Telegram X APKs & Build Info

Kanal geosi va tili: Butun dunyo, Inglizcha

Official automatic service messages published during the Telegram X build process.
APKs that are published here are the original files uploaded to Google Play.
Send APK's checksum to verify: @tgx_bot
Source code:

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Kanal geosi va tili
Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri beta is assembling…

Changes from 1730: 7bc96dbf...767c34a7

refreshInfo: finished in 41ms
restorePullRequestsList: finished in 1ms
assembleUniversal: finished in 1m 54.2s
verifyUniversal: finished in 334ms
> 8f6c81e96c92257d370cd664d2af8be82e301d726523ffe3b436e2e2c57a7c45
uploadUniversal: finished in 13.5s
publishTelegramInternal: in progress…
assembleArm64: pending
verifyArm64: pending
uploadArm64: pending
assembleArm32: pending
verifyArm32: pending
uploadArm32: pending
assembleX64: pending
verifyX64: pending
uploadX64: pending
assembleX86: pending
verifyX86: pending
uploadX86: pending
publishTelegramBeta: pending
prepareForPublishing: pending
publishGooglePlayBeta: pending
createTag: pending
publishGithubBeta: pending
cleanupTags: pending

Finishing in ~25 minutes 16 seconds

Just in case you got stuck in progress after entering the phone number in Telegram X — please try again, the issue was resolved about an hour ago, and everything should work properly now.

Logging in was broken on the server side, and issue started appearing on 28 June approx. at 16:00 UTC, and was fixed on 30 June approx. at 11:20 UTC.

This wasn't caused by any change in the Telegram X as an app, and all versions should work properly now.

Big thanks to everyone brough the issue up in @tgandroidtests — your feedback, and recorded logs helped fixing the issue.

Note that this isn't related to any basic account issues, such as phone number suspensions. The only way to get your phone number unbanned is stable released.

Changes from 1717: 11cd548e...7bc96dbf

An update is live on all distribution platforms.

You can install APKs directly: arm64, arm32, x64, x86.

Read more:

This sticker should work fine now on all devices. Thank you for help with testing.

This version also includes couple other changes and fixed related to folders and tabs.

Unless new critical issues are found, this version will be rolled out to stable for all users. beta released.

Changes from 1728: e8b44961...82e1d6f4

Google Play beta will be available after passing the review process.
You can install APKs without waiting: arm64, arm32, x64, x86.

Finished in 35 minutes 12.8 seconds

For those who'd like to check it out even before the build finishes:

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

This version is a release candidate, meaning it is planned to be released to production with only few fixes.

If there's any chance you got an access to an old Android device, for example, with Android 4.1 (remember Telegram X still supports API Level 16 and higher), could you confirm that video stickers, such as the one below, work properly and doesn't cause your app to crash?

Thank you. beta is assembling…

Changes from 1727: 4a34f1eb...e8b44961

refreshInfo: finished in 47ms
restorePullRequestsList: finished in 2ms
assembleUniversal: finished in 8m 12.7s
verifyUniversal: finished in 316ms
> fa881c360a05c3d9827c7fd46b286d17930dc52f5f2f17285938fdbfc2ac2d70
uploadUniversal: finished in 1m 36.5s
publishTelegramInternal: finished in 56ms
assembleArm64: finished in 5m 40.4s
verifyArm64: finished in 214ms
> dcb6061b1272ce3f149feb264ef17b65f1ba51ccee999b76e5929a9c497fa6b3
uploadArm64: finished in 1m 23.7s
assembleArm32: finished in 3m 1.4s
verifyArm32: finished in 217ms
> 98acc395a6ccefa112627334cd0a273a21561c883bca2bd700a95a73c37d05e6
uploadArm32: finished in 1m 51.9s
assembleX64: in progress…
verifyX64: pending
uploadX64: pending
assembleX86: pending
verifyX86: pending
uploadX86: pending
publishTelegramBeta: pending
prepareForPublishing: pending
publishGooglePlayBeta: pending
createTag: pending
publishGithubBeta: pending
cleanupTags: pending

Finishing in ~41 minutes 11 seconds

Commit: 62f81788, 09/06/2024, 10:45 UTC

Changes from 1725: 6665d022...62f81788

#x86 #beta #apk (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256)

15 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

51 833

Kanal statistikasi