Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha is an AMM DEX built on TON blockchain providing virtually zero fees, low slippage, an extremely easy interface, and direct integration with TON wallets.
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Cooperation: @stonfiofficial

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🗿 Integrated into MMPro

⚡️ Stonfiers! The functions of the DEX are often being integrated into the projects of our friends. Introducing MMPro Group platform.

ℹ️ MMPro Group is a multifunctional platform for expert consultations, collaborations, token launches, investment attraction, and other useful services for traders and developers. The number of platform users has exceeded 2.5 million.

Recently, the functionality of has been integrated into the MMPro trading terminal for market making on the TON network.

But that's not all! Now, subscribing to's social media channels provides benefits in BUMP — a clicker app from MMPro Group for receiving token and NFT vouchers.

Explore BUMP on Telegram 🔗

Stay tuned.

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187.7k 5 192 67 3.7k

🗿 Stonbassadors: May Rewards and the Telegram Channel

⚡️ Stonfiers! The Ambassador Program is breaking new records: last month, 392 participants received rewards for unique, high-quality content.

Here are the results of our collaborative efforts for May:

✅ We received and processed over 1,000 emails with links to articles, videos, tweets, and other materials.
✅ The average reward for an ambassador this May — 8 STON (~$140).
✅ The total amount of ambassador rewards was around $55,000.
✅ 9 ambassadors have been receiving rewards for 6 consecutive months — thank you for staying with us!

Special thanks (along with additional rewards) go to:

👀 Creators of video content for TikTok and YouTube. We received 86 videos that garnered a total of about 100,000 views.
👀 Authors of guides and articles for @cryptovalet/ston-staking-guide-307df9f78441' rel='nofollow'>Medium, Coinmarketcap, and other platforms.
👀 Active ambassadors who not only create content but also attract new participants and assist them. Thanks to you, our community is growing!

⚡️ Additionally, we have created a Telegram channel for ambassadors. There you will find:

👉 tips for creating content;
👉 weekly contests and additional rewards;
👉 other ambassadors who share their experiences and answer questions.

Join the ambassador channel 🔗

👀 Read more about the ambassador program here. We wrote about the April rewards in the previous report. Here are three useful tips for those who want to develop the project and receive good rewards.

Stay tuned.

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🗿 Weekly Round Up

1️⃣ Two days left until the end of The Open League. Join farming in 9 farms with rewards in TON, STON, and project tokens.

2️⃣ CEO Slavik Baranov spoke at Dutch Blockchain Days. At this major event in Amsterdam, Web3 professionals from around the world discuss the future of the crypto industry.

3️⃣ Gemsquads: one week of voting left. Select farms, send GEMSTON to special addresses, and increase farming rewards for the next month.

4️⃣ STONfi integrated into Pumpers. Now, tokens accepted by the community will be added to the STONfi DEX upon reaching a capitalization of 1000 TON.

5️⃣ STONfi at the TON Celebration Event. Set up the Bitget Wallet, complete our and our partners' tasks, and win a share of the $50,000 prize pool!

6️⃣ New farming. Farms for CATS/TON and REBA/TON are available on the STONfi DEX.

📊 APR in active farms:

🔥 WTF/TON— 944%
🔥 WALL/USDT— 496%
🔥 TON/CATS — 485%

👉 More farms on

📊 DEX Statistics:

🔥 Weekly trading volume: 21.7M TON ($159M)
🔥 TVL: 38.6M TON ($283M)
🔥 Our liquidity providers earned about 43,500 TON ($318,000) this week

Stay tuned!

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🗿 CEO at Dutch Blockchain Days

Stonfiers! Last week, a major crypto event took place in Amsterdam — Dutch Blockchain Days. CEO Slavik Baranov presented our project as an innovative DEX on TON Blockchain and discussed the development of new functions.

Check out the photos from this event and find:
✨ a smoke cannon;
✨ a physical representation of Bitcoin;
✨ a cardboard tree with cards growing on it;
✨ a typo in Slavik's last name.

🔗 See Dutch Blockchain Days for yourself 🔗

Stay tuned.

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🗿 TON Celebration Event by Bitget Wallet

Stonfiers! A major event by Bitget Wallet is starting, and we are participating along with other projects in the TON ecosystem: TON, Tonstakers, and Catizen!

Bitget Wallet is a multi-chain wallet with over 10 million users.

How to participate?
Install Bitget Wallet.
Select TON mainnet from the list of networks and complete the tasks.
Win a share of the $50,000 reward pool!

🔗 Install Bitget Wallet 🔗

Stay tuned.

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🗿 CATS, REBA Farming

⚡️ Stonfiers! We continue to open new farms — farming for CATS and REBA tokens has launched on the DEX.

CATS — a meme coin with its own ecosystem, including the TON Cats Community DAO and an NFT collection.
Rewards: 25,500 PUNK + 13,500 MC + 200 billion FISH (~$81,900)
Farming period: until June 30.
LP-tokens lock-up: 10 days.

REBA — the token of the Rebalancer project. Its main purpose is to rebalance pools containing the native REBA token.
Rewards: 3M REBA (~$11,600)
Farming period: until July 21.
LP-tokens lock-up: 14 days.

❓How to Earn Rewards?
Stake LP-tokens in the Pools tab. The higher your share in the farming pool, the larger share of rewards you'll receive. Rewards can be claimed at any time! ✨

🔗 Start farming now 🔗

❗️Reminder: LP-tokens are automatically issued upon providing liquidity. Our guide provides detailed instructions on farming on

Stay tuned and DYOR. In the world of DeFi, you should study tokens in detail before interacting and make decisions independently.

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🗿 Integrated into Pumpers

⚡️ Stonfiers! Another unique project on TON has integrated the functionality of DEX — welcome the Pumpers platform!

ℹ️ Pumpers is a platform for the simplified launch of meme coins in the TON ecosystem. With Pumpers, you can create your own token or interact with other users' tokens. When a token reaches a capitalization of 1000 TON, its liquidity is added to This is how new tokens accepted by the community make their way to our DEX 😎

🔗 Explore tokens on Pumpers in Telegram 🔗

Our functionality is being integrated by both emerging teams and major projects in the ecosystem, such as Tonkeeper, Wallet, Punk City, Tap Fantasy. We are happy to help projects develop the TON Blockchain and realize promising ideas!

Stay tuned.

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363k 8 103 37 4.6k

🗿 Gemsquads: 10 days left to vote

⚡️ Stonfiers! We recently launched the unique Gemsquads event. You can use GEMSTON to support The Open League projects with trading pairs on and increase the reward pool for farming next month.

Voting will continue until July 1, 00:00 UTC, and farming will start on July 2, 12:00 UTC.

Stonfiers have already cast over 35,000 votes in GEMSTON to the addresses of 38 pools. The trading pair REDO/TON is leading by a wide margin, with over 16,900 votes.

❗️Reminder: The reward pool of 10,000 STON (~$180,000) will be distributed among the 10 farms with the highest number of GEMSTON votes.

🔗 Vote for trading pairs and increase rewards!

You can purchase GEMSTON on the DEX. Read more about the voting rules and reward distribution here.

Stay tuned.

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🗿 CEO at Dutch Blockchain Days

⚡️ Stonfiers! Today, Slavik Baranov, CEO of, will speak at Dutch Blockchain Days — a major crypto event in Amsterdam.

Dutch Blockchain Days gathers thought leaders and professionals in the Web3 from around the world to discuss blockchain, DeFi, stablecoins, security and legal regulation, cryptocurrency success stories, and the future of the entire industry. Slavik Baranov will join the discussion, present as an innovative DEX on TON Blockchain, and share the latest news on the development of new functions.

Learn more about Dutch Blockchain Days 🔗

Stay tuned.

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🗿 Weekly Round-Up

1️⃣ The fourth season of The Open League has begun. Join farming in 9 farms with rewards in TON, STON, and project tokens.

2️⃣ Notcoin is available on STONfi. Meet the most discussed token of this spring on our DEX! Trade NOT, and provide liquidity under special conditions! We have also opened 2 farms with NOT — NOT/TON and NOT/USDt.

3️⃣ STONfi in Twitter Space. Together with representatives from TON Foundation, CoinFund, Tapswap, Catizen, and Storm Trade, we discussed attracting users to GameFi and DeFi. Follow us on Twitter to not miss future events!

4️⃣ on YouTube. Our CBDO Martin gave an interview to The Big Whale channel. Listen to the conversation about DeFi, the features of TON Blockchain, the development of DEX functionality, and our future plans.

5️⃣ New farms are appearing on STONfi! Learn more about farming POE, HIF, JETTON, RECA, and WALL.

6️⃣ Gemsquads has launched! Now everyone can vote in GEMSTON for their favorite farms and increase rewards next month.

7️⃣ The STON/USDt farm is now available! Farming participants will receive 10,000 STON.

📊 APR in active farms:

🔥 WALL/USDt — 642%
🔥 COFE/TON — 552%
🔥 STON/USDt — 515%

👉 More farms on

📊 DEX Statistics:

🔥 Weekly trading volume: 22,8M TON ($178M)
🔥 TVL: 37.9M TON ($296M)
🔥 Our liquidity providers earned about 45,600 TON ($356,000) this week

Stay tuned!

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🗿 STON/USDt Farming

Stonfiers! Today we are launching a farm with the two most popular tokens among users. Welcome to STON/USDt farming!

Rewards: 10,000 STON (~$170,000)
Farming period: until July 17.
LP-tokens lock-up: no.

❓How to Earn Rewards?
Stake LP-tokens in the Pools tab. The higher your share in the farming pool, the larger share of rewards you'll receive. Rewards can be claimed at any time! ✨

Farm STON 🔗

❗️Reminder: LP-tokens are automatically issued upon providing liquidity. Our guide provides detailed instructions on farming on

Stay tuned!

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⚡️ Stonfiers! We continue to launch new farms — farming of POE, HIF, JETTON, and RECA tokens is now available on DEX.

POE — the token from Portal Network, a network of charging stations for electric vehicles created and developed by the community.
Rewards: 4,000 POE + 300 TON (~$11,400)
Farming period: until July 14.
LP-tokens Lock-up: 30 days.

Hedgehog in the Fog ($HIF) — a meme coin inspired by the character from the cult cartoon.
Rewards: 500 STON (~$8,500)
Farming period: until July 5.
LP-tokens Lock-up: 14 days.

JETTON — the main token of the JetTon Games gaming ecosystem with various functions: from deposits and farming to exclusive game access.
Rewards: $50,000 in JETTON
Farming period: until June 29.
LP-tokens Lock-up: 15 days.

$RECA — the token of The Resistance Cat. The project includes a wallet tracker, a bot for trading assets in Telegram, and its own clicker game.
Rewards: $10,000 in RECA
Farming period: until July 14.
LP-tokens Lock-up: 15 days.

WALL — a meme coin on the TON network dedicated to VK, the social network created by Pavel Durov.
Rewards: $50,000 in WALL
Farming period: until June 30.
LP-tokens Lock-up: 15 days.

❓How to Earn Rewards?
Stake LP-tokens in the Pools tab. The higher your share in the farming pool, the larger share of rewards you'll receive. Rewards can be claimed at any time! ✨

🔗 Start farming now 🔗

❗️Reminder: LP-tokens are automatically issued upon providing liquidity. Our guide provides detailed instructions on farming on

Stay tuned and DYOR. In the world of DeFi, you should study tokens in detail before interacting and make decisions independently.

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🗿 Gemsquads: Voting Continues

⚡️ Stonfiers! Recently, we launched the unique Gemsquads event. You can use GEMSTON to support The Open League projects with trading pairs on and increase the farming reward pool for the next month.

Stonfiers have already cast over 13,000 votes in GEMSTON for 36 pool addresses. The TON/WEB3 trading pair is leading by a wide margin with over 11,000 votes.

❗️Reminder: The reward pool of 10,000 STON (~$170,000) will be distributed among the 10 farms with the highest number of GEMSTON votes.

🔗 Vote for trading pairs and increase rewards! 🔗

You can purchase GEMSTON on the DEX. Read more about the voting rules and reward distribution here.

Stay tuned.

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🗿 Interview with Martin, CBDO of

⚡️ Stonfiers! Recently, an interview with Martin, CBDO of STONfi, was released on The Big Whale YouTube channel, which is dedicated to news and insights from the world of Web3.

You may know Martin as our main speaker, he has represented us at conferences in Portugal, the UK, and Nigeria.

Enjoy a pleasant conversation about DeFi, the features of TON Blockchain, the development of DEX functionality, and plans for the nearest future.

Watch the interview on YouTube 🔗

Do you also want to interview interesting people and create quality content?
Join the Stonbassadors community, create content, develop the community, and receive monthly rewards from us. Perhaps soon, a speaker will be at your event.

Stay tuned.

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🗿 The Open League, Season 4!

⚡️ Stonfiers, welcome to the fourth season, which will run until June 26!

In this new season, you can expect both new and familiar farms with convenient reward distributions and additional tokens in each pool.

😎 New rewards have been added to existing farms; no need to transfer liquidity.

❓I want to participate! What should I do?
Provide liquidity and farm in the pools available in The Open League tab to earn rewards! Learn how to farm on STONfi in our guide.

🔥 STONfi is adding 4,000 STON (over $60,000 at the current rate) as rewards to all new farms.

ℹ️ Now these farms and rewards are available in The Open League tab:

✨ STON/TON: 14,594 TON + 4,500 STON (no lockup)
✨ WEB3/TON: 111,111 WEB3 + 14,594 TON + 500 STON (LP-token lockup — 14 days)
✨ FNZ/TON: 5,617,977 FNZ + 10,946 TON + 500 STON (no lockup)
✨ WALL/TON: 150,148 WALL + 14,594 TON + 500 STON (LP-token lockup — 14 days)
✨ COFE/TON: 132,827,256 COFE + 14,594 TON + 500 STON (LP-token lockup — 14 days)
✨ JETTON/TON: 39,447 JETTON + 14,594 TON + 500 STON (LP-token lockup — 14 days)
✨ DFC/TON: 46,295 DFC + 24,594 TON + 500 STON (LP-token lockup — 14 days)
✨ durev/TON: 319,148 durev + 6,567 TON + 500 STON (no lockup)
✨ LLAMA/TON: 485,436 LLAMA + 10,946 TON + 500 STON (LP-token lockup — 14 days)

🔗 Start the fourth farming season 🔗

Stay tuned.

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🗿 Gemsquads: Vote and Increase Farming Rewards

⚡️ Stonfiers! Introducing a new event, unlike anything we've had before! You can now use GEMSTON to support The Open League projects with trading pairs on and increase the farming reward pool for the next month.

❓ How does it work?
The trading pairs you vote for will share 10,000 STON (~$150,000) proportionally to the points they receive. After a month, these tokens will become the rewards in the respective farms.

❓ How will the rewards be distributed?
The top 10 trading pairs will share half of the pool (5,000 STON) proportionally to the GEMSTON they receive. The remaining 5,000 STON will also be divided among the top 10 pairs as follows:

1st place — 1,750 STON
2nd place — 1,000 STON
3rd place — 500 STON
4th place — 400 STON
5th place — 350 STON
6th place — 300 STON
7th place — 250 STON
8th place — 200 STON
9th place — 150 STON
10th place — 100 STON

❓ How to participate?

On the event page, select a liquidity pool, copy the address for vote collection, and send any amount of GEMSTON to it. The more tokens Stonfiers send, the larger the farming reward for the chosen farm. There is no limit to the number of farms you can vote for.

Vote for a Trading Pair 🔗

Voting will last until July 1, 00:00 UTC, and farming will start on July 2, 12:00 UTC.

⚠️ Note: Voting is conducted exclusively in GEMSTON. After the contest, the tokens at the specified addresses will be burned. Do not send any tokens other than GEMSTON.

You can acquire GEMSTON on the DEX or through staking STON.

Stay tuned.

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🗿 Twitter Space: Tomorrow

⚡️ Stonfiers, don't miss the meeting with esteemed representatives of the ecosystem and individual projects!

Tomorrow, we will discuss mechanisms for attracting users to DeFi and GameFi, touch on the future of the blockchain industry, and, as usual, share exciting news about projects and the entire ecosystem.

❓ Which projects will be at the meeting?

TON Foundation — the organization responsible for the development of TON Blockchain;
CoinFund — a major investment fund and our lead investor;
Tapswap — the creators of the popular clicker game with the native token TAP, which has attracted over 40 million users;
Catizen — the creators of the Play2Earn game about cats, which has gathered more than 10 million users;
Storm Trade — a decentralized protocol for futures trading, available on Telegram.

Our CBDO Martin will represent DEX.

📅 When?
Tomorrow, June 12th at 13:00 UTC.

📌 Where?
On Twitter Space, an online space for voice communication and conferences. Anyone can listen to the presentations and ask questions!

🔗 Join the Twitter Space meeting 🔗

Stay tuned.

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🗿 Weekly Round-Up

1️⃣ Notcoin is available on STONfi. Meet the most discussed token of this spring on our DEX! Trade NOT, and provide liquidity under special conditions! We have also opened 2 farms with NOT — NOT/TON and NOT/USDt.

2️⃣ A million Stonfiers! The number of unique users on STONfi has surpassed 1,000,000 over the entire period of the project's existence. Congratulations to all of us on this new record!

3️⃣ Outsmart scammers! We reminded you of the basic security rules in DeFi and listed all official STONfi resources. Keep this text handy if you are new to the world of decentralized finance.

4️⃣ Time to Exchange jUSDT for USDt. Soon, TON Foundation will add additional liquidity to the jUSDT/USDt pool on STONfi. Read about the changes that will affect jUSDT transfers between the TON and Ethereum networks.

5️⃣ Check out the new blog post about the flourishing of Web3. Learn about the growing popularity of the idea in different countries, the development of the NFT and gaming industries, and the changes in overall TVL in recent years.

📊 APR in active farms:

🔥 WALL/TON — 450%
🔥 JDOGE/TON — 278%

👉 More farms on

📊 DEX Statistics:

🔥 Weekly trading volume: 31,2M TON ($224 M)
🔥 TVL: 37.2M TON ($267M)
🔥 Our liquidity providers earned about 62,400 TON ($448,000) this week

Stay tuned!

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🗿 Time to Exchange jUSDT for USDt

Stonfiers! The popularity of USDt is growing. Therefore, now is the best time to transfer your assets from jUSDT (wrapped version) to USDt.

Transferring jUSDT from TON Network to Ethereum on is now fee-free, and jUSDT transfers from the Ethereum network to TON Network will be closed on June 10 at 12:00 UTC.

Moreover, TON Foundation will soon add additional liquidity to the jUSDT/USDt pool on

Swap jUSDT to USDt 🔗

ℹ️ The liquidity pool on will continue to exist until the last jUSDT holder. Your funds are completely safe.

Stay tuned.

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🗿 Simple Safety Rules

Stonfiers! Large-scale projects with a big audience inevitably attract scammers.
Our chat moderators respond instantly to troublemakers. Nonetheless, it's useful for everyone to know the basic safety rules in DeFi.

Here are the most important points

1️⃣ Never. Ever. Share. Your wallet’s seed phrase. Remember: if someone asks for your seed phrase, they are scammers. Only your wallet address is needed for any transactions — it’s safe to share.
ℹ️ The seed phrase is the 24 words you receive when creating a wallet. You’ll need it to recover your wallet after deleting the app or if you start using another app as your wallet. No other cases!

2️⃣ Do not click on suspicious links you see in your wallet and do not connect your wallet to unknown services. For example, scammers may leave a link with an offer to earn money in the transaction comments. It’s 100% a scam.

3️⃣ Do not respond to direct messages from supposed "STONfi support staff." team never initiate contact first. Report everyone who claims to be a moderator/security staff and tries to scam you.

4️⃣ Check tokens by the contract address. Sometimes a fake token may have a name very similar to a popular asset's. To verify the token’s authenticity, compare the official contract address provided by the developers with the contract address of the community asset.

5️⃣ Airdrops and any rewards from never require wallet connection or clicking on links. Do not fall for scammers' tricks.

6️⃣ Always check the website address. The official STONfi address is:
Be cautious: scammers might use similar-looking characters. A good practice is to check the website name letter by letter.

👀 Use only official resources:

🗿 DEX:
🗿 STONfi mini-app on Telegram: @ston_fi
🗿 Website:
🗿 Bot:
🗿 Support bot: @STONfi_support_bot

In any unclear situation, contact the chat or tech support @STONfi_support_bot. We will definitely help you.

Stay safe and tuned.

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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.