The Daily Decade

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The Daily Decade Traditional Rosary & Reflection Podcast, seeking to help guide Christians through the clownish hellscape of modernity.

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S2e28 "Fear Not". Today's Daily Decade is on the appearance of Angels and why they say "fear not" - and what we can learn from the humility of those who show fear before the messengers of God.

It has come to my attention that this file was corrupted. This is the full episode.

S2e27 On Distraction. Today's Daily Decade is on avoiding distractions from our religious life, especially in an increasingly political world. Remember there is no political solution to our primary struggle, our spiritual struggle against the forces of the Devil.

Senator Ron Paul has apparently had a medical emergency on his webcast. It has all the appearance of a stroke, and there is a high degree of probability that he is no longer among the living. We are encouraging every one who follows, listens to, and prays with the Daily Decade to lend Ron Paul the help of your rosary. He was, if not a dedicated public Christian, certainly an upright, honest, and decent man who did much to hold back the tide of the enemies of God in American politics. He deserves all the aid prayer can provide as he prepares for particular judgement.

Liberalism is not merely "a sin" as the famous tract of Fr. Sarda wrote in the 1890s. It is an ideology of Sin itself. Modern Satanism and Liberalism are indistinguishable because they are the same thing, value the same things, and array themselves against the same thing. St. Augustine expended tremendous energies combating Pelagius because he saw in the Pelagian heresy the very core of the Devil's own rebellion against God and God's Order. Liberalism and Satanism both teach, and have taught since the time of Hobbes, that man is his own saviour, and can, through sufficient effort, overcome all the faults he perceives in the world, through the enthronement of personal liberty in the place of Christ. Tolerance, Liberty, Equality, and the Brotherhood of man are not merely not core Christian values, they are Satanic in origin because they inevitably lead to the total usurpation of God's ordained hierarchy and law, and likewise because they distract with a false sense of justice men who desire righteousness.

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This is the Huffington Post, whose political leanings are well known. We should not regard this article with hysteria, but rather ask "what is actually going on here, what is the Devil actually trying to achieve?" Reading the article, it becomes clearer, as we'll explain in the next post.

Since we "talked a little treason" in today's reflection, this might make a good follow-up piece, albeit a bit dense. Catholic Integralism is not alone - there are reflexions of it to be found in the political Orthodox community (which takes a lot of cues from political Catholics) as well as in (largely) Protestant Dominionism.

It all boils down to questions of authority and the neighbour/enemy distinctions at the heart of Christian living. "He who careth not for his own... is worse than an infidel".

We as Christians have to choose how we will engage with the political order, and the degree to which we legitimize it. The American Bishops, Catholic and Orthodox alike, have shown they are largely prepared to completely legitimize the secular order. There are some outliers (like Bp. Strickland), but by and large both the Coronavirus panic and the race riots have been legitimized by the silence or endorsement of most ecclesiastical leaders in the English-speaking world. How do we deal with this? By considering the neighbour/enemy distinction.

S2e26 Who Are My Brothers? Today's Daily Decade deals with our communities, the friend/enemy distinction, and how it influences our prayer and almsgiving.

The Daily Decade returns! S2e25 On Crises. Today's Daily Decade confronts personal and general crises and why, if we want to be true humans, we need such tests and struggles from God to make us better men and better Christians.

Rebellion and Apostasy are the chief works of Satan: St. Irenaeus tells us that the very name "Satan" means "apostate". Who is an apostate? One who arrogates authority to himself to determine (not to discern) good from evil, right from wrong, with no reference to his rightful authorities or his forefathers. Thus does Mary crush the head of all apostates and rebels against God and God's order.

"Because the serpent had struck Eve with his claw, the foot of Mary bruised him." St. Ephrem the Syrian

S2e24 On Peasant Faith. Today's Daily Decade is on having the Faith of our peasant forefathers and being a serf of God.

S2e23 On Prayer When Prayer is Difficult. Today's Daily Decade is how to pray when you don't want to pray, and what benefits it brings to a healthy soul.

S2e22 On Mysticism and why we must see the mystic in small things if we ever hope to grasp at the depths of mystical experience we find among the great saints and mystics.

A word on our cover image: the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary after the original wonderworking image of Quito, Ecuador. (This is unrelated to another devotion from Quito, Our Lady of Good Success).

S2e22 - Daily Decade Special, readings from St. Louis de Montfort's work on the Rosary, St. Alphonsus de Ligouri's Little Rosary of the Seven Dolours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, followed by our customary, albeit brief, reflection.

S2e21 The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary, and how her example of patience and endurance should inspire us as Christians.

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