
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Help fw ini moots, back ke @yieon aja

@ fekix dan repost
On the beautiful day when the music with Sour-filled music is playing a beautiful melody. Here we announce @Fekix based on Felix finally up for sale with the offer system.

@Fekix @Fekix
@Fekix @Fekix
@Fekix @Fekix

𑁍. Replacement of letters.
𑁍. Suitable for personal use or investment.
𑁍. Start offer 8 Sept until 10 Sept at 19.00 WIB
𑁍. Start offer from 12k, kb 2k. Free Jumpbid!
𑁍. For serious buyer only
𑁍. Payment avail DANA.
𑁍. Offer at @Fekix comment section or https://t.me/joinchat/Bm4x4OtwH0s3NDE1 ( tele x ).
𑁍. Contact person @yieon

—. Suported by @DiJastip

offer @ fekix?
  •   yay
  •   nay
14 ta ovoz


📝 Hai moots, drop id kalian + ch gallery ya thanks.

👤 @G30024 + @Zeitha

👤 @asteeroids + @hyewonkxang 🌿

👤 @.xjejy + @oFarah

👤 @xshizusumi + @jeaalous

👤 @chodyeonjun + @Ewternally

👤 @aeruuchinaga + @wearabluejeans

👤 @pertentangann + @bsayik

👤 @gyygee @biibimbab

👤 @mingdju @blacklilst

👤 @taehyungc + @ablution

👤 @wontawan + @lanteern

👤 t.me/mingyuSKZ x @SouthEastz

👤 @YouDayeod @Lumierze

👤 @siyecnlee + @prettylles

👥 14 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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