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The Presence – Dr Robin Kelly
Are patients being listened to? What does primary healthcare look like in the eyes of Dr Robin Kelly in New Zealand? When does a patient become a guest? What happens when you fuse traditional Eastern medicine with traditional Western medicine? Why is presence the most precious gift of all?

Watch here:

UNN dan repost
If the Israelis planted bombs in Hezbollah communications pagers that is a different story.

However, if they have blown these up by overloading the batteries it means they could do this to you and any person on the planet with a mobile phone.

Think about that.

770 0 16 19 24

UK Column dan repost
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Did you know the Holocaust is the only historic event that's compulsory in the UK history curriculum? Charles Malet discussed this and the potential implications of the Holocaust Memorial Bill on UK Column News.

823 0 11 10 18

Petals Pea dan repost
Credits for the optogenetics patents:

Thoughts reading, Optogenetics, IoBNT, “1984” by George Orwell vs Today

@brasstackss?si=f2mkA1K_Hnhpu_o3' rel='nofollow'>

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UK Column News - 18th September 2024

Mike Robinson, Charles Malet and Vanessa Beeley with today's UK Column News.

00:21 Israeli Pager Massacre in Lebanon: Hezbollah Strikes and Explosive Revelations
15:57 Pushing for a Global ‘Clean’ Power Alliance—David Lammy's Vision?
21:58 Huw Edwards Avoids Prison; Two-Tier Keir’s Legal System
31:15 UK Column On Location: Bristol Event—October 2024 (Limited Tickets Available)
35:24 Assisted Dying: Could It Lead to Legalising State Murder?
43:19 The Information War: Australia’s Crackdown and RT’s Global Shutout
48:36 Jewish Chronicle Accused of Fabricating Gaza and Hamas Stories: Resignations and Fallout
53:04 US Congress’ Countering Chinese Drones Act
54:48 British National Parks: Shifting Control from Private Owners to Corporate Interests
59:04 Connected Britain 2024: Sir Chris Bryant on the Future of the UK’s Digital Infrastructure

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From Agrarianism to Transhumanism: The Long March to Dystopia

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain: a shift towards a ‘one world agriculture’ based on genetically engineered seeds, laboratory created products that resemble food, ‘precision’ and ‘data-driven’ agriculture and farming without farmers.

Petals Pea dan repost
Human Body Digital Twin: A Master Plan

[Submitted on 18 Jul 2023 (v1), last revised 12 Sep 2023 (this version, v2)]

A human body digital twin (DT) is a virtual representation of an individual's physiological state, created using real-time data from sensors and medical test devices, with the purpose of simulating, predicting, and optimizing health outcomes through advanced analytics and simulations. The human body DT has the potential to revolutionize healthcare and wellness, but its responsible and effective implementation requires consideration of multiple intertwined engineering aspects. This perspective article presents a comprehensive overview of the current status and future prospects of the human body DT and proposes a five-level roadmap to guide its development, from the sensing components, in the form of wearable devices, to the data collection, analysis, and decision-making systems. The article also highlights the necessary support, security, cost, and ethical considerations that must be addressed in order to ensure responsible and effective implementation of the human body DT. The article provides a framework for guiding development and offers a unique perspective on the future of the human body DT, facilitating new interdisciplinary research and innovative solutions in this rapidly evolving field.

Human Body Digital Twin, Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Sensors.


Petals Pea dan repost
Networking Architecture and Key Supporting Technologies for Human Digital Twin in Personalized Healthcare: A Comprehensive Survey

Digital twin (DT), refers to a promising technique to digitally and accurately represent actual physical entities. One typical advantage of DT is that it can be used to not only virtually replicate a system's detailed operations but also analyze the current condition, predict future behaviour, and refine the control optimization. Although DT has been widely implemented in various fields, such as smart manufacturing and transportation, its conventional paradigm is limited to embody non-living entities, e.g., robots and vehicles. When adopted in human-centric systems, a novel concept, called human digital twin (HDT) has thus been proposed. Particularly, HDT allows in silico representation of individual human body with the ability to dynamically reflect molecular status, physiological status, emotional and psychological status, as well as lifestyle evolutions. These prompt the expected application of HDT in personalized healthcare (PH), which can facilitate remote monitoring, diagnosis, prescription, surgery and rehabilitation. However, despite the large potential, HDT faces substantial research challenges in different aspects, and becomes an increasingly popular topic recently. In this survey, with a specific focus on the networking architecture and key technologies for HDT in PH applications, we first discuss the differences between HDT and conventional DTs, followed by the universal framework and essential functions of HDT. We then analyze its design requirements and challenges in PH applications. After that, we provide an overview of the networking architecture of HDT, including data acquisition layer, data communication layer, computation layer, data management layer and data analysis and decision making layer. Besides reviewing the key technologies for implementing such networking architecture in detail, we conclude this survey by presenting future research directions of HDT.


WE ARE THE 99% CHANNEL dan repost
In order for people to buy into creating Eurasia, they first need to make Russia the victim being bullied.

Just like they created wars between Europe to create a united EU, so they also created wars between Nations to create a United Nations.

Leading people in a thesis-antithesis to synthesis.

Leading people in an anit-Russia anti-West to One World. But first the stepping stone called: Eurasia.

What do you think the money is for?

Charles Malet × Unbound Today dan repost
UK Column has had a presence on Substack for some time so, if you do use it, subscribing will keep you abreast of new content as it appears:

"We should also recognise that dissidents of all political persuasions are finding themselves on the receiving end of the same tactics: political abuse, corporate media defamation, and increasingly police intimidation, arrest and imprisonment. It should not be hard for us to work out who the enemy is, no matter which part of the political spectrum we might occupy right now."


UNN dan repost
Paedophile Alex Williams was not jailed either for sharing sick images with Huw Edwards.

Williams was arrested then they found his messages with Edwards.

When the Police went to Edwards they couldn't find any record on his phone.

It begs the question was Edwards tipped off?


(2020) Ian F Akildiz IEEE:

A Review on the Development of Tunable Graphene Nanoantennas for Terahertz Optoelectronic and Plasmonic Applications

The interest in graphene plasmonic devices is driven by the different applications they have empowered, such as ultrafast nanodevices, photodetection, 👉 energy harvesting, biosensing, biomedical imaging and high-speed terahertz communications.

In this article, the aim is to provide a detailed review of the essential explanation behind #graphene nanoantennas experimental proofs for the developments of graphene-based plasmonics antennas...

💎 Is Graphene a Crystal?
  •   yes
  •   no
  •   don't know
212 ta ovoz

Cutting Through The Matrix [unofficial] dan repost

"The base man, in psychopathy for instance, the base man, the base psychopath is the one whose an habitual criminal who ends up seeing something in a window, I want it now, and he smashes the window, grabs it and ends up gets caught, he's in a prison and so on. But the real intelligent psychopath is up, he gravitates up towards the top on leadership positions where the power is where he can really fill his pockets much better, and get away with it, as opposed to getting caught by police outside a jewelry store. 

These psychopaths are the ones who go into business, and really fly up through and become CEOs because they're ruthless. They're very pleasantly ruthless, that's the charm that the psychopath can have. They're like an alien creature to look at them really and how they operate. They've always been a puzzlement to psychiatry. Mind you a lot of things are puzzlement to psychiatry in this day and age because they changed their laws and everything some years ago for political reasons. [..]

Psychopaths at the lower levels don't learn by mistakes. They'll do the same things over and over again. The higher psychopaths learn to an extent what to avoid. They might want to still do the same things, but they'll try and avoid them if possible, or find ways to get around them and still get what they want.  But they have a great ability for manipulation of other people. They get other people to do all their work for them for instance. And they'll do it gladly, the people around psychopaths often worship them. It's just astonishing. They praise them like a God in fact, they're like gurus. But they're highly dangerous too. If you listen to a psychopath in a higher position of the CEO of some big corporation, when he's not at work for instance, or she, you can get some women too that are just as psychopathic. But they can come out with amazing statements of honesty from their point of view, because they have no reason to hide it at that particular moment.  And they often love to boast about things too, is another trait that they have. 
They can be very blunt about things. Such as, oh yeah, there's just too many people, you know, they're quite open about it, and they should just be eliminated and yada, yada, ya.  Well, the same people, remember, are the people who gravitate up to the World Economic Forum. They have their special clubs there.  I've mentioned before the Lucky Gene Club that some of the well-known people belonged to. It's got other names too naturally. " – Alan Watt, source. May 10, 2020

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Petals Pea dan repost
A roadmap for the development of human body digital twins

Published: 29 February 2024


A digital twin (DT) of the human body is a virtual representation of an individual’s physiological state, created using real-time data from sensors and medical devices, with the purpose of simulating, predicting and optimizing health outcomes through advanced analysis and modelling. Human body DTs have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and wellness, but their responsible and effective implementation requires consideration of multiple intertwined engineering aspects. This Perspective presents an overview of the status and prospects of the human body DT and proposes a five-level roadmap to guide its development, from the sensing components, in the form of wearable devices, to the data collection, analysis and decision-making systems. The support, security, cost and ethical considerations that must be addressed are also highlighted. Finally, we provide a framework for the development and a perspective on the future of the human body DT, to aid interdisciplinary research and solutions for this evolving field.

Key points
• Human body digital twins (DTs) can be modelled following a five-level approach.
• Wearable sensor technologies and algorithms are needed to capture human data and build the DTs.
• Support, security, cost and ethics must be considered to ensure responsible and effective implementation of the human body DTs.
• Limitations and prospects of human body DTs are related to the need for efficient computational architectures, and their effective integration in clinical settings for personalized diagnostics and treatments.


Going digital is a deliberate move from the banks. This aligns with the CBDC currency they want to instate.

Around 55 more high street branches will close across the country over the next year, including Halifax, Lloyds and Bank of Scotland sites

Over the last few years, a total of 128 Lloyds branches, 119 Halifax branches, and 45 Bank of Scotland have closed or are set to, reports the Mirror. Banks say the closures have been driven by a rapid increase in online and mobile banking and a rapid decline in the use of physical branches.


Citigroup plans to wind down UK retail bank as part of strategic refresh

UK Column dan repost
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UK Column News - 16th September 2024

Brian Gerrish, Ben Rubin and Prof. Diane Rasmussen McAdie with today's UK Column News.

00:27 Warmongers: Western Weapons Are Good, Eastern Weapons Are Bad—Got It?
17:46 UN's Global Agenda: (Un)Sustainable Development Goals, Summit of the Future, and Sustainable Global Influence
33:36 Amnesty International Responds to Ben Rubin over Ricky Jones’ Inciting Remarks
41:28 UK Column On Location: Bristol Event—October 2024 (Limited Tickets Available)
45:15 At Least £3 Billion British Taxpayers’ Money to Ukraine Annually: “As Long As It Takes”
48:12 Build Back Better Plans for Ukraine—Who Are the Deep State Actors Actually Running the Show?
1:00:11 Do We Have Freedom of Speech? Examining Legislation and Academic Freedom

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