The 2 a.m. podcast

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

Your favorite sunday-morning-in-bed joint. ☀️🎧

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

What’s your favorite episode? 🙃
  •   Moving out
  •   How this happened (Mini episode)
  •   Self help…or yelp!?!
  •   Life as an introvert
  •   A recipe for confusion (guilty pleasures)
  •   We love to dream
  •   Dolla dolla bills
55 ta ovoz

Y’all remember when these plastic flats were in style and trendy?? 💀💀💀

Leave us a review on teraki app 😇

Todays episode includes things such as yellow shoes, መርካቶ ያለው አሳ ቤት and equb. Guess the topic ?




You know when you’re exhausted, and you’re in the taxi seat by the window completely zoned out thinking about what you would be doing if life gave you the luxury of time?

On this episode, we talk about what we would do!

Enjoy 🥂

As always, @thisisbipolar is appreciated 🙌🏾


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
New episode at 2 a.m!! 🥳

Hey guys,

what screams productivity more than Modany? Hoping y'all are in your little corner of the world doing what you gotta do, I'm gonna drop you a link to a podcast for you to binge this week.

It is about how people navigate life when encountered with a big change, and how they adapt. And yes, people share their stories.

Spotify -

Apple Podcast -

Happy Monday!

ተራኪ | Teraki App dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
2️⃣🎙| The 2 a.m ፖድካስት
በያዝነው ሳምንት በተለቀቀው የ ‘The 2 a.m ፖድካስት’ ክፍል ኤልሻዳይ እና ናርዶስ ስለ ጥፋኝነት የደስታ ስሜት አሪፍ ቆይታ አድርገዋል።

ሁሉንም የ‘The 2 a.m ፖድካስት’ ክፍሎች ተራኪ ላይ ያድምጡ!
Google Play | App Store

#the2ampodcast #podcast

Do you have any other guilty pleasures we are missing?

Those of you who eat in shapes thank you for existing. Shady in your face!!!!!!!!
Am high-fiving everyone.

Here is a list of 50 guilty pleasures. When ever you find a guilty pleasure that you have, you get 1 point.

Comment your score below!

Do you eat/bite your sandwiches into a shape? 👀 (The question is discussed in the episode)
  •   Oh yeah foshoo
  •   I have never tried
51 ta ovoz

You know when you are about to do something, and you’re like — should I go down this road?…..and the answer is yes? Well, today we’re talking about exactly that. Guilty pleasures.

Enjoy 🥂

As always, we appreciate @thisisbipolar 🙌🏾


The answer: Weg wegun 😌

#MeliktePaulos won the prize!🤗

Thank you all for your answers!!

Ladies & gents we present to you a very unusual question with a rewarding prize 😇

Question: What was this podcast going to be named initially?

(Hint lies within one of our episodes 👀)

Prize: A 50 birr card🙃 to the person who gets it right first

DM us your answers via @the2ampod

SEREN mag dan repost
SEREN MAG issue 3 .pdf

Hey y’all! Check out @Serenmag ‘s third issue where we shared our favorite podcasts 😇😄

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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