Dont Brag Niqqarz

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Häckêrs Unite™ dan repost
Step 2

Inject Code

In this case, I'm going to take the easy route and insert the code for my shell into the log files, then access it with the web app. First, I verify that I can access the log files. In some cases, these may not be readable.

If we have done our initial recon, we will have some idea of what type of system we are up against, including what type of web server the host is running. Armed with this knowledge, we can ascertain the path of the log files.

In this example, we have an Apache server, and the default location for Apache logs is /var/log/apache2/, or /var/log/apache. As we can see below, I've successfully included the Apache access log into the page.


Häckêrs Unite™ dan repost
Let's break it down a little bit more with an example path. This is the working directory of our fictional app:


When it is passed a parameter like ?page=file1.php, it looks in its working directory to load file1.PHP. When we execute these attacks, we don't actually know the working directory of the application; it could be buried deep in a directory tree or it might be in a user's home directory. So we want to be sure that our path includes enough previous directories to get us back to the root directory, which can be a guessing game.


In this relative path, I have a total of 14 previous directories. That's fine. Any previous directories beyond the root directory of the filesystem are ignored. This path goes back to the root directory, and then from there, to /etc/passwd.


Dont Brag Niqqarz dan repost
Come and meet our new member from the state (United States of America)

She iz Jassy Timely.
Come and link up with her...

Come and meet our new member from the state (United States of America)

She iz Jassy Timely.
Come and link up with her...

Yooooo ma kivq

Kakap3 take ova

Ff up..luv y'all

Xkullpheez ✌:
School has resumed💔
Dont Brag Niqqarz has been officially closed💔
All admins are muted for now.Admins will b released April..
I am leaving 4 school 😢
Am gonna miss y'all
And to the viewers stay tuned.Dont leave the channel b'cos there are more hot stuffs coming your way next vac
🔥🔥It's a Goodbye for now❤️
Tell a friend to tell another friend to join @Spymefuck @Spymefuck so that they could also enjoy next vac
Thank U

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Xkullpheez ✌:DBN
The Channel will be officially closed now..Plz dnt leave

Cause its gonna be lit 🔥🔥
Keep joining 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Don't miss it

@mdrobot dan repost
More female handles

Fine teens inc dan repost
Should we interview her tonight?
@fineteens ...🌹

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Hackingum™ dan repost
❗️ Paypal Cracker ❗️

Gift By :-- @Hackingum

🛑Used to Crack Paypal Accounts
🛑Hack Multiple Paypal

By :-- @Hackingum

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