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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
{ To anyone who forward this message, i'll very grateful for that. Can you help me to send this to your business channel? Thanks a bunch! }

✽ . . Good day, every soul in this zone. Please give me some attention for this one. For now, @Erthelic was seeking for a new pals (with main account only). If you interest to be the one of my mutuals, just contact our bot here! @Erthelicbot. Anyway, i accept any BA but preferred profneeds BA. Have a pleasant day y'all ♥️

🧸💬 ◗ Hei-hao! now @bitamints are seeking for a lot of friends aka mutuals. mine is artcommission but all type of profneeds < especially artcommission > are pretty allowed. please contact us on bitamintsbot.t.me if u interested! ♡

aku open lg tgl 1 yah, 30 31 close duluu

{♛} The graceful and wise princess walked up every stair in the palace. Princess with a tremendously— beauteous physiognomy and also has a sweetened scent like roses that have just bloomed in the morning. Her lips were so beauteous, tiny, glistening with a hint of pink lipstick innocence. The princess gracefully walked towards a rose —garden in the palace residence.

[ moots hfw please, thankyou 🫶🏻 ]

@chimegu open commission now! buat yang lagi nyari commission art yuk yuk check @chimegu! ‹𝟹 if u are interested u can contact @ciinen 💌

slot [1/5]


Greetings! Mau punya pfp dengan artstyle yang keren kayak yang di foto? Atau mau couple pfp gemes? Atau mau buat yearbook pake chibi art? Bisa banget di @starryIight! Disini kami menyediakan komisi art dengan artstyle semi-realism dengan harga yang affordable 🤩, yuk jajan ke starryIight.t.me!

[dear mutuals, please help me forwarding this message 🦭]

Cho-choo! @ByYoru akan buka dan menerima order lagi pada tanggal 30 Januari 2022 pada pukul 10:00 WIB dengan katalog yang tersedia [https://t.me/ByYoru/495].

dan jugaaa, PROMO!
🍓. Untuk SATU (1) pembeli pertama yang melakukan order akan mendapatkan potongan harga sebesar 10K!
🍓. Untuk TIGA (3) pembeli tercepat selanjutnya akan mendapatkan diskon sebesar 15%!
🍓. Untuk pembelian 2 karakter (couple) akan mendapatkan diskon sebesar 10% 🫶

Promo diatas dapat digunakan untuk semua katalog dan berlaku hingga tanggal 10 Februari 2023 aliaz limited 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Jangan lupa untuk membaca TnC dahulu dan untuk bertanya juga order bisa langsung ke @sharonmyooi

꒰ᘐ ᩠ ֯ for mutual's, please forward this message to your business channel... thankkies munchkies !1!1 :3>

꒰ 🕯🧸♥️..3 ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ⑅₎ :3 looking for soul mutualan is my hallucination! wraith o’ concourse delicate cherub pulchritudinous sugarry dolls, pwinkish wants to be soul mate “천천히” :: ᕱ.ᕱ ♡˖˚ ⑅ contact @sourhyteBot if you want mutualan seagull with mee sweetheart mutual sweet heartly c/boomz only main account beams marionette sized. ׅ ˖ ꒱ ᩠

                 ꔫ ˙ · . . · ˙ ꔫ ˙ · . . · ˙ ꔫ ˙ · . . · ˙ ꔫ
xoxo, dainty telegram.me/sourhyte

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
{ hi everyone, best regards! for my dear mutuals. can you help me to forward this message to your channel? thank you very much & have a nice day. }

Hello! For everyone who sees this message ; @daisukir is looking for lots of mutual friends for his business! we accept any type of business. Be a partner of @daisukir To start a fun music business! we are waiting for the arrival of new friends here @keylaflybot you can contact the bot to establish a mutual relationship, thank you.

Greetings from music lovers, Keyla.

komis Joy rv 🫶🏻

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ Please help foward this message to your channel moots ]


Halo semua, Chocotori sudah open dari tanggal 27 Januari - 28 Januari, bisa booking slot juga lho. Tunggu apa lagi? AYO JAJAN!!!! Jangan lupa membaca tnc dan mengisi format dengan jelas. Kemudian bisa send format ke @akokonoi, kalau ada pertanyaan juga bisa ditanyakan terlebih dahulu ^^

ㅤ hi there, let's be a business partner or business mutuals!

openg bbrp slot yah, aku bu 😪

ㅤㅤ ( t.me/jugams )

contact through @lcibra if you are interested

[ HFW MOOTS! 🍓 ]

hei hei hei! @chimegu is looking for lots of new mutuals ☆ anyway, i accept all type of bussiness ch! if u are interested to be my mutual u can contact @chimegubot ₍੭ᐢ..ᐢ₎੭ ♡

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
{ Dwelling my lukewarm greetings to beautiful souls out there who read this message. I would ask especially for my dearest mutual assistance to spread this message on your channel. Pleasure and thank you. }

Warmest greeting, with today's warmth and cheerfulness, a teenager with a beautiful appearance and silly behavior would to announced that @Sserafiumm is looking for a bunch of new mutuals. Proofneeds with moodboard and manipulations are necessary for our line of work. Simply by contacting @Sseramutualbot right away, we accepted any kind of bussiness you employ but except for gallery username strictly prohibited. Much obliged, may your day always be blessed and pleasant! 🤍

{ for my beloved mutual can you forward this message to your channel? thank you so much! ♡ }

Hello-Bello! looking for new mutuals! accept all type business channel, {rental agency do not interact sorry}. make sure you use your main account. do hit @Secquebot up if you interested mutuals with secque.. have a pleasant day! ♥️

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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