ثق بنفسك، ثق أنَّ بإمكانك فِعلها، ثق أن كل شيء جميل يستغرق وقتًا فقط، وثق أنك ستحقق ما تريد، واعلم دائمًا أنه لا بأس أن تسقط مئات المرات، لأنَّ في النهاية ستصبح أكثر نضجًا وأقوى.
Believe in yourself, believe that you can do it, believe that every good beautiful thing just takes time, believe that you will achieve what you want. And always know that it’s okay to fall down hundred times, because at the end you’ll get up more mature and stronger.🤍
Believe in yourself, believe that you can do it, believe that every good beautiful thing just takes time, believe that you will achieve what you want. And always know that it’s okay to fall down hundred times, because at the end you’ll get up more mature and stronger.🤍