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House Republicans wrote a ten page letter to Peter Daszak yesterday GRILLING him about his involvement with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and it is so damn good.

I'm going to go through it line by line to show you guys what they're talking about, but omg I want to cry. They actually mentioned the form 990-PF wire transfers I found last year between EHA and Wuhan. It's not like I was mentioned in the letter or anything but I haven't seen that mentioned ANYWHERE else. I'm so glad someone out there did their research.

This letter is good. Holy crap I want to cry.

Here's the full PDF if you want to read it:

Like I said, I will be dissecting this with a fine-toothed comb to explain everything to you guys... but this is huge. HUGE news.

New Video! Nothing wild, just a little dig into decisions that have been made in Afghanistan over the last 20 years, considering Biden just decided to postpone withdrawing the remaining troops there for no good reason.

- The two times Bill Clinton had an opportunity to kill Bin Laden but didn't.
- The Bush-era 'Murica propaganda that got us over there.
- Obama campaigned twice on withdrawing us from Afghanistan and sent more soldiers there than any other president.
- Obama and his Communist inspiration book the entire white house staff read while he was in office that guided him on his Afghanistan decisions.
- Joe Biden can't stop lying about his involvement (or lack thereof) in the decision to take out Bin Laden. Like he lies about it all the time and all his Democrat friends have written books that say he wasn't involved, but he made up a ridiculous story that he was anyways. A story that even Obama denies lmao.


I just hadn't edited anything new in a while and picked back up Blood Money to finish and felt like doing something different/creative/challenging first.
Democrats & the Middle East: Lies Told and Mistakes Made in Afghanistan
Bill Clinton made the CIA stand down against Bin Laden for no good reason and Joe Biden can't stop lying about his involvement the Bin Laden raid. Basically this is a video covering topics from 2001. ...

Here's a link to all the relevant things surrounding the officer-involved shooting of Adam Toledo in Chicago. The MSM has edited out the corners of the bodycam footage where you can see he had a gun.

Here's the full unedited bodycam video, if you haven't seen it.

Here are all the relevant videos, documents, audio files, etc., available on the Adam Toledo case, provided by the Chicago Civilian Office of Police Accountability.

COPA Case Files:
Adam Toledo Body Cam
Log# Incident Type(s) IPRA/COPA Notification Date Incident Date & Time District of Occurrence 2021-1112 Firearm Discharge 03-29-2021 03-29-2021 2:53 am ...

Just sharing a before and after photo of my weight loss, because we were talking about it on Gab and about making sure you take care of yourself. If you are struggling with your weight, you can do it! Little bits here and there make a huge difference. I love you and I want you to be around for a long time, please take care of yourself. ❤️

Today's Events:
- Got deplatformed from YouTube
- MLB whistleblower reached out about a forced vaccination program
- Blood Money coming along well. Aiming to put it out by the beginning of next week.
- I love you guys.
- Things are much happier and much better in L Land. Thank you for sticking with me. I won't let you down!

News roundup for the day! Links here:

For those of you that aren’t aware, my politics and profession have caused a rift in my family and I was cut off from a family member. I’ve had a bit of a mental block with continuing on with my research, knowing that it caused said rift, but I’m not giving up.

Just going through a hard time and working through it as best as I can. Thanks for your love and support. It’s getting easier again every day. Love you guys.

I added another channel with discussions enabled so you can comment and/or chat in there as well. Sorry, still figuring out how Telegram works, but that seems to be a good idea so it's not just me posting into the void. Link:

Pete Buttigieg and the Eco-Communist Plot to Destroy America

A few days ago, Pete Buttigieg went on the record as saying he envisions a per-mile tax on vehicles in the future—seemingly to circumvent the rising fuel efficiency of cars that cut into the already-ludicrous fuel taxes we have today. By doing so, this would punish rural and poor drivers the most, as they drive farther and likely have cheaper vehicles with worse fuel efficiency. Would this per-mile tax essentially become a double tax on the rural and middle class in America? Buttigieg claims that infrastructure improvements would cost $3.5 trillion, but others have suggested it could cost up to $10 trillion.

Follow me as I delve down the rabbit hole of Buttigieg's motivations, political affiliations, and driving forces behind the plot to "end the global rule of capital" by using the "unprecedented opportunity" presented by climate change to "construct the world that is possible" and enact "Eco-socialism."

As always, I cite my sources, thoroughly. This isn't hyperbole. This is verbatim the ultimate goal. Let's get into it, shall we?

Pete Buttigieg's father is a Marxist scholar. Jen Psaki is on the advisory board of a group that wants to pack the supreme court.

I've decided I'll be posting my major finds and research here. Nothing major, but, y'know. Never hurts to be in as many places as I can be.

Sup nerds.

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