even if I had to think about the gift that I want to give to my friend it would of course be the book called "
ATOMIC HABITS" which is basically about
making tiny changes and
achieving remarkable results the book was written by a guy named James Clear,
as far as I can remember, who is considered to be
a best-selling author besides that he is a former athlete and
expert on habit formation, the book provides a peer-reviewed with data and, you know
scientifically proven knowledge that can be used to build better habits and
lead more fulfilling lives and I want to give the book to my closest friends you know
he's near and dear to my heart and
I deeply care about him after
he encountered some financial problems you know he
sank into depression and right after that he became
a heavy smoker and
heavy drinker and he's being you know smoking cigarettes and even weed for a long time and he hates it so much but you know
he has already attuned and accustomed to the habit and he doesn't know how to abandon it and I believe that with that book with the book that I am going to give he will change his life cuz the book
has previously transformed and changed a lot of people's lives so hopefully the book will be
a real game changer in his life and I truly believe that he will
turn in his life over.https://t.me/Speak_to_ImpressP.S. SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS.😁 #SHARINGISCARING