The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel:
The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel has learned details of the liquidation of the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops of the RuAF, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov. The military leader (the position of the murdered man is equivalent to the position of Deputy Minister of Defense) lived with his wife on Ryazansky Prospekt street; his two sons are studying in Kostroma, where their father once headed the specialized Academy. Having recovered from the shock, the woman testified at the investigation headquarters (deployed in the premises of the property management company) that in connection with the war and the general's active position in the media, she asked her husband to provide himself with security. However, her husband simply brushed her off, saying that he is accompanied everywhere by two people: adjutant Ilya Polikarpov and driver Andrey Golenishchev. Both came to meet Igor Kirillov this morning.
Andrey Golenishchev, who was in the car at the entrance at the time of the explosion, complained that he had slept for only 3 hours. Such a short gap between shifts was formed because the general finished work late the previous evening, the official [Toyota] Camry driven by Andrey brought him home after 9:00 PM. Then the driver took Ilya Polikarpov home, brought the car to the departmental motor pool, and drove home in his own car. He had to repeat the same route, but in reverse order, this morning. Andrey Golenishchev was assigned to the general as a personal driver and had been driving Igor Kirillov since the spring of this year. According to him, their route had never changed during all this time - he was alone without any precautions. From Andrey's story it follows that he drove into the yard at 6:05 AM. There was no "tail" behind the car, and there was no interference in the electronics either. When the explosion occurred, the airbags deployed and he was in shock. While still in the car, he called 112 and the duty officer at the convoy. Neither the general nor the adjutant showed signs of life. The scooter was thrown back by the blast wave, there was no smoke or fire above it. Igor Kirillov's wife was the first to run down, she was also in a state of shock.
As it turned out, in addition to a "migrant" who drove the scooter (according to the main version, the explosives were still installed on it) and the car sharing passenger, there are still many blank spots in the situation. Andrey Golenishchev did not pay attention to the stranger who had been smoking near the entrance for some time before the general came out. He also did not see the running car parked nearby, which has also not yet been identified.
The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel has learned details of the liquidation of the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops of the RuAF, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov. The military leader (the position of the murdered man is equivalent to the position of Deputy Minister of Defense) lived with his wife on Ryazansky Prospekt street; his two sons are studying in Kostroma, where their father once headed the specialized Academy. Having recovered from the shock, the woman testified at the investigation headquarters (deployed in the premises of the property management company) that in connection with the war and the general's active position in the media, she asked her husband to provide himself with security. However, her husband simply brushed her off, saying that he is accompanied everywhere by two people: adjutant Ilya Polikarpov and driver Andrey Golenishchev. Both came to meet Igor Kirillov this morning.
Andrey Golenishchev, who was in the car at the entrance at the time of the explosion, complained that he had slept for only 3 hours. Such a short gap between shifts was formed because the general finished work late the previous evening, the official [Toyota] Camry driven by Andrey brought him home after 9:00 PM. Then the driver took Ilya Polikarpov home, brought the car to the departmental motor pool, and drove home in his own car. He had to repeat the same route, but in reverse order, this morning. Andrey Golenishchev was assigned to the general as a personal driver and had been driving Igor Kirillov since the spring of this year. According to him, their route had never changed during all this time - he was alone without any precautions. From Andrey's story it follows that he drove into the yard at 6:05 AM. There was no "tail" behind the car, and there was no interference in the electronics either. When the explosion occurred, the airbags deployed and he was in shock. While still in the car, he called 112 and the duty officer at the convoy. Neither the general nor the adjutant showed signs of life. The scooter was thrown back by the blast wave, there was no smoke or fire above it. Igor Kirillov's wife was the first to run down, she was also in a state of shock.
As it turned out, in addition to a "migrant" who drove the scooter (according to the main version, the explosives were still installed on it) and the car sharing passenger, there are still many blank spots in the situation. Andrey Golenishchev did not pay attention to the stranger who had been smoking near the entrance for some time before the general came out. He also did not see the running car parked nearby, which has also not yet been identified.