Privacy Information Center
▪️ Media Matters for America
▪️ Psychologists for Social Responsibility
▪️ American Independent News Network
▪️ Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
▪️ Mercy Corps
▪️ Public Citizen Foundation
▪️ American Institute for Social Justice
▪️ EMILY's List
▪️ Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
▪️ Public Justice Center
▪️ American Library Association
▪️ Energy Action Coalition
▪️ Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein, PC
▪️ Rebuild and Renew America Now (a.k.a. Unity '09)
▪️ American Prospect, Inc.
▪️ Equal Justice USA
▪️ Midwest Academy
▪️ Res Publica
▪️ Amnesty International
▪️ Fair Immigration Reform Movement
▪️ Migration Policy Institute
▪️ Roosevelt Institute
▪️ Faithful America
▪️ Military Families Speak Out
▪️ Secretary of State Project
▪️ Applied Research Center
▪️ Families USA
▪️ Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment
▪️ Sentencing Project
▪️ Arab American Institute Foundation
▪️ Feminist Majority
▪️ MoveOn
▪️ Social Justice Leadership
▪️ Aspen Institute
▪️ Four Freedoms Fund
▪️ Ms. Foundation for Women
▪️ Shadow Democratic Party
▪️ Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
▪️ Free Exchange on Campus
▪️ Muslim Advocates
▪️ Sojourners
▪️ Ballot Initiative Strategy Center
▪️ Free Press
▪️ NARAL Pro-Choice America
▪️ Southern Poverty Law Center
▪️ Bend The Arc
▪️ Funding Exchange
▪️ NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund
▪️ State Voice
▪️ Bill of Rights Defense Committee
▪️ Gamaliel Foundation
▪️ The Nation Institute
▪️ Talking Transition
▪️ Black Alliance for Just Immigration
▪️ Gisha
▪️ National Abortion Federation
Think Progress
▪️ Black Lives Matter
▪️ Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
▪️ National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
▪️ Thunder Road Group
▪️ Blueprint North Carolina

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Did you know that wireless energy existed in the 1800s?

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10k 1 241 157

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Hemp Batteries 🤯

Hemp is such a great plant, but sadly most people would rather Treet it like a drug, constantly getting high and wasting their life on nonsense. People who participate in this help the government hide the great benefits of Hemp.

You can make so many things out of hemp, such as; batteries, clothes, medicine, metal stronger than steel, plastic, tissue paper, paper, fuel and soooo much more!!!!!

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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The history of the very first human city…the Eridu…

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
👀 Beware of the eye care industry's hidden truth!

Discover a 12-second eye technique that promises 20/20 vision in days, defying age barriers.

Contrary to what your doctor might say, this method could reverse poor eyesight, even if you're nearing 70.

A bold U.S. doctor is challenging the multi-billion dollar industry, exposing the inefficacy of glasses, eye exams, and surgeries.

These are merely temporary fixes, not solutions. This doctor is on a mission to reveal the concealed facts. Curious about the secret your eye doctor isn't telling you?

Click to unveil the truth.

https://bit.ly/EyeFortin-3D ✅️
https://bit.ly/EyeFortin-3D ✅️

Maui ‘Ground Zero’ for Release of Billions of Biopesticide Lab-Altered Mosquitoes

Up to 775,992,000 bacteria-infected mosquitoes could be released in Maui every week for the next 20 years, according to Hawaii Unites, an environmental advocacy group that last month lost its bid to require the state to conduct an environmental impact statement before allowing the controversial project to proceed.

According to the group’s lawsuit, the state did not perform a sufficient environmental impact study prior to the launch of the project.


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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.