"The story of the Trojan" 🐴
Part 3:
Dr D'Angour is currently undertaking a two-year project to recover the sounds of Greek music and to work out what significance these sounds have for some of the most famous poems from Ancient Greece.
'Imagine a situation in which all we had of five centuries of Western opera were the libretti, and only a few fragments of the music,' he explains. 'Such a situation is, more or less, that of students who engage with the poetry of classical Greece, which covers around five centuries from 800 to 300 BC.
'The poets who composed the Iliad and Odyssey, the love poems of archaic Lesbos, the victory odes of the early fifth century BC, and the choral passages of Greek tragedy and comedy — all composed the words to be sung and accompanied by musical instruments.
"The story of the Trojan" 🐴
Part 3:
Dr D'Angour is currently undertaking a two-year project to recover the sounds of Greek music and to work out what significance these sounds have for some of the most famous poems from Ancient Greece.
'Imagine a situation in which all we had of five centuries of Western opera were the libretti, and only a few fragments of the music,' he explains. 'Such a situation is, more or less, that of students who engage with the poetry of classical Greece, which covers around five centuries from 800 to 300 BC.
'The poets who composed the Iliad and Odyssey, the love poems of archaic Lesbos, the victory odes of the early fifth century BC, and the choral passages of Greek tragedy and comedy — all composed the words to be sung and accompanied by musical instruments.