Stop for second and think. When you say "I hate my life". What's life too you? Living in a house, with food and clothing, having the opportunity for your parents to send you to a good school and even having extra luxury but because they didn't like you at school or because he broke you heart, because you feel like you don't mean anything to anyone. Because for some reason, everything you have built throughout your entire life means absolutely nothing when they hurt you is not what life is. It's not what your life should be. We humans tend to forget what we have when we focus on what we don't. But you lose that way. You lose yourself. You're not the only one living. There are billions of people on this planet. Imagine what would happen if everyone started hatting life?
Then, what would happen to it's meaning? Would we even care, if we lived or not?
Then, what would happen to it's meaning? Would we even care, if we lived or not?