𝒮ky 𝒞astle

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

open : 08.00 - 22.00
testimoni :: @skyytesti
send form :: @skycastlerobot
ask anything or mutualan BA :: @mcndukies

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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tapi untuk semua orderan yang udah di aku bakalan ku selesein dulu, jadi buat yang udah order kalian gausah risau oke?

nanti kalo udah open lagi bakalan ku kasih info selanjutnya

hai aku cuma mau bilang, kalo untuk sementara skycastle bakal close untuk orderan icons, tapi tenang aja kalian masih bisa order upsub, verif, dan juga upview

🌙 MOONCHANT :: TODAY IS OPEN! dan repost
[ To anyone who saw this, especially our BA Mutuals, would you help me to forward this news message? It means a lot if you help me. Thanks a heap! ]

Hello, Moonchanters! We'd like to inform you if we are OPEN for BF / GF rent services. Starting from 3K you can get a partner to accompany you for a day! But before that, it's better if you read the Terms & Conditions that we have created first.

And finally, we are also doing a channel overhaul so that we can become even better. Please look forward to us and wait for the new version of Moonchant, blessed tele-lings! Happy purchasing.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ 𖥔 Untuk semua mutual bisnis kami, atau siapapun anda yang melihat pesan ini, baik secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja. Tolong luangkan sedikit waktu untuk menyebarkan pengumuman ini ke channel Anda? Terimakasih banyak 𖥔 ]

Hallo semuanya, mulai tanggal 29 Maret.
@Eplide akan mulai open lagi nih, kira kira siapa dari kalian yang udah siap buat dapet afeksi dari talent kami?. Seperti sebelumnya kali ini kami hadir dengan tema dan ciri khas baru, kini Eplide hadir untuk kamu yang sedang butuh afeksi maupun hanya sekedar menemani hari-hari mu. Hanya dengan 3.000 IDR kamu bisa mendapatkan pasangan sesuai kriteria.

Baca terlebih dahulu TnC kami, profile talent ada di @EplideTalent. Send format mu ke @EplideBot.

𝑺tarlet𝐳ୈ-OPEN dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The movie gonna be start be hurry dont be late theres gonna be the freebies special popcorn

Hello everyone,welcome to the cinemaz

Cinemaz merupakan sebuah ba channel dengan theme bioskop dan telah lahir pada tanggal 14-03-2021

Cinemaz menyediakan produk jualan icons dan untuk itu bisa dicek di @cinemazcatalogue

Sebelum untuk mengorder pastikan membaca tnc terlebih dahulu agar mengetahui apa yang harus dilakukan di cinemaz

happy 800 jeti


TOKO TEMPUR dan repost
@TokoTempur kembali dengan gaya baru yang akan melayani kamu dalam berbagai hal, yakni:
Upsubs, Upsubs Main Acc, Upmemb
Verif All Aplikasi (Bukti Kartu Fisik)
Profile Needs (Katalog)
Upviews, Jasa Tulis
Aplikasi Premium
Wording Needs

Tap this for testimonial.
Tap this for order and opclose status.

Cus pesan dengan isi format dan hubungi @TempoerBot (@TempoeroBot - jika bot pertama error) atau @Tempoer!

Wording Sastra : OPEN dan repost
[To all my dearest ba mutuals and everyone who see this, please help me to spread this message to your channel. Thank you]

@WordingSastra is now open for anyone who needs help in wording thingy. Check out the catalog, and the tnc. No need to worry about your budget because you can order wording according to your budget. Contact us immediately @WordingSastraBot. Thank you for your attention ♡

Trexyshope🔥 dan repost
[ To all our mutual BA and anyone who saw this message, i ask that please can you forward this message to your channel, please? Because today the official Trexyshop debuts!🔥 ]

Hey, everyone! Ready to go shopping at Trexyshop? Must have been. Trexyshop is now officially open! We're will be open on Wednesday 24th March (12.00 WIB). We just opened our store and provided some

Coin Webtoon
Coin Zepeto
Bubble Lysn
App Premium
Verif Number

I hope you're interested and visit our store. Let's wait, and shop here quickly! And please make sure you read our TNC beforehand! Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day! (✯ᴗ✯) ♡

sailor dè lune ⋆ SOON dan repost
[For all of my BA mutuals or everyone who happens see this post, could you please kindly share this to your channel, friends or everyone who may need our products, that mean a lot to us

✪ ℱallynxcbys ⋆ Open dan repost
[ too all my mutualls BA, Can you ask for help to forward this message to your ch ?, Thank you in advance ]

Hello telegram - lings , We're Fallynxcbys , Want to tell you that we are open for the first time on Senin, 29 Maret 11:00 wib ! , We provide proff needs , verif tele , apps Prem and bubble lysn, only starting from 2,000 IDR

What are you waiting for, let's see TNC and fill in the format, don't forget to send it to @fallxcbysbot , we are waiting for your arrival, thank you!

Riddikulus! : CLOSE. dan repost
[Teruntuk mutual BA semua atau siapapun yang melihat pesan ini, jika tidak keberatan bolehkah saya meminta bantuan kalian untuk menyebar pesan ini ke channel kalian? Terima kasih atas bantuannya!]

Halo semua! Riddiculus kembali masih dengan tema perpaduan vintage dan modern. Riddiculus menyediakan beberapa macam icons dan header twitter yang dapat memperindah profil kamu nih! Harga cukup terjangkau, dimulai dari 3000 aja loh!

Ayo buruan order dengan mengisi form yang tersedia pada kolom komentar katalog kami dan jangan lupa untuk memperhatikan regulasi sebelum mengirim form ordernya ya! Horanghae!🐯

Contact Person : @riddiculusbot atau @sjeulgi

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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